Dan Kaplan

In September, I will be the Robert T. Seeley Visiting Assistant Professor at UMass Boston. 

I am a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics at the University of Hasselt working with Michel Van den Bergh

Previously, I was a postdoc at University of Birmingham with Tyler Kelly.  I completed my PhD at Imperial College London under the supervision of Travis Schedler

My research concerns noncommutative algebras arising in geometry and mirror symmetry.

Here is a copy of my CV.  Here is my University of Hasselt hosted webpage. The best way to reach me is by email at daniel.kaplan.73@gmail.com or daniel.kaplan@uhasselt.be.


Multiplicative preprojective algebras are 2-Calabi-Yau  (joint with Travis Schedler) in Algebra and Number Theory

Exceptional collections for mirrors of invertible polynomials (joint with David Favero and Tyler Kelly) in Mathematische Zeitschrift

Multiplicative preprojective algebras of Dynkin quivers Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra

A maximally-graded invertible cubic threefold that does not admit a full exceptional collection of line bundles (joint with David Favero and Tyler Kelly) Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 

Frobenius degenerations of preprojective algebras Journal of Noncommutative Geometry

Spectrum of the Laplacian on regular polyhedra  (joint with Evan Greif, Robert Strichartz, and Samuel Weise) Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis

An endless pursuit, a review of Netflix's film "A Trip to Infinity" (joint with Michael Kaplan) Nature Physics, Books & Arts

Here is my Google Scholar profile, my ORCID profile,  and my ResearchGate profile

All of my papers are available in preprint form on ArXiv, here

Feel free to email me with any questions or comments.