Danika & Jay

Conscious Entrepreneurs | Affiliate Marketing with Heart


We are so delighted you are here!

Are you a nature-loving adventure family looking to create a life of joy, connection, presence, & freedom?

Us too!

We are Danika & Jay, and together with our 3 kiddos we are looking to shift the way our society values time, money, connection and personal healing & growth . 

As Conscious Entrepreneurs, we are dedicated to empowering other families to 'do life differently' & reclaim the right to time together for all 'the little moments'.

Ready to make a change?

We are looking for individuals and families who are ready to step out of 'stuck' and into a place of empowerment, choice, & freedom.

Ask yourself: What's keeping you so loyal to a life that is keeping you so stuck?

In this high impact 60 minute  'P3 Movement' masterclass (link below) you will learn how leveraging social media & affiliating with a high profit conscious business model can support you to live a passionate, purposeful AND prosperous life.

This is the business model we are aligned with. A model that will not only allow you to actualize your adventure-filled life-by-design, but will also allow you to create impact from an over-flowing cup.

P3 Movement: 

The Masterclass

Passion ~ Purpose ~ Prosperity

Authentic: learn to build a personal brand sharing your voice & your message

Abundant: partner with a high-profit, high impact company in the health & wellness industry

Attainable: utilize done-for-you systems & processes to create ease & time to do what you love

Ready for more?

Click HERE to book a 15 minute visioning call where we will explore what you are calling in & whether we are an energetic match for co-creating in this space!

More of a fast-action taker? Feeling aligned, inspired, & so ready for a change? Click HERE to jump right into the Discovery Process & allow the next chapter to unfold.





We empower nature & adventure loving families to build a life of connection, freedom, & abundance online.

Connect with us

Follow us on Instagram & Facebook to see how we are:

*Building a life outside the Matrix*

*Connecting deeply with nature & our kids*

*Building a conscious online business*

*Savouring the little moments*

*Doing life differently*