
Professional Biography

Lecturer in Applied Mathematics - The Open University

I am a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the Open University. After receiving an MMath from Manchester University in 2012, I obtained my PhD from the University of Leicester under the supervision of Alex Clark. I then undertook a 4 year position in Bielefeld University as a postdoctoral researcher and then lecturer as a member of the Aperiodic Order group of Michael Baake. I joined the Open University from there in May 2020.

I currently run the Open University Dynamical Systems Seminar - get in touch if you'd like to speak at the seminar.

I am one of the organisers of the Grimm Network for researchers in the UK interested in aperiodic order.

I previous organised the 2018 Model Set and Aperiodic Order Conference in Durham with Jamie Walton.

From 2018 to 2019, I co-organised Bielefeld's SYMBol series of seminars.

Research Interests

My research is focused on symbolic dynamics, as well as the topology, dynamics and spectral theory of aperiodic tilings and quasicrystals. Specific topics include:

I also have interests in general topological dynamics and algebraic topology as a whole. I have a particular fondness for the applications of algebraic topology to knot theory and braids and the emerging area of topological data analysis.

dan [dot] rust [at] open.ac.uk

Generated in Sage by Álvaro Bustos-Gajardo.

Images automatically generated by the program Grout . These graphs represent the Barge-Diamond complexes for two different substitutions on a four- and six-letter alphabet respectively. See this paper  for more details.