Creative Danube. Connectivity - the key TO overcoming the shrinkage


Vidin & Calafat

30th June 2022-1st July 2022

The DANUrB+ Regional Conference, dedicated to the potential of the shrinking cities, will be held in Vidin and in Calafat on 30th June and 1st July 2022. The event is focused on the creative sectors and the connectivity as a key for overcoming the shrinking.

The Regional conference is devoted to present the findings of DANUrB+ activities developed within Bulgarian and Romanian Danube cities, and to discover new local values of peripheral situations in our region, with a particular focus on shrinking condition, abandoned lands, and twin-cities cross-border cooperation.

Conference Language is English!

Organized by: National Tourism Cluster "Bulgarian Guide"/Bulgaria, Municipality of Vidin/Bulgaria, National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism/Romania, New Bulgarian University/Bulgaria, Municipality of Calafat/Romania.