
Previous working papers and ungated versions of my published papers are available on Google Scholar and IDEAS RePEc. Feel free email me if you cannot access the published version of my papers.

Recent working papers and work in progress

1. Socio-Economic Disparities by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mexico (with E.A. Muñoz and M. Saavedra) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: IDB

2. Socio-Economic Disparities in Latin America among Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples (with E.A. Muñoz and M. Ysique) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: IDB, ASSA 2024

3. The Lives of Intersex People: Socio-Economic and Health Disparities in Mexico (with E.A. Muñoz and M. Saavedra)

Previous working papers and media coverage: IDB, IZA, IGC Blog (LinkedIn, Twitter), México ¿cómo vamos?, Animal Político, LinkedIn, Twitter

4. Disentangling the Drivers of Taste Discrimination Using List Experiments (with A. Listo and E.A. Muñoz) In Preparation

Published Peer-Reviewed Articles

24. Matching Patterns among Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples in Latin America, AEA Papers and Proceedings, (2024), 114: 279-283 (with E.A. Muñoz) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, IDB, LinkedIn, Twitter

23. Understanding Labor Market Discrimination Against Transgender People: Evidence from a Double List Experiment and a Survey, Management Science, (2024), Forthcoming (with B. Aksoy and C.S. Carpenter) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, NBER (Twitter), IZA, arXiv, Faculti, IGC blog, Standard Error (LinkedIn), University of Exeter (Twitter), RPI (Twitter), Twitter-1, Twitter-2

22. A Review of the Effects of Legal Access to Same-Sex Marriage, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, (2024), Forthcoming (with L. Badgett, C.S. Carpenter, and M.J. Lee)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, Twitter 

21. A Review of the Economics of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Journal of Economic Literature, (2024), Forthcoming (with L. Badgett, C.S. Carpenter, and M.J. Lee) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, Eco, Twitter

20. Commuting to Work and Gender Norms by Sexual Orientation, Labour Economics, (2023), 85: 102451 (with S. Oreffice)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, IZA, arXiv, Marginal Revolution, University of Exeter (Twitter, LinkedIn), Twitter-1, Twitter-2, LinkedIn

19. Knowledge About Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Protections on the Basis of Sexual Orientation, AEA Papers and Proceedings, (2023), 113: 541-545 (with B. Aksoy and C.S. Carpenter)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, IGC blog (LinkedIn-1, LinkedIn-2), University of Exeter (Twitter), Twitter-1, Twitter-2 

18. The Impact of Sodomy Law Repeals on Crime, Journal of Population Economics, (2023), 36: 2519–2548 (with R. Ciacci) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, arXiv, Cato Institute, Nada Es Gratis (Twitter-1, Twitter-2), University of Exeter (Twitter), Twitter-1, Twitter-2

17. Using Machine Learning to Create an Early Warning System for Welfare Recipients, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, (2023), 85(5): 959-992 (with A. Zhu) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, IZA, arXiv, Austaxpolicy (Twitter), IZA Newsroom (Twitter), University of Exeter (Twitter),, IDSAI, Twitter-1, Twitter-2

16. Transportation to Work by Sexual Orientation, PLoS ONE, (2022), 17(12): e0263687  (with S. Oreffice)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, IZA, arXiv, INFORMS DEI, AAAS - EurekAlert,, University of Exeter (Twitter), Twitter-1, Twitter-2, Twitter-3

15. Effects of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Mandate on Health Insurance Coverage for Individuals in Same-Sex Couples, Demography, (2021), 58(5): 1897-1929  (with C.S. Carpenter, G. Gonzales, and T. McKay)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, NBER, IZA, arXiv, Twitter-1, Twitter-2, Twitter-3

14. Cigarette Taxes and Smoking Among Sexual Minority Adults, Journal of Health Economics, (2021), 79: 102492 (with C.S. Carpenter) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, NBER (Twitter), IZA, Twitter

13. LGBTQ Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, (2021), 35(2): 141-170 (with L. Badgett and C.S. Carpenter)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, AEA Research Highlights, International Economic Festival-1, International Economic Festival-2, Development Impact Blog, Twitter-1, Twitter-2

12. Turing's Children: Representation of Sexual Minorities in STEM, PLoS ONE, (2020), 15(11): e0241596 (with C.S. Carpenter) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, AAAS Annual Meeting (Panel discussion), Top 100 2020 Altmetric, The Guardian (Twitter), Forbes, The Scientist, Times Higher Education, The Herald, The Swaddle, Yahoo, AAAS - EurekAlert, Vanderbilt University, University of Exeter, Cromosomax, GenomeWeb, Telegraph & Argus, Isle of Wight County Press, Hillingdon & Uxbridge Times, The Standard, The Argus, The Gazette, The Press, Open Access Government, Neg.Zone, 7thSpace, Protothema, Amenzing, arXiv, Twitter-1, Twitter-2

11. Pink Work: Same-Sex Marriage, Employment and Discrimination, Journal of Public Economics, (2019), 180: 104086 

Previous working papers and media coverage: The Economist (Twitter-1, Twitter-2), LSE Business Review, Development Impact Blog, RES Media Briefings, NEP, InGenere, CeRP, SSRN, ResearchGate, arXiv, RePec, Twitter-1, Twitter-2 

10. LGBT Students: New Evidence on Demographics and Educational Outcomes, Economics of Education Review, (2019), 73: 101933 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Twitter-1, Twitter-2 

9. Predicting Entrepreneurial Success is Hard: Evidence from a Business Plan Competition in Nigeria, Journal of Development Economics, (2019), 141: 102369 (with D. McKenzie)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Exeter Open Access, World Bank, Development Impact Blog, Twitter-1, Twitter-2

8. Household Preferences for Socially Responsible Investments, Journal of Banking & Finance, (2019), 105: 107-120 (with M.C. Rossi, A. van Soest, C. Torricelli)

Previous working papers and media coverage: InGenere, Netspar, CeRP

7. Beyond Early Warning Indicators: High School Dropout and Machine Learning, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, (2019), 81(2): 456-485

Previous working papers and media coverage: Stata, Twitter

6. Leaving, Staying or Coming Back? Migration Decisions During the Northern Mali Conflict, Journal of Development Studies, (2019), 55(10): 2089-2105 (with J. Hoogeveen and M.C. Rossi)

Previous working papers and media coverage: WB Research Digest, World Bank, CeRP 

5. Teacher Characteristics, Student Beliefs and the Gender Gap in STEM fields, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, (2019), 41(2): 127-144 

Previous working papers and media coverage: InGenere, CeRP

4. Four Bright Coins Shining at Me: Financial Education in Childhood, Financial Confidence in Adulthood, Journal of Consumer Affairs, (2019), 53(2): 630-651 (with E. Fornero and M.C. Rossi) 

Previous working papers and media coverage: CeRP

3. Precautionary Savings and the Self-Employed, Small Business Economics, (2018), 51(1): 105-127 (with M.C. Rossi)

Previous working papers and media coverage: Netspar

2. Why Does Teacher Gender Matter?, Economics of Education Review, (2017), 61: 9-18 

Previous working papers and media coverage: Development Impact Blog, CGD Blog

1. Do Women Prefer Pink? The Effect of a Gender Stereotypical Stock Portfolio on Investing Decisions, Politica Economica – Journal of Economic Policy, (2015), 3: 377-420 (with H. Prast, M.C. Rossi, C. Torricelli)

Previous working papers and media coverage: InGenere

Chapters in Books

1. Hoogeveen J., Rossi M. C., Sansone D. (2019), Drivers of Performance. In: J. Hoogeveen and M.C. Rossi (eds), Transforming Education Outcomes in Africa: Learning from Togo, Palgrave Pivot, Cham

Previous working papers and media coverage: CeRP