WARNING: Take a backup of your preferences before importing a new one so you can safely restore them if you need (File > Export... then select General > Preferences); Download RainbowDrops.epf (right click on the link and select Save link as...) and import it with Eclipse built-in Preferences Import (go to File > Import... then select General > Preferences) Of course, you can use your own syntax coloring scheme if you like or import one with Eclipse Color Theme plugin. Detailed information and troubleshooting:

Some of the color combinations and tonal choices are quite poor out of the box. I know your trying to match other skins from other products out their, but much of this is too complex. Three stars, finally had to scrap it.

Perhaps, if you implemented simple version option that would be good for use beginners.

Dark Juno Eclipse Theme Download

Download File 🔥 https://ssurll.com/2yGby5 🔥

Love it but took a while to fix color conflicts and to find a system theme which wasn't generally ugly yet allowed reading button labels in Eclipse. Still have one where I can't highlight some dialog text (like the find/replace dialog) making changes in selections problematic. I can highlight dialog text using the GTK theme.


First off I love this plugin so much I'm using it every day on a Centos 6.6 machine. I have noticed though that it does cause some slowness when swicthing between editors in eclipse. I have the Kepler release and have installed the plugin from the eclipse market place so I have version of teh Moonrise UI Theme plugin.

If I open 10 files in the Java Editor and hit ctrl-F6 to cycle through them there is a noticeable delay in switching file (2-3 secs) that does not occur if I use the Default Theme. Any ideas on what might be causing that or any avenues to explorer as to what might be casuing it?

Bummer, the screenshots look awesome. Unfortunately, this theme doesn't seem to handle C (Eclipse CDT) very well. Function calls and variable assignments are black-on-dark-grey and it just doesn't work. Activating this theme also makes other Eclipse themed elements a little funky, but I get the impression that Eclipse's UI as a whole suffers from this -- it's not the fault of this theme.

The drop-down (File Edit Source etc.) bar and the scroll bars are still grey after installing the UI. Is there anyway to manually darken them?

Other than that, beautiful UI.

Well done and thanks!

Please tell me how to uninstall. I upgraded from Kepler to Luna and now my colors are all messed up I can't read 50% of everything. I feel like I've restored defaults on all the preferences and still, can't see my code.

I install other color theme plugin first,

then I install moonrise,restart eclipse, it will lock eclipse window,the mouse event have no response

Maybe moonrise have confilict with color theme ,and make endless loop

How to fix the issue?

Backup your preferences before importing Eclipse preferences RainbowDrops.epf file, because otherwise there is no quick return.

You can use Eclipse Color Theme Plugin -color-theme to manage color themes in Editors.

Changes in window themes of something of the sort is causing the popup dialogs in Eclipse to have a very dark background. Then, since Eclipse uses hyperlinks in dialogs, I get blue on black, and it's basically unreadable. I tried changing themes in Ubuntu Tweak, but nothing seemed to affect the background color of that dialog. Can anyone help?

Eclipse can use GTK themes but it is an option, it's not obligatory.Go to Preferences, General->Appearence. Select "Classic" in Theme instead of GTK.Restart eclipse and you should be happy with the result.

A fork of this plugin has been donated and merged in the main Eclipse platform repository. Starting from Eclipse Luna, you'll find it preinstalled as the new default dark theme of Eclipse! 

 You can use this repository to get the latest development version.

Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts then change the colors for Java > Javadoc view background. Note that the foreground color cannot be changed and depends on system font color.

Currently this theme uses the CSS-SWT engine introduced in the 4.2 version of the Eclipse Platform and should provide a dark style for each GUI widget that can be handled with the last version of the Eclipse SDK. This plugin has been tested with the main Eclipse Development Tool packages on Linux distributions, Windows and OSX and with the following Eclipse releases:

It works best with a dark system theme since currently the look of some GUI widgets cannot be overriden directly in Eclipse. The more noticeable issues related to SWT are the ScrollBar widgets, the Table headers/lines and the arrows to fold/unfold contents that cannot be styled. As minor issues there are Button background color on Windows and OSX that cannot be customized (on Windows checkboxes/radio controls do not inherit font color) and some other little bugs related to the CSS engine that makes the customizations harder and unwieldy. Aside from that, the theme currently might not look perfect on each platform, but should be fully useable on all of them. The Eclipse CSS engine is still under improvement.

There are 85 projects in the Eclipse Photon simultaneous release, consisting of over 73 million lines of code. The Eclipse Project is an open source project with work done in subprojects working against Git repositories. It includes a JDT and PDE that are plug-in tools for the Eclipse Platform. Together, these three pieces form the Eclipse SDK download, a complete development environment for Eclipse-based tools.

The new release adds the ability to edit Rust and C# code in the IDE through Language Server Protocol (LSP) based plugins. This is Eclipse's way of adding editing support for popular and emerging programming languages.

said Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation. Over 50 Language Servers are now being maintained by the Eclipse Foundation. They are an abstraction of language-specific support out of the IDE into a separate process that can be used by any editor. The Language Servers communicate with the editors using The Language Server Protocol (LSP).

This technology means the Photon release can be used for building, debugging, running and packaging Rust applications with the full Eclipse IDE. C# developers get C# editing and debug capabilities, including syntax coloring, autocomplete suggestions, code diagnostics, and code navigation tools. The new version also has support for building Java 10 and Java EE 8 based applications without the need for any other software.

In addition to the extra language support, the new release has improvements to the Dark theme, with new options for text and background colors and other screen furniture. For example, the colors of links in code element information controls now take the color settings of the "Hyperlink text color" and the "Active hyperlink text color" from the "Colors & Fonts" preference page into account. The readability in the dark theme has been improved a lot by this.

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Download the Dark Juno theme at the link given below. It modifies the color of all views in Eclipse, and the toolbar has also become a dark theme.


After downloading this theme package, please unzip it to the dropins subdirectory of the Eclipse installation directory.


 Restart Eclipse, select the menu "Preference>"General"->"Appearance", and select the Dark Juno theme.


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