Journal Articles

International Macroeconomics

The macroeconomic effects of global supply chain reorientation, International Journal of Central Banking 20(2): 151-192 (with V. Valenta and D. Smith). 

Fiscal multipliers and foreign holdings of public debt, The Review of Economic Studies 89: 1155-1204, 2022 (with F. Broner, A. Erce and A. Martin).

Sovereign bond market spillovers from crisis-time developments in Greece, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 78: 101558, 2022 (with C. Gabriele and D. Zigraiova).

Economic sentiments and international risk sharing, International Economics 169: 208-229, 2022 (with L. Ricci).

U.S. corporate income tax rate cuts: Spillovers to the Irish economy, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 48: 102-141, 2019. 

Countercyclical capital rules for small open economies, Journal of Macroeconomics 54: 332-351, 2017 (with R. Merola).

Government expenditure composition and fiscal policy spillovers in small open economies within a monetary union, Journal of Macroeconomics 48: 305-326, 2016 (with P. Jacquinot and M. Lozej).

EIREMod: A DSGE model for Ireland, Economic and Social Review 47: 1-31, 2016 (with R. Merola).

Output gap estimation uncertainty: Extracting the TFP cycle using an aggregated PMI series, Economic and Social Review 44: 1-18, 2013 

Agricultural and Environmental Economics

Disinvestment, farm size and gradual farm exit: The impact of subsidy decoupling in a European context, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95: 1068-1087, 2013 (with A. Kazukauskas, C. Newman and J. Sauer).

A stochastic analysis of the decision to produce biomass crops in Ireland, Biomass and Bioenergy 46: 353-365, 2012 (with J. Breen, F. Thorne and M. Wallace)

The influence of a Renewable Energy Feed in Tariff on the decision to produce biomass crops in Ireland, Energy Policy 41: 412-421, 2012 (with J. Breen, F. Thorne and M. Wallace)

Examining the socio-economic factors affecting the willingness to adopt bioenergy crops, International Journal of Farm Management 5: 1-16, 2011 (with J. Breen, B. Moran, F. Thorne and M. Wallace)

Irish land use change and the decision to afforest: An economic analysis, Irish Forestry 67: 6-20, 2010 (with J. Breen, M. Ryan and M. Wallace)

A discounted cash flow analysis of the financial returns from biomass crops in Ireland, Journal of Farm Management 13: 595-611, 2009 (with J. Breen, A.M. Butler, F. Thorne and M. Wallace)

Book Chapters

The location economics of biomass production for electricity generation, Modelling the Local Economy: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach 159-175, Springer-Verlag., 2013 (with J. Breen, K. Morrissey, C. O'Donoghue and F. Thorne).

Working Papers

Liquidity and tail-risk interdependencies in the euro area sovereign bond market,  European Stability Mechanism Working Paper 41 (with P.G. Dunne and P. Filiani)


Housing market activity and consumption: Macro and micro evidence, Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper 13/RT/14 (with M. Cussen and R. Lydon)