Dario Sansone
Current positions:
Senior Lecturer (tenured Assistant Professor) at the University of Exeter
IZA Research Affiliate
Primary fields: Applied Microeconomics
Secondary fields: Labor Economics, Development Economics
Research interests: LGBTQ+, Gender, Education, Machine Learning
About me: I am a Senior Lecturer (tenured Assistant Professor) in the Department of Economics at the University of Exeter in the UK. I am also a Research Affiliate at IZA and a Fellow of the Global Labor Organization - GLO. I help manage the European Committee for LGBTQ+ Economists, I am a committee member of the Steering Group for the Royal Economic Society Diversity & Inclusion Network, and a member of the European Economic Association Standing Committee on Minorities in Economics. I received my undergraduate and master degrees in Economics from the University of Turin in Italy, and my Ph.D. in Economics from Georgetown University in the US. I then worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar at Vanderbilt University in the US. Previously, I worked as a consultant and a researcher for several institutions, including the Development Research Group (DEC) and the Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) at the World Bank, the Gender and Diversity Division at the Inter-American Development Bank, CeRP - Collegio Carlo Alberto, and LISER. I am an applied microeconomist with interests in LGBTQ issues, Machine Learning, Gender, and Education.
My research has appeared in leading economic journals, including the Journal of Economic Literature, the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Management Science, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Development Economics, the Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the Journal of Banking & Finance, the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, and the Economics of Education Review. In addition, I presented my research at international conferences such as the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, the Society of Labor Economists, the Royal Economic Society, the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, and the Centre for the Study of African Economies, as well as in academic seminars at universities around the world. My research has received mainstream media coverage from, among the others, The Economist, The Guardian, Financial Times, and Forbes.
As an instructor, I taught several introductory economic courses for undergraduates at the University of Exeter and Georgetown University, as well as a math course for incoming Ph.D. students at Georgetown University. I also taught a course at a summer school on Gender Economics for the International Labour Organization.
Highlighted research (view additional publications here):
Understanding Labor Market Discrimination Against Transgender People: Evidence from a Double List Experiment and a Survey, Management Science, (2024), Forthcoming (with B. Aksoy and C.S. Carpenter)
A Review of the Economics of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Journal of Economic Literature, (2024), 62(3): 948-994 (with L. Badgett, C.S. Carpenter, and M.J. Lee)
A Review of the Effects of Legal Access to Same-Sex Marriage, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, (2024), Forthcoming (with L. Badgett, C.S. Carpenter, and M.J. Lee)
LGBTQ Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, (2021), 35(2): 141-170 (with L. Badgett and C.S. Carpenter)
Pink Work: Same-Sex Marriage, Employment and Discrimination, Journal of Public Economics, (2019), 180: 104086