
3 String Arpeggio No.I - Breakdown

Melody notes will ONLY be played on String 1 with LH

We will fret 3-2-0-2, 3-2-0-2, etc. in a loop

Our RH will play Strings 3-2-1-2, 3-2-1-2, etc.

Ex: String 3 on beat 1, String 2 on beat 2, String 1 on beat 3, String 2 on beat 4

This SOUNDS complicated, but when we play it, it’s NOT BAD!

3 String Arpeggio No. I - Playthrough

IF YOU GET LOST! Then, WAIT, and come in on BEAT 1/3rd String!

Melody is not the most important! Your hands will get stronger!


Use your THUMB or a PICK, it is best to do this with BOTH!

3 String Arpeggio No. I - Variation I

RH continues playing THE SAME STRING PATTERN!

Fingerpicking using RH finger labels - These labels NEVER CHANGE

P = Thumb, I = Index, M = Middle, A = Ring

P on beat 1, I - on beat 2, M on beat 3, I on beat 4 … REPEAT!

If you get lost, then wait for DOWNBEAT/Beat 1 - It is your thumb!

Once Upon a Time in Mexico Pt. I

Focus on sequential movement of RH fingers

Confirm proper placement of RH fingers to according string

P - plays strings 6 & 5, I - plays 3rd string, M - plays 2nd string, A - plays 1st string

Play slow and play RHYTHMICALLY! (1 string per beat)

Once Upon a Time in Mexico Pt. II

Incorporate RH technique from Pt. I

Apply LH fingers sequentially (one-by-one) as needed

Then, plant 1st finger to develop string spacing

Then, plant 2nd finger

When comfortable, leave both fingers down for LH chord

Minimize movement for chord changes by keeping fingers close when playing Em

Then, plant fingers for Am and repeat