PhD courses and schools: __________________________________________________________
Lecture notes (in case you need access permit please let me know)
PhD mini-course (10h): 2023 Oct, Cohomological Field Theories and Integrable systems, Milano Bicocca, IT.
International School (8h): 2023 Sep, A spin on Hurwitz theory and Topological Recursion, Simons Center, Stony Brook (New York state), USA.
Download the notes of the course.
Watch the course videos: Session I: Hurwitz, Session II: Topological Recursion, Session III: ELSV formula, Session IV: Gromov-Witten theory
PhD + MSc School (6h): 2023 Aug, Introduction to Moduli Spaces of curves, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.
During the 2023 East Africa Algebra Research Group workshop in Kampala I gave a course on Moduli Spaces together with Andrea Di Lorenzo e Diletta Martinelli. Here the notes of my part (Part III) together with exercises.
PhD Curricular Course (20h): 2022 Jan - Feb, Cohomological Field Theories and Integrable systems (SISSA, Trieste, IT)
PhD mini-course Course (8h): 2022 Feb, Moduli Spaces and Cohomological field theories (Cambridge, UK)
PhD Curricular Course (20h): 2021 Apr - May, Introduction to Topological recursion theory and moduli spaces of curves (SISSA, Trieste, IT)
PhD School (6h): 2021 Sep, Hurwitz theory and topological recursion, TRSalento2021, IT.
PhD + MSc School (6h): 2021 Aug, Hurwitz theory and enumerative geometry, U Nairobi, KE.
PhD mini-course (10h): 2021 Jun, Moduli spaces of curves and topological recursion, UniSalento, Lecce, IT.
MSc + BSc curricular courses: _______________________________________________________________
014IN Algebra Lineare (90h), corso di studi in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, BSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
014IN Algebra Lineare (90h), corso di studi in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, BSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
432SM Technology in Mathematics Education (48h), corso di studi in Matematica, MSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
243SM Istituzioni di Algebra e Geometria (24h), corso di studi in Matematica, BSc year III, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
014IN Algebra Lineare (90h), corso di studi in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, BSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
012SM Matematica e Statistica (40h), corso di studi in Scienze della Vita, BSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
012SM Matematica e Statistica (40h), corso di studi in Scienze della Vita, BSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
082SM Curve e Superfici (48h), corso di studi in Matematica, BSc year II, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
014IN Algebra Lineare (20h), corso di studi in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, BSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
012SM Matematica e Statistica (40h), corso di studi in Scienze della Vita, BSc year I, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
082SM Curve e Superfici (48h), corso di studi in Matematica, BSc year II, UniTS, Trieste, IT.
2013 - 2021:
Wiskunde N2 TA, Ordinary and partial differential equations, U Amsterdam, NL, Fall 16.
Algebra I TA, Group theory, U Amsterdam, NL, Spring 15.
Wiskunde N2 TA, Ordinary and partial differential equations, U Amsterdam, NL, Fall 15.
Algebra I TA, Group theory, U Amsterdam, NL, Spring 15.
Wiskunde N2 TA, Ordinary and partial differential equations, U Amsterdam, NL, Fall 14.
Galois Theorie TA, Galois theory, U Amsterdam, NL, Spring 14 .
Wiskunde N3 TA, Complex analysis, U Amsterdam, NL, Fall 13.
Outreach teaching activities with SAMI (see Outreach) Lecturer of topology, geometry, algebra, probability, statistics, programming introductory activities in African maths institutes in Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, 2016 - 2023.