What's Happening...

So the ideas here is for a brief 'Blog' type update from time to time - it may be about work, personal adventures, ideas / thoughts to help others... maybe all the above!

13 April 2022 - Finally Happened

Well it has finally happened, with a slight pause in work and the right opportunity I have taken on a new business partner. I am pleased to introduce Cassie. She was a whole 5 months experience in causing mayhem, and will fit right in. She has an amazing temperament and is as more adorable than anyone else.

Yes, if you didn't guess, she is a 5 month old Labrador Puppy. Work this past month or so has been busy so came a nice opportunity to be able to spend some time on some training and get her happy and settled...

Work wise things are good, a busy summer is planned and work generally close to home and only away for a day or two at a time as well as making sure a little more time for R&R / weekends away around work.

1 March 2022 - Busy year dispite the challenges

Well 2021-2022 season is drawing to an end (be it a busy one this month) and I am once again glad to be able to sit here and type this confirming that although there has been a lot of differences this past year, when things re-opened last summer the industry was stretched, with previous colleagues moving to roles if different sectors for security and financial stability, this meant an influx of new people interested in the outdoors, schools more than ever recognising the benefits of outdoor education and yet a bottle neck on the number of staff available at times. There has certainly been some losses, namely some council run centres and smaller independent businesses, however in general things are very much now thriving once again.

First aid renewal was completed back in December, and finally a social trip to Scotland was once again possible last month. Hopefully this coming season I can now focus on the correct work life balance, ensure work is enjoyable and as with many in the industry, now more so than ever before, I can be very picky about what work I do, who I do it for. This is a fantastic feeling, and one to reflect upon as times move forwards and we can truely appreciate the outdoors for all its merits to both outdoor education and people mental health and wellbeing.

22 August 2021 - Busy Busy Busy!

Wow, well what a summer... It has been great to get back into the swing of things, however, most certainly was all at full throttle - with both work booked up and with MRT also having one of the busiest years in our recent history, it certainly has been keeping me on my toes. Oh did I mention I moved into the new house in April too!

The industry as a whole has been super busy and a huge increase in demand as well as others having found work in alternative industries meant that there was simply too much work on offer and it was turned away left right and centre. But also meant I could choose a little more prescriptively about who and where I wished to work.

Recently work has been greatly varied, running high ropes, bush craft and problem solving days, sessions running paddle sports as well as getting out caving and walking in the Dales along with Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions too.

20 March 2021 - Lights at the end of the tunnel?

Well another delayed update, and not much change in terms of work as of yet... However, the house move is nearly there and now discussions of completions are happening I am glad this can soon be over before summer and hopefully some more outdoor activities and work begins once again. Throughout the last few months I have undertaken all the additional training to start an additional job/role as a vaccinator with the NHS mass vaccination programme and further to this I have also currently stepped up within the mountain rescue team to acting as an assistant team leader - keeping busy is sometimes hard, but for myself, this is by far the easiest thing to ensure I am looking after my mental health as well as ensuring I still have an income through these somewhat uncertain times.

At last I am glad to see that bookings and requests of availability are starting to come in again now, a little light is shinning - although there is still a lot of uncertainty, no official dates from the Government regarding outdoor educational visits for schools, and the pandemic is not certainly not over yet, but I as well as many others are starting to see something as a glimmer of hope.

7 October 2020 - Not even sure what to say...

'What is happening?' seems a very apt title at the moment - since March and the lockdown meant closure of schools for the remainder of spring and summer terms, and since they returned they have been only allowed day-trips so no residential trips. This means 90% of the outdoor sector is currently without work and a very big hole in my 'usual' work.

I have also been in the position to fall in the gaps due to how I get paid for some work - so no government support self-employed grants or other schemes through the pandemic. Yet things are moving slowly, I am currently still working, doing some 1:1 outdoor education in Youth Social Care setting and have been since April and am very grateful to have found this opportunity. Based down in the Peaks, it is something different and very rewarding work too. So in short, I am not going bankrupt any time soon, yet it is not the planned busy season I had hoped for!

It has been nice to get out and about locally, yet living in the North West means we are under more localised lockdowns and much higher infection rates of Covid-19 at the moment so don't see the local situation improving too soon unfortunately. It is times like this I am really grateful to have the van to be able to get away from time to time.

Well, don't expect any fancy amazing updates any time too soon, but will try and keep things in the loop as things do develop in outdoor pursuits, or even if start looking for work in other sectors moving forwards. But hey, chin up, stay positive and keep smiling - still lots of nice places to go visit and things to do...

11 June 2020 - What a year!

Well in honesty, I didn't realise it had been so long since the last update, last summer saw me managing a summer camp for High adventure, a great experience, but proved to myself I want to be hands-on and delivering sessions not managing people at the moment.

Autumn saw me get a new van, and come January saw it going back to VW and needing a new engine (oil consumption issues!). got the van back ready and rearing for adventures and Covid-19 Lockdown came in 2 days later!

So here we are, June, No fancy trips up to Scotland in the van, work is up in the air and certainly fallen through some of the cracks with gov financial support at the moment too. However, not one to just sit about and adapted to new measures, have begun doing some work within the Youth Social Care sector (still Outdoor Ed) which is seeing me through and adding a wider and broader spectrum of experience and different situations through work.

Assisted on the Spine race earlier this year and as always Mountain Rescue still ticking through, along with other DIY projects at moment too... Stay safe and well and hopefully keep updated again soon.

15 March 2019 - Winter = Playtime! Oh and I acquired a Dog!

Well the truth be told, the title maybe a little misleading, just limited outdoors work, and plenty of time focusing on other areas too. And whilst I am here, working hard as always, I have a new companion for a few weeks with Lucy, my parents Lab who is staying with me (and malting everywhere!) for three weeks.

Early in Feb, a trip to Scotland was great, up in Torridon for a week with other leaders Ive met through Herts Scouts Mountaineering, and as much a conditions were limited at times, it was an amazing week. Since then I have been up in the Dales (for work) then over in the Lake district climbing, as well as more recently over to North Wales on a SRT course (Mod 3) with Mountain Rescue.

As much as it hasn't been the best winter, there has been many t-shirt climbing days in there, this has added to the continued difficulty in avalanche risks and awareness up in Scotland and unfortunately again this has been highlighted this season. The mountains can offer a beautiful environment, but the natural beauty only shadows their true power when you forget or decide to mitigate the possible warnings and dangers.

19 January 2019 - Sometimes you need to have the "play" time...

It is all a balance, working and earning money, but also, especially when you are working in an industry you love it is even more important to have the separation from work and play and ensure you have time to get out and do what you love.

In the last few weeks work has been great, but equally, having time off and being in the Lakes / Scotland over Christmas and the New Year, then since then getting out Caving, doing the Snowdon Horseshoe in near perfect conditions and seeing a fellow RPMRT member whilst on the Montane Spine Race (MRT Challenger) it has to be said I can feel the enjoyment thrive.

9 December 2018 - Winter is meant to be the quieter season... right?

So the winter months are now here, snow has been falling across Scotland, Wales and higher peaks in England as well as the yellow weather warnings of rain and wind becoming increasingly common. Yet for some reason, I feel as busy as I was over summer! This is most definitely a good thing, however with wanting to complete courses, ongoing CPD and arrange a trip or two to Scotland as well as MRT training and more this is all becoming a fine balance...

I spent a week at the end of November down on the south coast, completing the Rescue 3 - Rescue boat Operator course, as well as sitting on Swiftwater First Responder course. It was a great time working with some new people developing skills and enhancing knowledge.

But hey at least weekends are now taken up with climbing trips, heading over to the Lake District and generally getting out and about having fun!

17 November 2018 - Work, Fireworks, Scout Permit Assessments & Training with MRT

Well the clocks have changed and dark nights come in early, and yet still busy as ever!

This month I have been surprisingly busy working up in the Dales once again. Buckden has been busy and lots of ongoing changes, some great groups and plenty of time out around the local dales as well as out ghyll scrambling and caving throughout the region.

On top of all of this somehow found time to pop back down south for a week over the start if November to see family and help run the St Albans Fireworks display. Followed by a weekend in North Wales helping to run a scout permit assessment with Herts Scouts before finally organising some navigation training with the mountain rescue team both around base and up near Pendle Hill.

Have to say I am finally looking forwards to a couple of quieter weeks to finish off November and shorter weeks in December!

Bring on the Snow!

21 October 2018 - Rain Rain Rain! And now winter is coming!

Well it sure has been busy this last month ( not complaining) with lots going on both work-wise and with mountain rescue and scouting.

Mid-September spent a weekend of glorious sunshine sea kayaking on the south coast with Herts Scouts, as well as many an adventure out climbing whilst clinging onto every possible ounce of sunshine the summer has had to offer us.

However, after two mildly wet weekends (that's sarcasm - I've been saturated to the skin twice!) It is clear to see the summer sunshine has now passed, and with the weather in mind, within the week the forecast is for snow on the tops and temperatures plummeting to lows of around -5 next week!

Lots still planned (and being planned) over the next few months as well as looking to finally take a "holiday" aka playing in the outdoors somewhere more than 2hrs away! Looking forwards to another good winter season and hoping for some time in Scotland too.

7 September 2018 - Summer gone back to work!

Well it seems weird to say, but a great and notably quiet end to the summer season with two weeks in Scotland with St Albans District Scouts and then almost two weeks off! However, now September is here and schools are headed back - thus it is indeed back to a busy month or two before it quietens down once more.

This week comprised of three training days, sharing knowledge and different ideas / practice for venues used at the centre as well as a wonderful trip up a local hill with the intention of looking to develop this into a new possibility on programme with groups.

Over the weekend there is no rest for the wicked and shall be out leading some low-level walks around the Yorkshire 3 Peaks area. The summer weather from the previous post has well and truly gone and now too and the rain is here for us to test new waterproofs! At least I think that's why - right!?!?

20 July 2018 - Keeping Busy, Summer heatwave!

So working into the full flow of summer now. Today has been the first day off this month, but it sure has been worth it. A brilliant few weeks working with the start of NCS programmes, a nice mixture of primary groups as well as somehow finding time (and energy) to get out sea kayaking, climbing and more in the evenings.

The MRT training has also stepped up a notch and now an operational trainee as well as completing an update to First Aid Quals and furthering other skill sets.

That's near enough 6 weeks with only a shower or two of rain now - if only this summer weather could continue until September!

16 June 2018 - Summer season is go!

So in the blink of an eye it's two months later! I have travelled to Brightlingtonsea for a Powerboat course (RYA L2), over to the lakes and up Scafell, back down south and kayaking in Herts (as well as Brothers wedding!) and to top it all off plenty of ghyll scrambling and caving in the Yorkshire Dales too as well as ongoing MRT training. It is now enclosing on the summer "busy" period of NCS clients and a very full diary, with only very limited days off before August. Hope the spell of spectacular weather over the last 6 weeks may continue but after all this is the UK so am fully prepared ot now live in a 'monsoon' environment for the rest of the summer.

15 April 2018 - Easter Holidays in Scotland

Now returned from a week running a mountaineering course for Herts Scouts at Lochearnhead Scout Station, a real passion of mine up in Loch Lomond and Trossachs NP. It can only be described as a truly inspirational place, and is one that inspired me towards the path of my career in the outdoors when I first attended back in 2008/09. With a couple of play days in Glencoe beforehand and then 4 days out teaching basic mountaineering skills (including ice axe arrests due to the snow) culminating in a 3 day expedition. This was quite possibly one of the most challenging weeks I have instructed up at the Station, but also extremely rewarding to see the group develop over the week and show true signs of what scouting is all about!

25 March 2018 - From Snow to Spring

A great few weeks working for variety of new centres & businesses. Over this period the snow has caused a few alterations to programmed plans (& also my first assist with MRT callout.) Yet the snow is now finally starting to retreat even on the tops. Lambs appear to have come just in time for the fields to clear and can now be heard throughout the valleys. What a great start to the new season / year!

4 March 2018 - Scout Hillwalking Permit Assessment

Having just returned from a weekend in North Wales immediately bringing back fond memories that got me interested in the outdoor world - staying at Coetmor Mill a bunkhouse in Bethesda and exploring local hills and a drive down Ogwen Valley.

As for the assessment, after a week of somewhat wintery weather - the 'summer' conditions were somewhat found rather than heading anywhere over about 500m! However a very enjoyable couple of days covering navigations, as well as emergency rope techniques, route choices, risk assessments and discussing weather, first aid and much more.

Hopefully this facilitates many of these leaders being able to take out there groups to pass on the joy of being in the outdoors and the vast experiences it can bring.

25 Feb 2018 - Scotland with RPMRT Winter Skills

As part of training for RPMRT (Rossendale and Pendle Mountain Rescue Team) they put on a winter skills weekend up near Fort William on Aonach Mor. Oh and what a weekend it has been!

With my prior knowledge and skills when the usual provider of this course was unavailable it was between myself and the team leader, Pete, that the course was run. a great weekend with new friends passing on some valuable information and just the luck to have a few great views along the way. Walking in crampons, ice axe arrests, and then using a bollard and each member getting the chance to climb down over the edge near Easy gully to admire the considerable cornice built up around them.

Sunday we went over to the Ice Factor and spent a couple of hours going over basic ice climbing and giving everyone a chance to relax before the journey home.

02 Feb 2018 - Safety Cover at Pipe Bridge Build

Well it has been a slow few weeks but weeks I would have otherwise not been working so this was a very nice job to pick up in the 'off-season'. Providing safety cover to the builders of a new bridge for a sewerage pipe washed away 2 years ago. Its by no means a small task with limited access due to Grade 2 rapid under the bridge just downstream of a weir as well as mains power cables/pylons directly overhead. Been onsite for two weeks with limited progress (for us anyway) but crane finally lifted in first main section of bridge and should soon be actively watching crazy strong builders play with giant machano!

16 Jan 2018 - So what so far?

Well I officially left my full time job at a center over a year ago, with only a few contacts prior to this I am happy to have made many new contacts and found plenty of work so far. Yes for those who know me this means since I moved into my house in September there has been minimal work and income, and lots of DIY and 'play-time' which is always a good feeling. Now just need to make the time and meet the people to get out climbing, kayaking, and mountaineering more and more!

Again spent the New Year in Scotland at Lochearnhead with Herts Scouts leading on a winter mountaineering course and as much as it wasn't perfect, it was nice to have some decent weather over the new year too (winter weather anyway!)

So starting the new year I am also signed up and started training with Rossendale & Pendle Mountain Rescue Team (RPMRT) and have to say seems like a great group of new trainees and very excited to see what new adventures this may take me on.

Work is already booking in for summer, I have actually used some of my degree (again!) and developed a breakdown of availability through Excel. Always good to compare and see how things compare to previous years etc. I am also very excited to have a few jobs using my Winter ML too (was never a plan to worry about work this winter!)