7. razred

ONLINE WEEK 5 - 14th April, 2020, Tuesday

Hello kids!

Here is a simple, but important task after your short but I hope enjoyable holiday:


  2. Write your story in your notebook (some 100 words).

(This is important and you're going to need it for next time.)

ONLINE WEEK 5 - 16th April, 2020, Thursday

Hello girls and boys!

Ovo je zadaci za petak, za 7.b:

  1. Otvoriti udžbenik na stranici 60.

  2. Otvoriti radnu na stranici 57.

  3. Pogledati i poslušati VIDEO - A HAPPY ENDING.

  4. Riješiti zadatak C u udžbeniku na 60.stranici.

  5. Riješiti zadatak G u udžbeniku na 57. stranici.

Učenici čija prezimena počinju na A, B, C i D šalju zadaće u moj inbox i snimaju se kako čitaju G zadatak iz radne i šalju na moj viber broj 091 1636544.

Thank you!

ONLINE WEEK 5 - 17th April 2020, Friday

Ovo je zadatak za subotu, za 7.a i 7.b:

Hello girls and boys!

Nakon što smo vidjeli kako je završila Sarahina avantura (remember: there are worse people in the world than your classmates 😊)

vraćamo se vašoj priči iz djetinjstva.

Zadaci su:

  1. Odslušati i odgledati video E- PORTFOLIO (učitelj Stiven kaže da to vama ne bi trebao biti problem napraviti 😊).

Možda će biti dovoljno samo da kliknete na video, a možda ćete ga morati preuzeti - ona strelica prema dolje koja je gore desno na ekranu.

  1. Pokušati izraditi prvi slajd u svojoj prezentaciji. Ne moraš nigdje ništa spremati jer se sprema automatski, a svoju prezentaciju uvijek možeš pronaći tako da u google utipkaš google slides ili ju pak potražiš na svom google disku. Bitno je da imaš gmail i da na kompjuteru budeš prijavljen na svoj gmail.

Učenici 7.a šalju na mail adresu 7aengleski@gmail.com

Učenici 7.b šalju na mail adresu 7bengleski@gmail.com

Učenici 7. d šalju na mail adresu 7dengleski@gmail.com

Sve je objašnjeno u videu, ako ima pitanja, javite se u inbox. Good luck!

Molim vas da taj slajd pokušate napraviti do sljedećeg petka, 24.travnja, ali najbolje čim prije!

WEEK 6 - 20th April 2020, Monday


This is your first English lesson this week.

I think it's very simple and I hope you'll think so too.

  1. Watch and listen to the VIDEO S / O QUESTIONS.

  2. Do your homework: book, page 61, task D.

Učenici čija prezimena počinju na F, G i H šalju sliku zadaće u moj inbox.

Thank you!

WEEK 6 - 21st April 2020, Tuesday

Hello everyone!

This is your second English lesson this week.

Današnji video bit će malo duži. Sorry about that.😒

Ali će zato zadatak za zadaću biti vrlo lagan!

  1. Open you notebook and write down the title of the lesson: PAST CONTINUOUS

  2. Watch the VIDEO - PAST CONTINUOUS and copy the whiteboard plan (što ja pišem na videu, pišete i vi u bilježnice).

  3. Zadatak za zadaću je provesti ovu rečenicu kroz niječni i upitne oblike, te dati moguće kratke odgovore kako sam objasnila u videu:

+ She was riding her skateboard.


yes-no ?...............................................................

wh-?.................................................................... (answer: Her skateboard.)

possible short answers........................................

Sliku zadaće u moj inbox šalju učenici s prezimenima na I, J, K, L i M.

Thank you!

WEEK 6 - 23th April 2020, Thursday

Hello children!

This is this week's third English lesson.

I know you're not very excited about grammar, but I'm doing my best to make it easier for you.

  1. Listen and watch to THE PAST CONTINUOUS SONG.

  2. Open you notebook.

  3. Watch the video I WAS GOING TO SCHOOL - PART 1 and write down the whiteboard plan in your notebooks. Naslov je SCHOOLWORK.

  4. Take a short break (if you need one 😊)

  5. Open you book on page 68. Look at the picture.

  6. Open your workbook on page 62.

  7. Play the I WAS GOING TO SCHOOL - PART 2.

  8. Do homework: workbook, page 63, task G and type it on a slide in your presentation (your e-portfolio).

Ne radiš novu prezentaciju, nego samo ubaciš novi slajd.

Ako imaš s tim poteškoće, javi mi se u inbox.

WEEK 7 - 27th April 2020, Monday

Hi everyone!

Ovo je vaš 1. sat engleskog ovaj tjedan (7.a i 7.b - ponedjeljak, 7.d - utorak).

Here is what you should do:

  1. Otvoriti radnu bilježnicu na stranici 64.

  2. Poslušati i pogledati video PAST CONTINUOUS - ZADACI IZ RADNE.

  3. Write your homework.

Pupils with last names starting with N, P, R and S send homework to my inbox. Thank you!

Ovo je zadatak za 7.a za utorak (28th April, 2020):

  1. Listen again to THE PAST CONTINUOUS SONG.

  2. U bilježnicu izdvoji glagole u glagolskom vremenu Past Continuous.


Zatim ispisuješ glagole jedan ispod drugog.

Na kraju odabereš jednu rečenicu iz pjesme koju ćeš provesti kroz niječni i upitne oblike na sljedeći način:


Odgovor na wh-pitanje (what, who...) odabireš sam.

  1. Zadaću šalju učenici s prezimenom na Š, T, V i Z. Thank you!

WEEK 7 - 30th April 2020., Thursday

Hello everybody!

Ovo su zadaci za sve 7. razrede za četvrtak.

  1. Open your book on page 72.

  2. Open your workbook on page 66.

  3. Prepare your notebook. The title is Schoolwork. And you can write today's date.

  4. Watch and listen to this video: GOSSIP - OGOVARANJE

  5. Copy the sentences from TASK E and TASK G in your notebook.

  6. Do the exercises from the workbook.

  7. Make a new slide in your e-portfolio and write the 6 sentences for homework.

Napiši naslov na slide: Past Continuous vs. Past Simple.

Thank you!

WEEK 8 - 4th May 2020, Monday

Hello girls and boys!

This is your first English lesson this week.

  1. Open you book on page 74.

  2. Open your notebook.

  3. Listen and watch the video COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES.

  4. Do your homework in your notebooks. Nadopuni tablicu.

Zadaće šalju učenici s prezimenima na B, C, G. Thank you!

WEEK 8 - 5th May 2020, Tuesday

Hello children!

This is your second English lesson this week.

Your tasks are the following:

  1. Answer these questions about stories: QUIZ TIME - COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES.

U ovom kvizu nema bodova, rješavamo ga da bismo se podsjetili na komparaciju pridjeva, ali bilježim vaše sudjelovanje.

  1. Open your workbooks on page 68. Watch COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES - ZADACI and do tasks A and B.

  2. Open your book on page 75. Task F - choose 8 questions and write full sentences on a new slide in your e-portfolio. The title on the slide is COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES - SUPERLATIVE.

Thank you!


This is your 3rd English lesson this week.

We're starting a new theme - STORIES.

Your today's activities are:

1.Copy the whiteboard plan KING MIDAS, ANTS AND THE GRASSHOPPER in your notebooks.

2. Open your book on page 76 and read TWO stories: King Midas and The ants and the Grasshopper.

3. Watch the video KING MIDAS and answer these questions:

  • Which warning does Dionysus give to King Midas before giving him the golden touch?

  • Who is the outlaw in the story, who is stealing his gold?

  • What does King Midas learn when he gets his daughter back and his life goes back to normal? This is also the message of the story.

Copy the sentences and write the answers in your notebooks.

Zadaću šalju svi učenici 7.b razreda.

Thank you.

WEEK 9 (11th May - 15th May 2020)

Hello everyone!

This is your 1st English lesson this week.

This is your today's TO DO LIST:

  1. The second story you read last time was about a grasshopper who likes enjoying life and the ants who plan ahead and provide themselves with what they need for "rainy days".

Watch the video THE ANTS AND THE GRASSHOPPER and answer: How is the cartoon different from the story in your books?

  1. Then copy the whiteboard plan: LEPRECHAUNS, THE VANISHING HITCHHIKER.

  2. Open your book on page 76 and read the stories about Leprechauns and The Vanishing Hitchhiker.

  3. Watch this video: THE VANISHING HITCHHIKER and answer the questions in your notebook:

  • Who is a hitchhiker? Explain.

  • What did the girl leave in the car?

  • What is she?


Odgovore na pitanja iz bilježnice šalje 7.d. Thank you!

WEEK 9 (11th May - 15th May 2020)

Hello everyone!

This is your second English lesson this week.

You should:

  1. Listen, read and watch THE LEPRECHAUN STORY and answer the three questions in your notebook.

  • What does a Leprechaun do, what's his "job", his occupation?

  • Where does he keep his golden coins?

  • Where did he hide his gold? Which natural phenomenon is magic in the Irish folk tradition?

  1. Choose one of the four stories:

  • King Midas

  • The ants and the grasshopper

  • Leprechauns

  • The vanishing hitchhiker

Draw four things from the story in your notebook and write how they are connected to the story.

Example from another story: LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD

WEEK 9 (11th May - 15th May 2020)

Hello children!

This is your 3rd English lesson this week.

  1. Open your book on page 77.

  2. Open your notebook.

  3. Write the title:

RELATIVE PRONOUNS (who, which, that)

WHO - for people (This is the boy WHO has a yellow bike.)

WHICH - for animals and things (This is the dog WHICH barks all night. / This is the pencil case WHICH I bought.)

THAT - for people, animals and things (This is the boy THAT has a yellow bike. / This is the dog THAT barks all night. / This is the pencil case THAT I bought.)

  1. Copy the yellow Remember box in your notebooks.

  2. Do task D in your notebook.

  3. Homework: workbook, page 70, tasks B and C.

Class 7 a please send your homework. Thank you.

WEEK 10 (18th May - 22nd May 2020)

Hello girls and boys!

This is your first English lesson this week. In this lesson you are going to practice writing.

  1. Watch and listen to the video MY FAVOURITE STORY.

  2. Think about your favourite story.

  3. Write your favourite story.

Podsjećam da se svaki zadatak u tekućem tjednu treba izvršiti do petka navečer. Znači da bi svoju najdražu priču trebali napisati i staviti na slajd do 22. svibnja navečer.

Savjetujem prvo napisati u bilježnicu, a zatim pretipkati. Thank you!

WEEK 10 (18th May - 22nd May 2020)

Hello girls and boys!

This is your 2nd English lesson for this week.

Here are your tasks:

  1. Open your workbook on page 74 and revise Unit 4: do tasks D, E, F and G.

  2. Copy the WHITEBOARD PLAN - THIS WEEK AT SCHOOL in your notebook.

  3. Open your book on page 84.

  4. Look at picture B a) - kako je izgledala Brianova škola prije nego što su je učenici, učitelji i roditelji uredili. Pronađi neke detalje na kojima bi trebalo poraditi.

  5. Look at picture B b) - učenici, učitelji i roditelji su sredili školu! Što su sve popravili i uljepšali?

Nadopuni cijele rečenice ispod sličice B b) u bilježnicu.

  1. Task C - U školskom časopisu Buzz izašao je i članak o tome kako je škola sređena i tko je sve sudjelovao - read the article in the magazine.

Match names and sentences in your notebook.

  1. Homework: dosada nismo obraćali pažnju na 3. kolonu na popisu napravilnih glagola na stranici 162, ali odsad ćemo se služiti i tim oblikom nepravilnih glagola.

Open your book on pages 162 i 163 and finish the list of Irregular verbs in your workbook, page 77, task D.

Zadaće šalje 7.b. Thank you!

WEEK 10 (18th May - 22nd May 2020)

Good morning girls and boys!

This is your 3rd English lesson this week.

Please do the following:

  1. Open your notebook.

  2. Watch the VIDEO: PRESENT PERFECT - 1. SAT. Prepiši gradivo u bilježnicu tako da pauziraš snimku.

  3. Kako je objašnjeno u videu, nadopuniti 3 rečenice za domaću zadaću. Šalje 7.a. Thank you!

WEEK 11 (25th May - 29th May 2020)

This is your 1st English lesson this week.

Hello everyone!

Your tasks for today are:

  1. Open your book on page 86.

  2. Do task F in your notebooks: copy and finish the list of irregular verbs.

  3. Do task G in your notebooks: copy and finish the list of verbs. Obrati pažnju na to da su neki pravilni, a neki nepravilni.

  4. Watch and listen to the VIDEO - PRESENT PERFECT: TRANSFORMATIONS.

  5. Do your homework. Provedi rečenice u Present Perfectu kroz niječni i upitni oblik kako je objašnjeno u videu.

Zadaće pišu svi, a šalje 7.d. Thank you!

WEEK 11 (25th May - 29th May 2020)


This is your 2nd English lesson this week.

Your tasks are:

  1. Open your workbook on page 76 and 77.

  2. Do tasks B, C, E and F (D je trebalo riješiti već prije, ako još nisi, svakako to učini).

Ako nisi siguran kako treba riješiti zadatke, pročitaj si u bilježnici što smo napisali za Present Perfect ili si pogledaj i pažljivo poslušaj VIDEO: PRESENT PERFECT - 1. SAT i VIDEO - PRESENT PERFECT: TRANSFORMATIONS (i jedan i drugi plan ploče s ovih videa već bi trebao biti u tvojoj bilježnici, a ako još nisu, svakako ih prepiši).

  1. Snimku zadataka E i F na stranici 77 šalje 7.b. Thank you!

WEEK 11 (25th May - 29th May 2020)

Hi everyone!

This is your 3rd English lesson this week.

Još uvijek se bavimo glagolskim vremenom PRESENT PERFECT.

Odmah da napomenem da sam u videu krivo rekla koji razred šalje zadaću: ne 7.b nego 7.d. Ali trebate ju napisati svi jer ću uskoro provjeriti koliko ste razumijeli zadnjih nekoliko lekcija.

Your today's tasks are:

  1. Open your book on page 88.

  2. Open your notebook.

  3. Listen and watch to the VIDEO: LIES AND SECRETS - 1. SAT .

  4. Do your homework:

copy the questions from page 89, task F in your notebooks and give short answers.

Zadaću šalje 7.d, a ne 7.b. Thank you!

WEEK 12 (1st June - 5th June 2020)

This is your 1st lesson this week.

Good morning everyone!

Please do the following:

  1. Open you book on page 91.

  2. Open your notebook.

  3. Watch and listen to the VIDEO: HAVE YOU EVER...? - ASK MUM. Copy the whiteboard plan.

  4. Do your homework:

ask your mum questions and then write sentences starting like this:

She has...

She has never...

Zadaću šalje 7.a. Thank you!

WEEK 12 (1st June - 5th June 2020)

This is your 2nd English lesson this week.

Hi kids!

Your today's task is to add the last slide in your e-portfolio before you get a mark.

  1. Open your notebooks.

  2. Listen and watch the VIDEO: PRESENT PERFECT ZA E-PORTFOLIO and copy the whiteboard plan.

  3. Write your composition on a new slide. The title is:



  1. All pupils have to write their homework in their portfolio.

WEEK 12 (1st June - 5th June 2020)

This is your 3rd English lesson for this week.

Hello everybody!

Danas ću vas zamoliti da dovršite još neke zadatke u radnoj. U zadacima ćete vježbati upotrebu glagolskog vremena Present Perfect u rečenicama.

  1. Open your workbook on page 78.

  2. Do task A - koji su ovo kućanski poslovi (household chores)?

  3. Do tasks E, F and G on page 79 - poredaj riječi u rečenici, zatim nadopuni razgovor između mame i Celije te napiši što se stvarno dogodilo (Celia je mami lagala).

  4. Page 80 - tasks C, D - nadopuniš tablicu i zatim s nekima od glagola iz tablice nadopuniš rečenice.

  5. Homework: page 81, task E - što u životu jesi, a što nisi (isprobao, doživio, napravio)?

Zadaću pišu svi, a šalje 7.a. Thank you!

WEEK 13 (8th June - 12th June 2020)

This is your 1st English lesson this week.

Hi everybody!

Here is your "to do" list for today:

  1. Open your notebook.

  2. Open your book, page 95.

  3. Open your workbook, page 83.

  4. Copy the whiteboard plan while watching and listening to the VIDEO: SINCE AND FOR.

  5. Write your homework. Class 7.b please send your homework. Thank you!

WEEK 13 (8th June - 12th June 2020)

This is your 2nd English lesson this week.

Hello children!

Today we are saying goodbye to Present Perfect and we are going to try to predict our future. Remember will and won't? Maybe your predictions have changed since last year?

  1. Open your workbooks on page 86 and shortly revise Present Perfect.

  2. Open your books on page 101 and look at the picture of Roxana, a fortune teller.


  1. Do task G in your notebook.

  2. Do task F and G in your workbooks, page 90.

  3. Homework: workbook, page 90, task H.

Class 7 d please send your homework. Thank you!

WEEK 14 (15th - 19th June 2020)

Hello girls and boys!

This is your first English lesson this week!

  1. Open your book on page 104.

Today we will mention food that came from the Americas to Europe and here it became an essential part of our everyday nutrition.

Task C - u bilježnicu napiši nazive ovih hrana i njihov prijevod.

Upotrijebi rječnik koji se nalazi na zadnjim stranicama udžbenika.

  1. Task E - Read the text about maize (čita se meiz) - kukuruz te uoči koji odlomci su povezani s kojim sličicama.

  2. Answer these questions in your notebook.

a) What is maize? Describe in one or two sentences.

b) What is another word for maize in English?

c) Who discovered maize?

d) How are meat and corn connected?

e) Mention one product in which you can find corn and you didn't know that before.

This is it for today! Thank you!

WEEK 14 (15th June - 19th June 2020)

Hey there!

This is your 2nd English lesson this week.

  1. Open your workbook on page 92. Do tasks A and B.

Task A - find words (fruit and vegetables).

Task B - complete the text about maize.

  1. Open your book on page 105 and copy the "Do you remember" box in your notebooks.

Answer the questions. Find information on the internet if neccessary.

  1. Open your workbooks on page 93 and do task C.

Thank you!

WEEK 14 (15th June - 19th June 2020)

Hello everyone!

I had some technical difficulties with sharing my link for this lesson, but now I'm here and I hope everything works.

Today we are watching a movie.

The movie is called Arthur and the Invisibles.

I hope you like it.

Enlarge and enjoy!

Optional: you can make yourself some popcorn😊

also you can watch it in the evening, it doesn't have have to be right now

but be sure to watch it...


Budući da je traje sat i pol, ovim filmom odrađujemo i ovaj i prva dva sata za sljedeći tjedan. Thank you!