
Public policy and economics are core topics in my teaching and research. 


Principles of Economics

The Principles of Economics course provides the basic tenets, skills and ideas to advance in the study of economics.

Development Economics

I taught this class in the past. The course introduces students to the macro, meso and microeconomic theories explaining development. We provide special attention to theories and cases from the developing world.

Economics of Innovation

This course  studies the economic principles and vehicles that allow a society to promote innovation and capture its benefits efficiently. I designed this course for the Master in Science, Techology and Innovation Management at the Universidad de Antioquia (course's website). Read the course's final projects.

Economics of Knowledge

This course analyzes the economic propoerties of knowledge and the conduits and policies that societies may use to encourage it and benefit from its positive externalities. This class is designed for the Master of Knowledge and Innovation Management at Universidad Eafit. Read the course's final projects.