Publications and Ongoing Work

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

[12]    Li, D. (2024). Critical Mass Conditions of Bureaucratic Behavioral Change in Representative Bureaucracy: A Theoretical Clarification and A Nonparametric Exploration. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, muae002,

[11]    Nicholson-Crotty, J., Nicholson-Crotty, S., & Li, D. (2023). Social Identity and Cooperative Behavior by Public Administrators. Administration & Society, 0(0).

[10]    Nicholson-Crotty, J., & Li, D. (2023). When Intragroup Conflict is A Good Thing: Team Diversity and Use of Force by Police. International Public Management Journal., 1-15.

[9]       Li, D. (2021). Spillover Effects of Minority Representation on Majority Bureaucrats’ Behavioral Change. Public Administration Review, 81(6), 1071-109.

[8]       Li, D., Nicholson-Crotty, S., & Nicholson-Crotty, J. (2021). Creating Guardians or Warriors? Examining Effects of Non-Stress Training on Policing Outcomes. The American Review of Public Administration, 51(1), 3-16.

[7]       Nicholson-Crotty, S., Nicholson-Crotty, J., Li, D., & Christensen R. K. (2021). Exploring the Conditionality of Public Service Motivation: Evidence from a Priming Experiment. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 1-15.

[6]       Nicholson-Crotty, S., Nicholson-Crotty, J., Li, D., & Mughan, S. (2021). Race, Representation and Asset Forfeiture. International Public Management Journal, 24(1), 47-66.

[5]       Mughan, S., Li, D., & Nicholson-Crotty, S. (2020). When Policing Pays: Costs and Benefits for Elected versus Appointed Administrators Engaged in Asset Forfeiture. The American Review of Public Administration, 50(3), 297-314.

[4]       Li, D., Richards, M. R., & Wing, C. (2019). Economic downturns and nurse attachment to federal employment. Health economics, 28(6), 808-814.

[3]       Nicholson-Crotty, J., Nicholson-Crotty, S., & Li, D. (2019). Recruit Screening, Representation, and the Moral Hazard Problem in Policing. Public Performance & Management Review, 42(2), 483-503.

[2]       Jing, Y., & Li, D. (2018). Private roles in enhancing multi-level governance: China's “Internet+” national strategy. Public Policy and Administration, 34(2), 144-164.

[1]       Jing, Y., Cui, Y., & Li, D. (2015). The politics of performance measurement in China. Policy and Society, 34(1): 49-61. 

Works in Progress:

[1]       Li, D., & McCrea, A.M. Identity and Intersectionality in Public Administration: A Layered and Integrated Framework. (R&R at Perspectives on Public Management and Governance)

[2]       Li, D. Intersectional and Dyadic Identities in State-Citizen Encounters: A Test in Traffic Policing. (Under Review)

[3]       Li, D., & Li, H. Communication for Coproduction in Public Safety: Does the Messenger Matter? (Under Review)

[4]       Li, D., Nicholson-Crotty, S., Nicholson-Crotty, J., & Wright, J. Reform for All? A Critical Race Theory Approach to Administrative Reform. (Under Review)

[5] Li, D., Wright, J., & Khurana, S. From the Streets to Spreadsheets: Protest, Nonprofit Advocacy, Elections and Police Reform. (Under Review) 

[6]       Li, D., & Li, H. Symbolic Representation and State-Citizen Interaction: Moral Appeal as A New Mechanism.

[7]       Li, D., Liu, Y., & Xu, C. A Field Experiment on Local Elected Officials’ Responsiveness to Public Request for Police Accountability.

[8]       Li, D., & Kang, I. Communicator Attributes, Police Communication of Adverse Incidents and Public Perception.