Call for papers

4th International Worshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies in Explainable AI

October 19, 2024

An ECAI 2024 Workshop

We invite submissions of the latest research results concerning applications and theory of explanations, ontology and knowledge graphs to the Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies (DAO-XAI 2024) an event associated with the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024).

Important dates

In addition to regular paper submissions, we will also consider the option of accepting papers rejected from the main conference. Potential authors will be invited to submit their papers and the reviews by 11 July 2024, and a final decision will be made by 18 July 2024.


Topics include, but are not limited to:


The workshop invites three types of submissions:

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on originality, significance, relevance and technical quality. 

Manuscripts should be submitted via easychair at:

Manuscripts should be formatted using the single-column CEUR-ART Style (you can access the Overleaf template here, For more information see 

Accepted papers will be published in a proceedings volume in the IAOA Series of CEUR-WS (Scopus indexed).