Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

Research Associate Professor Institute for Rock Magnetism, January 2021- present.

Professional Preparation

Staff Scientist Institute for Rock Magnetism, December 2012- January 2021.

Post-doctoral researcher Instituto de Geociências, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2012. Project title (own project): Correction of the Itararé Group (Paraná Basin) paleopole based on magnetic anisotropy: Implications for the apparent polar wander of Gondwana and Pangea reconstructions. Co-investigator: Prof. Maria Irene Bartolomeu Raposo.

Post-doctoral researcher Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, 2009- 2011. Project title (co-written project): Understanding magnetic remanence acquisition in sediments through a combined experimental and numerical approach. Co-investigators: Prof. Stuart Gilder, from Ludwig Maximilians University, and Prof. Josef Jezek, from Charles University, Prague.

Doctor of Philosophy, January 2009 from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, K. P. Kodama, advisor. Thesis title: A New Technique for Measuring the Magnetic Fabric of Hematite- Bearing Sedimentary Rocks, hf-AIR: Inclination Correction Case Studies for Carboniferous red beds from the Maritime Provinces of Canada.

Short Course, February 2002 from the Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Bayreuth, Germany: ‘High-Pressure Experimental Techniques and Applications to the Earth’s Interior’.

Master of Science in Geology cum laude, May 2002 from the Universita’ di Roma Tre, Roma, Italy, Prof. R. Funiciello, advisor; C. Faccenna and F. Rossetti, co-advisors; Prof. D. Cosentino, Chief Examiner. Thesis title: Structural evolution of the southern sector of the Coastal Range (northern Calabria, Italy). Structural aspects, P-T paths and tectonic implications.

Bachelor of Science in Geology, single honours, May 1999 from University of Southampton, UK. Prof. R. Nesbitt, senior advisor. Senior honors project: Mapping and Report of a sector of the south-eastern Spanish Pyrenees, Gosòl, Spain.

Honors and Awards

2008: Selected for a Visiting Fellowship at Institute for Rock Magnetism at the University of Minneapolis, MN.

2007: P. B. Mayers Jr. Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award recipient from the Lehigh Earth and Environmental Science Department.

2007: Lehigh University, College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Fellowship; Lehigh University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Kravis Fellowship.

2006: American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Paper Award (Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism) recipient for the 2006 AGU Fall Meeting.


2002- 2004: Teaching support for the English language laboratory in the Geology Department of the Universita’ di Roma Tre.

2003: Mapper for the CARG (Cartografia Geologica ‘Geological Cartography’) project of the Guidonia and San Vittorino CTR’s (Carta Tecnica RegionaleRegional Technical Map’: scale 1:10,000; 27 Km2).

Synergistic Activities

Session Convener and Chair for the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2021, New Orleans, USA and Online.

Member of the University of Minnesota Earth and Environmental Sciences Department Equity and Diversity committee, March 2019- present.

Member of the University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering Diversity Equity and Inclusivity Alliance Lead Team, February 2019 to September 2020.

Instructor for a module on magnetic anisotropy, 17th Castle Meeting pre-Conference Workshop, 2020, Trakoscan, Croatia. Cancelled.

Session Convener and Chair for the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.

Conference Organizer for the 11th Santa Fe Conference on Rock Magnetism, 2019, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Instructor for the 2018 Summer School on Rock Magnetism, Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota.

Conference Organizer for the Santa-Utrecht Conference on Rock Magnetism, 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Session Convener and Chair for the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA.

External Advisory Board member for New Mexico Highlands University PREM program, November 2016.

Editor of The IRM Quarterly newsletter from January 2013 to present.

Instructor for the 2015 Summer School on Rock Magnetism, Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota.

Session Convener and Chair for the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA.

Conference Organizer for the 10th Santa Fe Conference on Rock Magnetism, 2014, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Session Convener and Chair for the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA.

Instructor for the 2013 Summer School on Rock Magnetism, Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota.

Session Convener and Chair for the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2010, San Francisco, USA.

Session Chair for the American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting 2006, Baltimore, USA.