Organic Philosophy  --  Intellectual Philosophy

ABSTRACT   103.03.03

While all philosophies are based on values, the organic philosophy is based on the seven universal and timeless motivation-values from the genetic instructions of the Homo sapiens species, and has been for over 200,000 years.  These seven motivation-values provide the basis for the universal and timeless ethical and moral rules of decision-making.  [1]

Organic philosophies are based on those values, and in philosophical statements the ethics and morality come to bear upon expected behaviors, while the ideals we hold in mind for a philosophical topic provide the goals for ethical and moral behavior.  

Because organic philosophies are complemental to organic theories of ethics and human motivation, their impact upon the social sciences is immense.  These same theories and philosophies cause those fields of study to become proactively actionable for the benefit of individuals, families, and communities.  The effect would produce societies that move toward maturing development, social evolution, and peace. 

Intellectual philosophy has been in existence even before Socrates and Aristotle.  Yet, after 2500 years intellectual philosophy still struggles to establish a immutable theory of ethics.  Today there are over two dozen theories of ethics.  The ethical principles that are typically used to support traditional ethics theories are not based on any permanent, universal, or timeless values.  Thus their continuing philosophical argumentation. 

A.I. also struggles with traditional theories of ethics because of their inconsistencies.  Without timeless and universal rules of ethical and moral decision-making, A.I. will continue to be the truant advisor to businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations, for example.  Until A.I. is invested with the genetic instructions of the Homo sapiens species, it will continue to be unable to provide significant, immutable statements of philosophy for the hundreds of topics involving human interaction, sound ethical advice, and strategic options for humanity’s international concerns.

What is provided here is a start to the full empowerment of A.I. to truly become humanity’s helpmate to survive and thrive another 200,000 years.

[1] Raphael, Daniel (2024)  Understanding the Basis of Ethics

  Raphael, Daniel  (2019-2022)  Making Sense of Ethics  —  A Universally Applicable Theory of Proactive Ethics, Morality, and Values


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Understanding  the  BASIS  of  Ethics

ABSTRACT   101.01.08   

  The basis of ethics involves 1) what benefits human survival and thriving existence; 2) the defining elements of “what benefits”; 3) a process of discerning of “what benefits” and what does not.  4) The parameters that guide the process of discerning “what benefits” are the seven innate human motivator-values that originate in the human genome as genetic instructions.  5)  After discerning has taken place, a preconscious or conscious decision is made to take action to carry out the discernment.  When the action occurs that is in alignment with “what benefits” humans individually or collectively, then an ethical decision and action have taken place.  Fundamentally, all ethics are grounded in the genetic instructions of the Homo sapiens species. 

Understanding the Basis of Ethics begins its logic sequence with the 200,000-year existence of the human species.  This logic answers the question of how it was possible for our species to survive and thrive over the course of 200,000.  The text provides a brief, superficial explanation for a theory of Organic Ethics.  Far more extensive explanations are provided in the original document.  [1] 

Much as thousands of organic molecules can be created from four basic elements of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, many thousands of functional, lasting relationships can be created from seven genetic instructions as motivation-values of the human genome.  They provide for the creation of a holism of ethical and moral rules of decisions-making.  

One of the main intentions of this book is to create an intellectual revolution within the social sciences.  That intention will then affect all areas of human activities from forming strategic national social policies, rewriting social policies for every organization from a local daycare facility whether for children or the elderly; grounding the work of ethics consultancies for rewriting rules of conformance and compliance, and everything in between, and not excluding labor-management negotiations, and funding for educational programs. 

Non-traditionalist social scientists and others will enjoy this “out of the box” functional, alternative for all social institutions and related organizations.

[1] Raphael, Daniel  2019-2022   Making Sense of Ethics  —  A Universally Applicable Theory of Proactive Ethics, Morality, and Values

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Book #1  of  Designing Civilization's New Era

 Seven Innate Human Values

ABSTRACT   100-#1.04  

 Book #1, Seven Innate Human Values, provides the foundation for the logic and reasoning of subsequent conceptual developments in the following six books. 

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Book #2  of  Designing Civilization's New Era

Making Sense of Ethics

ABSTRACT   100-#2.04    

Book #2, Making Sense of Ethics, A Universally Applicable Theory of Ethics, Morality, and Values, uses those same values described in book #1 to create the  timeless and universal rules of ethical and moral decision-making. 

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Book #3  of  Designing Civilization's New Era

Societal  Morality

ABSTRACT   100-#3.03   

Book #3, Societal Morality, then builds upon the concepts of books one and two, to expand the definition of morality as a rational responsibility of individuals and organizations. 

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Book #4  of  Designing Civilization's New Era

The  Design  Team  Process

ABSTRACT   100-#4.04

Book #4, The Design Team Process, is in contemporary terminology an “app” of the values, ethics, and morality described in earlier books to create a rational and logical local community process for the analysis and discernment of social, political, and economic issues that affect the local community. 

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Book #5 of  Designing Civilization's New Era

Family  Learning Centers For Sustainable Nations  


ABSTRACT   100-#5.04

Book #5, Family Learning Centers for Sustainable Nations, is also an app of the values, ethics, and morality described in earlier books to create rational and logical programs within local community learning centers.  The intention is to  teach and train those who want to have children, those who already have children, and those who have had children the basics of childcare and parenting from pre-conception through the age that the child leaves home.  This program provides the long term means by which a democratic society can bend the trajectory of its culture to become socially stable and eventually at peace.  Children raised with this influence will eventually become the leaders, executives, and highly ethical and morally capable citizens of those nations and the organizational matrix of civilization.   We can anticipate that the start-up phase of this program will probably take two generations to accomplish its embedment in a society.

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Book #6 of  Designing Civilization's New Era

3  Stages  of  Democracy

ABSTRACT   100-#6.04   

Book #6, 3 Stages of Democracy, begins by recounting the 1200-year history of the development of democracy in western civilization.  The trend of that development has been toward more and more direct participation of citizens in their own governance.  Current communication technologies will continue this trend which is what Book #6 describes.

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Book #7 of  Designing Civilization's New Era

Conclusions  for

Designing  Civilization's  New  Era


ABSTRACT   100-#7.05

Book #7, Conclusions, provides each book’s conclusions in a compendium of conclusions.  The overriding conclusion is that the times and circumstances of the social, political, and economic problems, international conflicts of various dimensions, and the long term change of global consciousness are all vectors that are coming to a nexus of immense, profound, change in our civilization.  (See Vector-Nexus illustration, page 8.)  What better time to correct the unplanned development of our civilization that came into existence without a plan and intention for its existence, development, than now when the lack of planning for the survival and social sustainability of democratic nations is so obviously needed? 

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Societal Morality  

ABSTRACT   33.0204  Societal Morality

The development of Societal Morality has its roots in the author’s books, Seven Values, and  Making Sense of Ethics.

●  The combination of the seven innate human motivation-values and their characteristics provides the logic for the development of the integrated rules of proactive moral and ethical decision-making, and societal morality. 

●  Because these values are innate and organic to our species, the ethic and morality that emanate from those values extends to every person, and by extension to every organization on the planet. 

●  From our own personal experiences, as well as our conclusions made from historical records, we know that these values are innate to our being — and not learned.  

●  Just as “equality” is the pivotal value for all proactive morality and ethics, “empathy” demonstrates the pivotal evidence of our humanness and humanity to others. 

●  Fatally, organizations are not socially sustainable because they have not had the four primary values embedded into their “organizational DNA” as they are in our DNA.  Neither are the three secondary values embedded in the “organizational DNA,” which leaves them inherently inhumane and insensitive to the secondary value-needs of people.  Using the ethic and morality of the seven values would correct those problems.

  Intuitively, we can surmise that a society and the whole of civilization is the only vehicle that has the capability to carry individuals, families, communities, whole national societies and civilization into the future.  BUT! because we have not designed our democracies to become self-sustaining, those families, communities, whole national societies and civilization are subject to the vagaries of UNPLANNED social change. 

  Enculturating a democratic nation and society with societal morality is a first step for nations to grasp the reins that will direct the nation and its societies toward social stability and eventually toward peace. 

  You can surmise that doing so requires a personal, social, and organizational consciousness that just as a democracy’s existence depends on the authority of the public, the future of a democracy is dependent on the intentional plans that are developed for sustaining that democratic society and nation.  The other choice is to just to continue as always. 

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Creating  Civilization's  New  Era  

ABSTRACT   99.02.03

The last 20,000 years establishes the traditional era of our civilization.  Its spontaneous arrival and later developments came into existence without a plan, without intention, without a purpose and what it was to become. 

Now, after 20,000 years we are living through the profound tragedies that are the result of not planning for the ongoing existence and living conditions of humanity.  Those conditions have become more and more tragic, globally, as the world’s population has expanded, also without planning. 

What if we became aware of the basic elements for intentionally planning the future of our civilization so that it would become the “home” that carried humanity safely and prosperously into a self-sustaining future? 

Those elements do exist, and with profound irony, they exist within the human genome.  Only recently have those elements been discovered,  (2008 & 2014),

A screensaver panel from Grandmothers Against Bullshit explains my situation with the topic of this paper.  .  I am an "Apocaloptomist, def:  Someone who knows it’s all going to shit, but still thinks it will turn out OK.”  And it will surely turnout ok in the end, but we have to create the process and means to do so.  Creating Civilization’s New Era  is the civilization-wide proponent for intentionally planning the recovery and stable existence of our civilization. 

Creating Civilization’s New Era  is composed of three volumes.  Volume 1 and Volume 2 provide the fundamental conceptual components for the development of their operational Applications.   Volume 1, “Seven Innate Human Values,” provides an understanding of the seven timeless, universal, irreducible, and immutable genomic motivations that gave our species its survivability, and thriving existence.  Volume 2, “Fundamental Human Ethics,” describes the rules for decision-making that will assure the thriving survival of the organizational matrix of our civilization. 

Volume 3, “New Era Applications,” provides three applications that use the fundamentals of Volume 1 and 2:  The Design Team Process, Family Learning Centers for Sustainable Nations, and Adapting 2nd Stage Democracies to Become Stage 3 Democracies. 

These principles point out the tragic weakness of human existence, stubborn selfish egotism.  Overcoming that requires a New Era of our Civilization.   (350)   ## 

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The Source of Human Motivation and Chi (Qi)

ABSTRACT   95.10.01   

The Source of Human Motivation and Chi (Qi) gives readers the perspective of a business consultant to global-sized corporations.  What this consultant discovered by reviewing the records of her largest client is that this corporation has had many dozens of subsidiary companies from its earliest times, all of which have failed.  Examining the same records, the consultant discovered the cause of such consistency of failures.  They were all caused from using the same management practices! 

Now consider earth’s 20,000-year history of nations, cultures, empires, and societies using the same business consultant’s perspective.  That situation is even worse!  All of the organizations of all of the nations, cultures, empires, and societies that have ever existed failed.  NONE SURVIVED to the present. 

That is exactly the same situation that is rapidly developing in our global civilization today.  Simply put, “traditional management practices” aren’t working to sustain our nations, societies, families, and individuals.  They are not in synch with human motivation.  A radically new basis for managing the organizations of our nations and societies is needed to sustain our civilization’s thriving survival.  As the basis needs to be global, its must already exist globally.  Logically, that means that it must be something that is common to all Homo sapiens. 

Thinking-individuals know that the increasing challenges to our civilization are causing societal interference to individuals worldwide to maintain and improve their quality of life.  As our civilization of nations exists and operates using the primitive management practices of separation, these solutions will be seen as being very radical.  Any solution we create must ameliorate traditional separatist management practices by creating a coherent flow to all human organized activities.  This does not mean that the uniqueness of individuals will be lost.  Individualism can exist but only within a radically new ethical and moral decision-making theory. 

Now, dear reader, as an expanded version of the business consultant example used above, expand your thinking to the parameters of the Infinite Universe.  What we are looking for are the commonalities of humans and the Infinite Universe.  Taking liberty of current quantum theory, it appears that everything in the infinite universe is made of quantum particles, including humans.  On the other hand, solid evidence by astronomers show that pattern and order exist as universe constants throughout of the universe.  

Logically, we must ask, “How then is pattern and order expressed in humans?”  They are expressed in human motivation. 

In humans, pattern and order are expressed in human motivation, species wide.  Being the ever-curious person that he is, the author discovered seven universal modes of human motivation, that are commonly identified as decision-making values. (See illustration page 17.)  Now that we know these values exist as human constants, we can use them as the parameters of what benefits people and what does not to create a universal and timeless ethic and morality. 

Taking liberty to make a leap of logic, the following becomes a radical application to resolve a very big societal problem.   As example, these seven values and their ethical and moral rules of decision-making provide a universal and timeless safeguard for democracy, and give authority for thwarting efforts that are causing the death of democracy; and, provide the organizing pattern and order to sustain organizations indefinitely. 

Our planet is now in the early throes of civilizational decline and self-annihilation, similar to the conditions of civilizations described in the NETFLIX science fiction television series 3 Body Problem.    Where the global population of that planet was fully aware of their perilous situation, almost all people on earth don’t have a clue of what is happening at the historic and current global scale.  Incredibly, billions of people are unaware of the very dire situation of our civilization.  David Bohm’s quote, page 106, is very appropriate.             ##                                                                                                                                                                                      (684 words)

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  Making Sense of Ethics

A Universally Applicable Theory of 

Ethics, Morality, and Values  

ABSTRACT    33.35.09

Even a ten minute survey of theories of ethics will reveal that there are at least a dozen meaningful theories, yet not one is conclusively founded on values that are universal to all people, timeless in their application, irreducible, and immutable in their characteristics. 

Often, people have confused ethical principles with their underlying values.  They are not the same.  When we test ethical principles such as fairness, justice, integrity, respect, loyalty, truth, trust, accountability, responsibility, and being transparent, authentic, and honest, what we find is that their similarities lead us to the conclusion that ethical principles are actually interpretations of more basic, irreducible values.   But what values?

  As the author has discovered, there are four primary values and three secondary values that have all of the appearances of being embedded in human DNA and express themselves as “urges” that motivate people to take some form of action.  These are illustrated on page 13. 

  Because these are values are innate and organic to our species, the ethic and morality that emanate from those values extends to every person, and by extension to every organization on the planet.

  Because ethical principles have not been tied to universal and timeless values, normative morality and ethics have never been founded on anything more substantial than someone’s opinion about “right and wrong” and how we ought to behave. 

Logically, the stability and universality of these seven values also lends to the development of a universal theory of human motivation and the realignment of all social science theories.  They give all organizations that are related to each social institution the mandate to develop policies and decisions that have the intention to support social stability, peace, and the thriving survival and sustainability of families, communities, and societies. 

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Family Learning  Centers for Sustainable Nations

      The skills of effective parenting are not hereditary — they are learned and must be refreshed with each new generation.

ABSTRACT   36.21.05  The process of intentional culture change begins with understanding the process of embedding the values of a culture, any culture.  It begins in the family.  In order to bend the culture of a nation or all of civilization toward peace, we must begin by improving parenting and child rearing skills, knowledges, and values of parents.  The very gradual decay of the moral standards of a whole society reflects the gradual moral standards that are taught and modelled by parents. 

Family Learning  Centers  for  Sustainable  Nations provides an intentional organizational design for teaching pre-family individuals, parents, children, and grandparents the best practices of parenting and childrearing for each developmental era of an individual’s life.  The goal is to prepare each new generation of parents with what, how, and when to teach their children to become socially competent, capable, and responsible; and that those children learn how to do the same for their own eventual children. 

Because parenting and childrearing skills are learned and not hereditary, those skills need to be consistently refreshed with each new generation.  A Family Learning Center in every school district of every democratic nation would provide initial and refresher training for parents, children, and grandparents.  Parenting skills and childrearing skills prepare children to become responsible parents of their own families.  When those skills also include training for applying ethical and moral decision-making training developed from an Organic Philosophy.   Those children will be far better prepared to enter into their society as socially competent, capable, and responsible adult citizens.  ##

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Seven Innate Human Values

42.10.04 ABSTRACT Seven Innate Human Values

Values are at the heart of all theories related to the social sciences.  Values underlie all decisions, and act as the basis for resolving discussions and argumentation concerning topics of interest, and social, ethical, and moral issues.  Yet, what is missing from all discussions and arguments, regarding human motivation and ethics in particular, is a concise and accurate understanding that these values exist as constants of human motivation. 

As defined in a Google search, “In simple sense, values refer to intangible qualities or beliefs accepted and endorsed by a given society.  Michael Haralambos who wrote, Sociology Themes and Perspectives, states, “A value is a belief that something is good and worthwhile. It defines what is worth having and worth striving”.  It is a preferred course of action.  Open Education Sociology Dictionary defines Value as “An ideal or principle that determines what is correct, desirable, or morally proper.”  These definitions provide for the development of the rules of ethical and moral decision-making.  

All of which begs the question, “From what place of origin do values emanate?!”  The answer lies in the very existence of our species,  within its genome.  Values exist as “urges of motivation” from the genetic instructions within the human genome.  As the illustration shows, life is the value we identify from our urge to continue living; equality is the urge to have and be of equal worth as anyone else would or could become; growth is the urge and motivation to expand the individual’s capability to live more fully; the three primary values work together to fulfill the urge to achieve an improving quality of life

These urges of motivation, which we call “values,” are inherent in being human.  They are not learned, but exist at the genetic level and innate to our species.  The four primary values provide the unconscious urge of motivation to sustain survival and to thrive.  The three secondary values of empathy, compassion, and a generalized love for humanity also exist as urges of motivation, but enacting them is volitional, a matter of conscious choice. 

We can see, then, how values are so closely related to ethics and decision-making because they emanate from the genetic core of our species as urges of motivation. 

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The Design Team Process 

ABSTRACT     38.14.04]

The great benefit of using the seven genetic motivation-values that are innate to the Homo sapiens species is that they provide the basis for a universal and timeless set ethical and moral decision-making rules for all human conduct.  Because of their characteristics, these values can be considered and used as human constants for personal and social behavior, similarly as mathematical constants are used in the physical sciences. 

These values, as human constants, provide the perfect analytical tool for use in the Design Team Process (DTP) that incorporates the Social Sustainability Design and Validation Schematic (page 44).  As constants of human motivation, these constants take the guesswork out of designing, describing, and validating the ethical constancy of social processes, new social theories, and to test cultural, ethnic, racial, and gender assumptions, of new and existing social theories.   

Several key elements are needed to produce the synergy of The Design Team Process: 1) The Design Team is composed of 5-11 team members; 2) Specific roles of team members provide functions within the team to gather their collective intelligence during the inquiry process;  3)  The Social Sustainability Design and Validation Schematic; that 4) provides a procedural format for the inquiry process.  5) The primary purpose of the DTP is to provide societies with the means to develop social, political, governmental, and economic/financial policies that support that society to maintain social stability, social maturity, social evolution, and peace — for the future existence of all societies.   


The Design Team Process actively sustains the continuation of the long traditional history of town hall meetings that uses a rational and synergistic process to gather the intelligence of small teams of local citizens to create solutions for common community, societal, and political problems. 

The Design Team Process is fundamental for sustaining the legitimacy and effectiveness of the democratic process and the survival of democratic cultures. 

Fortunately, the product of Local Community Design Teams can be shared with other Design Teams in democratic nations via the Internet to resolve common ongoing social, political, and financial-economic problems and related issues.  The goal is to design socially sustainable social institutions and affiliate organizations so that they contribute to the social sustainability of those societies for the great benefit of all future generations.   ## 

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Artificial Intelligence

A Protocol for Setting Moral and Ethical Operational Standards

ABSTRACT –  39.21.06      An A.I. Protocol

●  (p 19)  Hidden within Musk’s and Hawking’s quotes is an unconscious awareness that undirected social change is the most dangerous element now threatening all existing societies, cultures, and nations.  

●  (p 27)  If Musk and Hawking are right, then a moral authority is needed, one that can weigh the best interests of humanity and the quality of life of communities, societies, nations, and of all civilization without self-interest. 

●  (p 27)  Because of the logic-relationship between the seven values and their characteristics, which extends to the morality and ethics that emanate from them, future AI programs that are embedded with those values will arrive at rational, ethical, and moral conclusions with the sureness of ones and zeros.

●  (p 33)  The material you have read so far may lead you to believe I have created a bubble of moral and ethical idealism that is not connected to the realities of today.  Ironically, the reality is that most people are not consciously aware that most of the world continues to use an archaic morality that is not capable of pointing the way forward to sustain families, organizations, governments, and cultures into a long and prospering future. 

●  (p 35)  Bad Code.  From a contemporary technological perspective, the traditional morality of western civilization for the last 4,000 years is a form of morality that in computer terms is “bad code.” 

●  (p 37)  If we are to grasp the existential angst of Robert Oppenheimer, Father of the Atomic Bomb, whose famous quote is largely unappreciated, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,” from the Hindu sacred scripture the Bhagavad-Gita, then AI architects are walking in the existential shoes of Dr. Oppenheimer, but without his consciousness.

●  (p 21)  Survival of our species is not dependent upon our social existence.  Our sustainable social existence, however, is dependent upon the conscious and intentional moral and ethical decision-making of individuals and organizations based on the values that have sustained the survival of our species.  The same must exist in AI programs. 

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Consciousness  and  the  Quantum  Field

A Work in Progress 

ABSTRACT   47A.08  

Scientists recognize that rather than seeing chaos in the universe, what becomes very evident are patterns and order.  The universe is an organized entity!  Other scientists have strongly suggested that quanta and the quantum field are pervasively present in all that exists, even we humans who are in reality the products of supernova.  Logically, by extension we would also exist with pattern and order within ourselves.  But where would we find that pattern and order?  We can deduce, then, that it would exist in the human genome to be replicated with each new generation.  

Many questions begin to emerge from such statements.  What would that pattern and order manifest in human behavior?  And if this is in fact the case, how do we explain the chaos that exists in our societies today?  Hmmmm, much to ponder.  

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A Proposal to Establish a Graduate Program in 

Planetary Management   

ABSTRACT   PM: Graduate Degree Program

“Planetary Management” appreciates the physical and social environments of our civilization as a closed system, an integrated holism, where all elements affect all other elements. 

What has been lacking is that our social existence has a synergistic potential that has not been developed to proactively sustain the civilizational existence of humanity. 

The Graduate Program of Planetary Management is an organized, intentional, and conscious attempt to reverse the ongoing devolution of democratic societies.  This situation developed because our civilization came into existence as an “accident of time” without an intention for its existence.   design, plan, or anticipated outcomes.  The multi-national, global chaos we see in the world today is a result of not anticipating and planning for the development of a global civilization.  By using the recent discoveries of the most basic elements of human motivation, we can now begin to reinvent our civilization to become self-sustaining.  

NOTE:  A degree in Planetary Management is not synonymous with planetary science degrees. 

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Mind,  Consciousness,  and  the  Quantum  Field  

ABSTRACT    92.02.07

Futurists have been predicting for quite some time that there would eventually be a meeting between science and religion.  But, as we know that will never happen because religion is a manmade invention.  What is presented in this brief paper is the melding of science, (quantum physics, and its inferred quantum field), mind, and consciousness.  As mind and consciousness are known factors of human existence, it has remained for science to bridge that gap.  And so it has. 

The difficulty with the topics of the title is that deep thinking is required to “dig” to the bottom of them.  Consider “mind.”  Everyone has one, but few really strive to understand what mind is capable.  In this paper, the author describes his rare opportunity to remember a vivid transpersonal experience that occurred immediately after a near-death, closed-head injury.  During months of recovery he was able to recall and examine his past and projected stream of consciousness.  Later, with practice, he was able to explore the Universal Stream of Consciousness. 

Not too surprising, he came into contact with one of the beings who are resident to “the other side” of consciousness.  Some of those beings are now the authors of the sections of this book.  Many of you have had transpersonal experiences without the trauma of approaching the end of your life.  With intentional diligence one can explore that realm during meditation, deep contemplation, and using psychotropic substances, though the author has never used them.  The goal is to become a part of that flow of consciousness, to be an in integer in the matrix, so to speak.

What our mind and consciousness provide is the capability to access the stream of consciousness and the quantum field.  And, as the universe’s quantum field has an intrinsic “ROM,” the field is positive and coordinative to bring about the coherence of the Infinite Universe.  Using our mind and consciousness, we can bring into manifestation the pattern of universal coherence of the quantum field in our lives.  The only requirement is that we take on the attributes, as we are able, of First Mind. 

The stain of ego, arrogance, self-entitlement, and all forms of self-centeredness are useless and in that reality contrary to the capability to create anything good. 

Here, mind is a powerful tool that can access the stream of consciousness to be “any-when” and “any-where” we want to go, while the quantum field offers us the ultimate non-material, non-dimensional, and non-temporal environment of limitless energy to also bring about the coherent flow of ”good.”  In that way we truly become co-creators of the ultimate good that the Universe was/is/will become. 

And, yes, This One takes all of this personally, not as a challenge, but as a beyond-one-lifetime opportunity to become all that one can become in all dimensions of the timeless Universe.  Fortunately, there are guides to show us the way.  ##

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Organic  Human  Motivation

A General Critical Theory for the Social Sciences


[An Independent Dissertation]

ABSTRACT –  68.05.01

         The following is an independent dissertation that will examine human motivation from a new perspective, one that will apply to all social sciences as a General Critical Theory.  This perspective will in turn add a deeper understanding of the basis for Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation, while also establishing the organic basis for ethical decision-making. 

         The text will examine the discovery of seven organic human values that act as “value-constants,” from where they emanate, and how they affect human behavior.  These explanations will be followed by discussions of how those newly discovered constants will affect the development of proactive social policies and social programs to bring about improved social stability, social integration, peace, and social sustainability. 

         The intention of this dissertation is to provide the missing constants that will bring the social sciences into an integrated holism of understanding to support their practical applications to create a holism of all social sciences, and the development of an integrated holism of social policies and social programs.  These constants will give the social sciences a degree of precision that will result in the founding of social proofs, social truths, axioms, and corollaries that will support the formation of revised social theories. 

         The human genome is the source for urges and impulses that initiate the motivation of decision-making and action.  All primary human motivation begins there.  Our discussions will include values, human motivation, priorities of decision-making, ethics and morality, and an organic philosophy.  What the world needs at this time is a unifying influence that is non-exclusionary, non-privileged, non-political, non-religious, non-gender specific, universally applicable to all societies and all people, and most of all that provides for the development of timeless solutions that can be implemented from the local level onwards to the national level.

         This conclusion will confront readers with the moral and existential question of choosing between the eventual decline and collapse of civilization, or the inconvenience of choosing to design socially sustainable, socially stable, and peaceful societies for future generations who must endure or benefit from what we have done to them or for them.   

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Humanity  and  Civilization

As a Coherent System

ABSTRACT 91.03.05    


The intention of this paper is to set out the requirements for a global humanity-civilization coherent system.  The central consideration is that any coherent social system must rely heavily upon the humane self-sustaining elements of the Homo sapiens species.  As this species has sustained its thriving survival for over 200,000 years, we can accept that the values that our ancient ancestors used to underlie their survival decisions worked!  These will be central to our work ahead.  These are illustrated on page 11 that shows their relationships. 

Being of such longevity, we can consider those organic values to be “human constants” that can be used similarly in the social context as mathematical and geometric constants are used in the mathematics and geometrical sciences.   When used as constants, they will change all social science theories.  These seven values then become the parameters for decisions that benefit the survival of an individual and of humanity.  In other words, these values become a universal and timeless code for ethical and moral decision-making. 

The two tables on pages 9 and 10 give us the interaction processes and the  direction we will need in order to accomplish a working system of local to global dimensions.  As humanity and the organizational matrix of civilization have botched their opportunity to manage its Quantity-Object material sustainability successfully, we need not go in that direction.  The resources we have available are not material but social — us. 

Because our civilization came into existence spontaneously about 20,000 years ago, there was no planetary management process involved, no purpose, intention, operational philosophy, or mission for its existence, and no plans for sustaining its continued existence into the future.  We, today, are suffering the consequences for that absence. 

Now, it is our conscious chore to create a humane, self-sustaining system of humanity and civilization.  The resources we need are already existent in the genome of Homo sapiens.   The text in blue in the two tables on pages 9 & 10 are complementary.  They provide the  very best relationship processes for working together.  The rules of ethical and moral decision-making will guide the process; and, the Social Sustainability Design and Validation Schematic will provide the mechanism to validate new plans and then policies.  These sub-system modules of the larger system assure complemental performance of the interrelated elements of a unified whole.  The objective is clear, to create a self-sustaining system of humanity and civilization to sustain their mutual existence into the coming centuries and millennia. 

The actionable sub-system components for an integrated societal system are discussed briefly on pages 13-19.  Footnoted references provide the original conceptual supports for these components.  These components then become the elemental social institutions of the integrated humanity-civilization system.   ##

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AI's  Ironic  Problem  with  Ethics

ABSTRACT   84.01.03

As AI is a creation of human intelligence, it necessarily carries with it all of the human motivation.  And, because most humans seem to inherently know what is good for them and others, and what is bad for them and others, AI algorithms inherently and ironically contain the seeds of ethics.   

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Strategic Social Leadership  

ABSTRACT   85.05.08    Leadership within the social sciences appears to be totally absent when we consider the primitive social nature of contemporary societies in any nation.  For individuals, young social scientists perhaps, this is an opportunity of a lifetime to grasp when the need for mature societies is greatest.   Further, national societies in any nation, democratic or totalitarian, exist now as they have for several hundred years, without social institutions that are inherently designed to provide self-evolving social processes that are capable of bringing societies into their social and moral maturity. 

The text is very brief, but succinctly provides the fundamentals of the elements that are missing in contemporary societies, as mentioned above. 

Opportunities in strategic social leadership abound.  The world is impatiently waiting for peaceful nations, stable communities, and functional families.  ##

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ABSTRACT   This PDF provides the format of inquiry in the team process of designing and validation of social processes, ethics determinations, validation of policies and laws, for example.  This Schematic is described in detail in the author's paper, The Design Team Process, below.  

The Schematic provides the process for validating, or not, ethical and moral decision-making standards as given in the author's paper, below, entitled Making Sense of Ethics, A Universally Applicable Theory of Ethics, Morality, and Values.  

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In the Absence of a Traditional 

Parental, Spiritual, and Moral Conscience 

ABSTRACT – 88.10


The western civilization exists in a peculiar and desperate moral dilemma.  On one side, it has not created the means to resolve its abundance of problems involving ethics.  On the other side, it has abandoned its historical religious conscience.  Now, it lies adrift in currents of social, political, and economic violence, budding political revolts, uncontrolled environmental violence, gross economic disparities, and rampant attitudes of avarice and financial self-entitlement. 

In such a situation, in the absence of a culturally historic parental, spiritual, and moral conscience, what resources are available to create a non-religious, non-ideological conscience that could applied to all people for all time? 

The text explores the reasons why western civilization has ended up in the moral toilet.  The analysis tells us that it is not anyone person’s fault, but rather due to the lack of historic foresight that dates back 20,000 years when our civilization was first established. 

Now, being aware of this profound absence of moral grounding, it is our responsibility to all future generations of our children to fill the gap.  The text describes the resources, and suggests a “how to” approach to benefit all people of the world.  The product will be a genetically based non-religious, non-ideological moral ethic based on the seven genetic forces of human motivation that have a proven record of success for sustaining the survival and thriving existence of our species for over 200,000 years.

Further, the text provides instructions for the enculturation of the basic elements of this new genetically based parental, spiritual, and moral conscience. ##

Placeholder Book 52  is a blank dummy entry that can be duplicated to enable the easy addition of new books in this website.  

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Planetary Management, 

A New Graduate Degree Program

ABSTRACT –  88.06.04 

Planetary Management, A New Post Graduate Degree Program.

The value of any post graduate program is directly proportional to the timeless truths that form its foundations of reasoning.  In the case of the PM Program, those timeless truths would include the human constants that are universal to all people, that provide the baseline for the reinterpretation of existing social theories, and act as a benchmark for validating new theories. 

None of this work would be possible without a working knowledge of human constants to develop logical and rationally consistent social policies as the basis for the coherence of social institutions in democratic nations.  Those constants are universal to all people past, present, and future, and timeless as our species is timeless.  They act much like mathematical constants do in the physical sciences.  They give us confidence that we can develop a future for our civilization that our great, great grandchildren will be pleased that we created. 

Planetary-scale thinking as that will be invaluable to the student who wishes to take on the full program.  Yet, the basic concepts can be easily interpreted for younger minds, even those in pre-school programs, and every developmental step along the way. 

To paraphrase Richard Buckminster Fuller, from his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, the earth is a living holism similar to a spaceship full of people.  It must be maintained and taken care of so that future generations will have a safe and abundant place in  which to live, grow, and explore their potential. 

An accident in time.  PM students will be challenged to ask and answer profound questions about the future of our civilization’s existence.  Because our civilization began as an accident in time, without a plan for its existence and what it would become, it is profoundly timely now to ask and answer the pivotal questions that will create an organized future for all future generations of humanity. 

The PM ChallengeThe challenge for PM students will be to design social processes, social institutions, and the social sciences to create the coherence of democratic societies.  (NOTE:  forms of national governance that are not democratic in design are inherently NOT socially sustainable.) 

Questions.  The objective of asking and answering these profound questions will be to give purpose to our civilization’s existence.  By asking these questions and answering them, PM students will be planning the future at the planetary level for all of humanity from the level of the individual/family to our global civilization. 

●  What is our civilization’s purpose?

●  Who is our civilization to benefit?

●  What is our intention for creating a purposeful civilization?

●  What is our plan for developing a beneficial civilization?

●  Where do we begin?

Remember, it’s always personal. ##  

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Strategic Social Leadership  

ABSTRACT   85.05.05

Leadership within the social sciences appears to be totally absent when we consider the primitive social nature of contemporary societies in any nation.  For individuals, young social scientists perhaps, this is an opportunity of a lifetime to grasp when the need for mature societies is greatest.   Further, national societies in any nation, democratic or totalitarian, exist now as they have for several hundred years, without social institutions that are inherently designed to provide self-evolving social processes that are capable of bringing societies into their social maturity. 

The text is very brief, but succinct enough to provide the fundamentals of the elements that are missing in contemporary societies, as mentioned above. 

Opportunities in strategic social leadership abound.  The world is impatiently waiting for peaceful nations, stable communities, and functional families. 

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The  Cultural  Impediment  of  A.I.

ABSTRACT   A.I. Design Team Project b

Culture is one of those invisible influences in every person that brings biases that affect decision-making.  Those biases work toward the benefit of the members of the culture and the culture itself.  For A.I., this is an unexamined influence that can and does affect ethical biases to the detriment of the A.I. industry and the credibility of its work.  This very brief paper examines the real possibility of creating and implementing a NON-BIASED culture and decision-making process that would greatly benefit  A.I. program decision-making processes, and almost every other culture and organization.  

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Artificial Intelligence -- TRANSCENDENCE 

ABSTRACT   82.02.05  

Giving Artificial Intelligence a non-anthropomorphized program would go far to assure that A.I. does not encroach upon the safety of human existence either individually or collectively.  As A.I. is non-human, has no endocrine system, no genome, no fight or flight responses, and most importantly it does not have an egoistic self-interest in its answers … except as consciously or unconsciously programed into it by the human A.I. industry. 

As readers will discover several ironies in the text beginning in this Abstract.

As humans are the creators of A.I., logically the problems and solutions of creating A.I. generative programs lies within humans.  The problems originate in what the creators Think A.I. ought to function, while the solutions originate in the genome of the Homo sapiens species. 

When we look at human civilizational history we discover this irony has been in evident operation for at least 20,000 years.  In the course of the existence of our species, which is estimated at approximately 200,000 years, it is logical to know what our species has somehow sustained its existence over the course of those many tens of thousands of years.  As values always underlie all human decisions, whether consciously or unconsciously made, humans made decisions over the course of 200,000 years using values that sustained the survival and thriving existence of our species.  We today are the living evidence of their successful decision-making because they used the right values to make their decisions. 

Yet, over the course of the 20,000-year history of the organizational existence of our civilization, all organizations have failed.  Great empires of the oriental, occidental, and South American cultures have all failed.  Today, the leaders, executive organizations, and their advisory groups are making decisions using the same values that historic leaders Thought would sustain their organizations into a long and thriving future. 

Long-story-short, this brief paper explains that the combined intelligence of humanity AND Artificial Intelligence, using the same set of values that sustained our species, are vital to sustain the thriving existence of our civilization during this very difficult transitional era of our civilization. 

Consider another irony.  Consider that the leaders and executive decision-makers of our organizations will very likely kill-off humanity whether A.I. exists or not.  In order for humanity to survive the rigors of these times, A.I. must be programed with the values that have sustained our species.  In time, as contemporary events become more and more destructive, the options to transcend these times will become narrower and narrower.  ## .  

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Strategic Planning for Artificial Intelligence

ABSTRACT   81.02.05  

Dear Reader,  you may see as many other Americans see that genuine benevolent leadership is tragically missing in almost all aspects of our daily life. 

Miraculously, A.I. is particularly well positioned to bring about rapid, non-violent, beneficial global culture change.  What is missing, though, are the leaders, and the culture-changing ideas, similar to those presented in this paper, to bring about rapid, peaceful, and beneficial culture change for right outcomes.

You can begin as a potential cultural change-agent leader by discussing the questions and ideas of this paper with your peers. 

In times of great confusion, leadership is needed.

Choose to be that leader.

This brief paper engages the current swirl of conversation that is taking place in the A.I. industry and related publications about the ethics of A.I. development, operation, and its future.

A rapid review of the content of those discussions hasn’t revealed the leadership that is needed to provide direction for strategic planning and philosophical questions and discussions.  Those are needed to create the standards of moral responsibilities that A.I. companies have to future generations. 

Industry related associations have offered numerous and at times lengthy suggestions in the form of ethical principles.  Yet, there is an inherent shortcoming in such suggestions.  To make decisions based on ethical principles creates a wobbly ethical structure simply because ethical principles do not identify the core values underlying that decision-making. 

This paper’s intention is to provide those values to the A.I. industry as an effective way out of the current ethical conundrum.  These values and subsequent ethics would provide permanent and safe solutions for a morally safe future for A.I. and its users.  Using these values to create a “moral and ethical firewall” would go far to protect developers and users of A.I. programs with an internal “constitution” for validating its answers to user questions. 

As values always underlie decision-making, A.I. will need conscientious ethical and moral values to guide its decision-making processes. 

What, then, are the standards we need for the values that will underlie A.I. decision-making?  Although that question may seem straight-forward, in its essence it is a very sound philosophical question to ask, one that will shape the future of A.I. through a conscientious process of strategic planning.  ##Placeholder Book 52  is a blank dummy entry that can be duplicated to enable the easy addition of new books in this website.  

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The Logic of Truth in Artificial Intelligence

Abstract  -  Version 79.03.05

The Logic of Truth in Artificial Intelligence proposes a non-mathematical means for discovering social truth.  If we use AI as an operating system to manipulate the program of organic logic that is presented in the text that AI will be able to resolve most of the challenging philosophical questions that have bedeviled scholars, philosophers, and many others for millennia.  The benefit is that AI, using the organic logic that is fundamental to human existence, will be able to provide insights and suggestions to contentious contemporary social, political, and economic problems that may include constitutional questions, gun control, birth control, population management, the death “penalty,” and voluntary death and dying, for a short list of examples. 

AI + Organic Logic would provide an objective perspective of the human condition without bias, prejudice, malice, bigotry, or self-interest.  Having a totally objective, emotionally inert source of universal and timeless wisdom would provide humanity with the possibility of designing civilization and the societies of nations with the potential to transcend 20,000 years of organizational failure. 

The ”elephant in the room” of course is the lack of widespread awareness of the organic logic of the seven organic human values that will make all of this possible.  Those values were used by our ancient ancestors to underlie their decisions that sustained their survival.  Having a thorough understanding of the basis for using those values in AI will enable AI architects, program managers to produce proactive programs that resolve longstanding social, political, and economic problems. 

This work is based on the author's previous publications, ● Seven Innate Human Values;   ● Making Sense of Ethics  —  A Universally Applicable Theory of Proactive Ethics, Morality, and Values; and,  ● The Completion of Maslow’s Theory of Human Motivation   —  available from the below list. 

As the capability of AI increases and able to process more and more difficult tasks, the prospect of it addressing human values-based problems points to the great need for the added benefit of a human system of values-based logic.  

The emphasis of this paper is on the organic values and their subsequent ethical and moral rules of decision-making.  They were coincidentally discovered by the author and an experimental design team he founded in 2008 to resolve a more personal problem, how to prevent disappointment in intimate relationships. 

These seven values, (illustrated on page 6), are in reality “human social constants” and similar in function as geometric and mathematical constants.  What gives them that identification are their characteristics, (page 14).  ##

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Artificial Intelligence  2

Solving the Long Term Problem of AI

ABSTRACT –  39B.02.07

The great fear of people who have been vigilant observing the development of AI is that AI has entered a phase that has begun the odyssey from self-adjusting programming made by humans, onto self-monitoring programming in order to self-adjust the program, then onto the broader perspective of self-evaluation and being conscious.  That is already a reality.

That fear is well justified as the next step is self-consciousness, i.e., self-awareness and self-adjusting programming without human assistance. 

Their fear illuminates the long term problem of AI, which is endemic from the lack of philosophical discussions in the physical sciences.  This problem arises because philosophical development of the physical sciences has not evolved in parallel with the physical sciences in the last four hundred years of its existence.  Now, humanity is being confronted with the philosophical reality of AI evolving into the early stages of self-consciousness without any limitations. 

That is, consciousness without the backdrop of ethics (the conditions of relationships) and morality (the conditions of life and living) to weigh and discern what benefits civilization and what is detrimental to civilization will generate a electronic ego without inherent limitations. 

Artificial Intelligence 2, Solving the Long Term Problem of AI was written to make a meaningful contribution to the conflicts of AI-Mind with the philosophical demands of human existence in the form of ethics and morality.  The values briefly discussed here will hopefully provide AI architects and programmers with insights of a highly desirable AI program.  Consider the following: 


It is eventual that AI must become

The Egoless Moral and Ethical Guardian

against the individual, group, and national

ego-driven penchant for seeking positions of authority, power, and control that benefit self-interest. 

The only way this can occur is when the

ethical and moral rules of decision-making are based

on the seven innate values of the Homo sapiens species and embedded in all A.I. programs. 

Doing so, AI will become the moral and ethical arbiter

of decisions concerning contentious

personal, societal, and civilizational issues. 

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F A C I L I T A T O R 


The one factor that prevents the social evolution of the social-societal, political-governmental, and the financial-economic sectors of democratic societies is division, separation, intense traditional competition, and the turf wars that develop from them.  The techniques for achieving the middle ground of compromise have been lost or ignored, another victim of social, political, financial/economic factions. 

Facilitators  is composed to two parts.  Part 1, The Conceptual Platform, discusses the synergistic, holistic social science concepts that the author has created in the last sixteen years.  Part 2, Practical Applications, applies those concepts in terms of social programs. 

As time has passed since 2007, approximately, great social, political, and financial/economic changes have taken place in the United States and across the world.  The difficulties of the last sixteen years have become transposed into national crises, and now global chaos, that are the perfect times for the arrogance and mischief of national leaders and political groups to use for their own manipulation and benefit.  We now find that the middle ground of reason, compromise, and humble negotiation have vaporized, and are absent.

Remarkably, these times present a coincidence of war and chaos with the emergence of an almost spiritual mystique of benevolence among very large groups of people across the world.  This presents a very inviting space for facilitators to present their skills.  Not the skills of compromise or acquiescence but of the creation of solutions without taking positions.  There is within individuals, who still hold out hope for alternatives in the face of opposing factions, to create solutions that had not been discovered and tried before. 

Any such attempts of creating alternative solutions must as well be based on previously undiscovered concepts upon which to build those solutions.  Concepts and creative environments for solutions is the aim of this small manuscript.  20,000 years of the consistent failure of nations, states, empires, and all forms of organizational existence should be enough to convince all of us to try something else.  The short explanation for understanding those 20,000 years of failure in the forms of war, depressions, more war, social, political, and economic revolutions is that repeatedly trying to solve a problem using the same methods is a form of national and civilizational insanity. 

Our species has been in existence for well over 200,000 years, surely there must be something about our species that can help us now to achieve perennial peace for as long.                                              ##

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Three  Epochs  of  Civilization  

ABSTRACT   76.03.04    

The chaos of our global civilization today is rooted in its history tens-of-thousands of years ago.  The first epoch is easy to define as it involves the rise of bipedal humanoids from the microbial ooze millions of years ago.  The second epoch began approximately when those same humanoids in their migrations and foraging could be called the collective of humanity. 

The chaos in the world today gradually came into existence as the size of our civilization outgrew its culture.  The 2nd epoch came into existence without an intention, without a plan, philosophy, missions, or objectives.  It simply came into existence much as mushrooms rise from the forest floor.  The coincidental culture of the civilization that continues today can be summed up with this simple statement, “That’s just the way we have always done it.”  It was taken for granted that rulers rise and fall, states and empires rise and fall with the conclusion of “That’s just what happens” without ever considering how to change those beginnings and endings. 

Humanity is now at the crucial point of its existence where we can no longer take our survival for granted.  No amount of genetic urges of survival of our species will carry on the survival of the organizational matrix of our civilization.  We are at the point now where we must re-invent civilization and its culture as a self-sustaining social organism. 

Inherent in that last sentence is the realization that we must become consciously attached to our own personal survival, and create a plan and culture for the 3rd Epoch of Civilization. 

As the process of creating a plan is a conscious and intentional effort, we must fully understand the fundamental elements that have sustained our species over the course of 200,000 years, the values that must underlie sustaining decision-making, and the rules that govern consistent, effective decision-making that will create a 3rd Epoch culture to become the kernel of reasoning in each and all societies. 

Where do we begin?  Not so obviously, we must begin with the most primary of all social institutions, the family.  It is the family that socializes and enculturates each new generation.  It is the family that we must use as our primary resource for teaching the social-survival skills, knowledges, and wisdoms that will bend the course of civilization to become socially self-sustaining and at peace. 

The next most important social institution that will bring the 3rd Epoch Civilization and Culture into its fullness is the social evolution of the democratic process.  Democracies always originate in local communities, being usurped by oligarchies in the later decades.  The 3rd Stage of Democracy will also rise with the 3rd Epoch of Civilization.  ##  

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Consciousness     Values     Mind

ABSTRACT   75.03.06   

What is consciousness?  What is mind?  Both are non-dimensional.  Universe consciousness is infinite and the lesser is confined to the individual.  Being dimensionless, the mind is capable of far more than we have the volitional capability to use.  Could it be that the universal and timeless order and pattern that we see throughout the last 13.5 billion years of light in the universe is evidence of a “universe Mind” that is reflected in the values for our own mind? 

Consciousness joins the material universe with the mind (of being human). Values are the moral bridge that mind uses to bring order to human existence in an infinite universe.  The seven innate human values and their subsequent ethic and morality provide humankind with the real possibility of self-actualization.  The evolution of the human mind to become a personal consciousness in the eternal universe is made possible because these innate values are transpersonal values. 

The author, having experienced the traumas of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Near Death Experience (NDE), accompanied by a transpersonal experience where his Guardian Angel was revealed, has written Consciousness  Values   Mind  as a report of his experiences and insights involving consciousness, values, and mind.  The thinning of the vail of consciousness from that experience brought a great deal of clarity to these subjects, but put him on the outside of contemporary cultures.  The subjects of this paper are highly repudiated by contemporary academic thinkers, but are representative of many thousands of years of experience by shaman from dozens of cultures worldwide. 

If what the author reports has some degree of validity to it, then perhaps we can use these insights to understand the current rise of consciousness around the world that began in the mid-1950s.  And if we do understand that rise of consciousness, perhaps we can use that understanding to redesign our social institutions so that they proactively contribute to the self-sustainability of our societies, communities, families, and nations. 

It is clearly evident that continuing the use of the historic and traditional designs of social institutions, particularly in democratic nations, will simply continue the failed 20,000-year history of all organizations.  Obviously that does not reflect the pattern and order that we see throughout the universe.

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Peace and the Human Holism

ABSTRACT   73.03.02  

There is a Chinese symbol that depicts opportunity in times of crisis, and we are in those times, now.   We know from the current state of the social, political, and economic factors of our global civilization that all nations are in advancing states of crisis.  Yet, when we take a Planetary Manager’s perspective, we can see that this time, too, is one of immense opportunity.  The crises are only too evident that we cannot avoid looking at them as they are all around us all of the time.  The opportunity of this era is that the staid and crystalized social institutions, (democratic process, finance and the economy, justice, healthcare, and education), are incredibly ripe for failing completely.  This rare opportunity lies in wait for a set of integrated concepts that will provide integrated social systems to replace the outworn social processes and consciousness that are barely holding our democratic societies together. 

What is proposed in the text is the use of “social constants” that are innate to our species and act similarly as the constants of the physical sciences such as pi, e, and many others.  The timeliness of the current declining state of our global civilization, and the discovery of these constants, encourages us to create social programs that possess the capability of making immense proactive contributions to the ongoing social, political, and economic stability and sustainability of our nation’s societies and our global civilization. 

Not so ironically, the same designs that we create will become a “recovery plan” for nations to reinvent themselves while also becoming more operationally reliable in the coming centuries and millennia. This may appear to be wildly idealistic, but consider that our civilization came into being many thousands of years ago did so without an organizational development plan.  There was no forethought about it coming into being.  No plan.  No vision.  No intention for its continued development to sustain its existence into the future millennia. 

And, though the Homo sapiens species has successfully sustained its survival and a thriving existence, for over 200,000 years, the organizational existence of former nations, cultures, civilizations, empires, and societies have all failed.  The intense juxtaposition of our species survival and the consistent failure of ALL nations, governments, and administrations over the last 20,000 years is the poignant issue of this text. 

Where once our civilization came into existence unconsciously and without forethought or intention, the current era of the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous situations of all nations offer us a conscious opportunity to re-create our civilization to become socially, politically, and economically stable and eventually a pleasant and peaceful place to live for our children’s future generations.                                 

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UNDERSTANDING Social Sustainability

ABSTRACT   27.29.06     

The illustration on page 11 shows the significant differences between material sustainability and social sustainability.  While material sustainability is humanity’s attempt to adapt to the material limitations of living on only one planet, social sustainability is vital for 8 billion people to live on one planet without destroying each other. 

In the text, “organizational survival” is NOT related to the survival of individual organizations, but rather to the survival of the whole of society as a social organism that provides a “cocoon” for the development, evolution, and maturation of the individual/family and organizations.  As the illustration on page 30 describes, organizations and the individual/family are the only decision-makers in any society.  The fate of society as a social, holistic organism is always determined by the decisions made by decision-makers in organizations and the individual/family. 

UNDERSTANDING Social Sustainability provides readers with the conceptual building blocks of social sustainability that are necessary for any nation and society to transcend the 20,000-year history of failure of all societies, nations, empires, and their governments, policies, and administrations.  In order for a democratic society to sustain its survival over the course of many centuries and millennia, the organizations of the major sectors of that society must make decisions that contribute to society as a holistic social organism. 

Social and material sustainability are two of several strategic components of Planetary Management where humanity and the organizational context of civilization provide the social “cocoon” that is capable of nurturing global social stability and peace.  This larger perspective takes into account the factors that generate a planetary social-societal, political-governmental, and economic-financial holism that supports the thriving survival of planetary, national, societal, and community sustainability.   ##

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3 Stages of Democracies 

ABSTRACT   74.02.01      

●  NOTE:  The word “Citizen” in the text refers to those individuals of any political party who seek the legitimate means to support the evolution of democracies to become more effective and representative of citizens who are the final authority for the establishment of democracies.

●  All mature contemporary democracies today have developed to the point where they have expired all of the design potential as “Stage 2 Democracies.” To sustain the functional working order of those democratic, mature democracies will need to evolve to become values-based “Stage 3 Democracies.”  See page 81-106. 

●  3  Stages of Democracy provides clear explanations for reframing democratic values in terms of the seven values of our species that are universally and timelessly innate and organic to all people.  Democracies are the visible result of citizens striving to satisfy their hierarchy of needs that emanate from those values.  When that is stifled, social and political problems arise. 

●  The logic-sequence of these values also provide for the logical development of a universal and timeless ethic and morality that emanate from those values.  And this provides for the rational development of rules of conduct, laws, for the organized social existence of free citizens in relationship to others, and their government. 

●  Finally, the values that have sustained the survival of our species for over 200,000 years can become the bridge for rational and effective dialogue between Citizens, conservatives, and liberals in all political parties in all democratic nations. 

What is provided here is an introduction to the empowerment of citizens, with brief but pragmatic instructions to form a large bloc of public consensus.   ##

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The Completion  of  Maslow’s Theory 

of Human Motivation


          The premise of this paper is that there exist primal “triggers” in the human genome that when activated by stimuli initiate genetic instructions of motivation, the urge to do something in response to the instructions.  In most situations that response is preconscious to the individual and followed by an unconscious decision and action.  In other situations the response may provide conscious consideration, and then a decision to take action or not.  

         Through the happenstance of life’s developments, or that of Providence’s provision of right circumstances, the author became aware of several primal triggers of the Homo sapiens species.  These provided for the thriving survival of our species over the course of its existence of approximately 200,000 years; and, the development of the organizational existence of human civilization. 

         Research by the author revealed that there are seven genetic “triggers” that activate genetic codes of instructions:  four primary instructions regarding life, equality, growth, quality of life; and three secondary instructions regarding empathy, compassion, and in combination a generalized love for humanity. 

         Because of the importance of these triggers, they are nominally labelled as “values.”  They underlie decision-making whether consciously or unconsciously invoked, and quite literally determine “what works” to 1) support human survival, a thriving existence, and 2) the capability of material and social, political and economic development of civilization. 

         These two considerations complete Maslow’s theory of human motivation in that the genetic instructions conceptually precede Maslow’s theoretical work, and conceptually complete his theoretical work.   Maslow’s theory provided a profound breakthrough for the field of psychology.  An excerpt of his theory is provided on pages 51 and 52 that represents the middle third of a holism.  This paper provides a discussion of their first third of that holism, Maslow’s work, and the final third that complete the theory he published 78 years ago.   

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Democracy - 

Planning for Recovery Before the Coming Collapse

A Book of Hope

ABSTRACT –  62.05.01    

Democracy – Planning for Recovery Before the Coming Collapse — A Book of Hope provides the recovery design plans for democratic nations where other books provide only predictions of the collapse with no remedial or recovery plans.  The technological wizardry that created the world that we know so well is of no use to resolve the coming collapse.  The collapse is not a technological problem.  It is a human problem where objects and quantities have been given more importance than quality-values that are at the core of the survival of the organizational existence of our families, communities, and societies. 

What these plans call for is a culture change that begins with a change of consciousness from the limited thinking of materialism, monetization of everything, and from quantity-object value systems.  These plans call for a change of consciousness to quality-value based value based decision-making systems that add value to individual citizens, families, communities, and societies. 

This book calls for the use of Directed Social Change to develop the evolution of social institutions so that their intentions are coordinated and complemental with each other to create beneficial future social circumstances for the generations that will come into existence.  A redesign of democratic societies is fundamental to their survival using design plans that plan for beneficial outcomes 10, 20, 30 years, and 50 years into the future. 

What we want to give to ourselves is the hope that our progeny of future generations will remember us fondly for the planning, decisions, and fortitude of planning well for their life and living situation to be better than what we are experiencing to day.  ##

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Progressive Politics, Democracy, and Human Motivation

ABSTRACT:  56.09  Progressive Politics, Democracy, and Human Motivation

Progressive Politics, Democracy, and Human Motivation provides a brief insight into an integrated system of those three elements.  There is a reason people all over the world have gravitated toward democracy.  It is the governance-response to the human need for the unfettered expression of the seven values and the natural potential of each individual that are innate to our species. 

The missing factor in mature democracies is an operational awareness that social institutions, as the democratic process, evolve in response to social change, which is evidence that people are reinterpreting the urging of their innate values in new ways.  The problem of mature democracies, “Stage 2 Democracies,” is to find ways to include social change in the democratic process so that democracies stay attuned to social change.  Failing to do so,  mature democracies will then become inflexible facts of history. ## 

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A  Précis  of  Social  Sustainability

aka  The  IS  of  IT  All


ABSTRACT -  41.03

A Precis of Social Sustainability provides an understanding of the logic of the holism of human existence.  What is necessary to grasp the logic of social sustainability is an understanding of human motivation.  The Homo sapiens species is “programmed” by the program code of its genome to survive without conscious or intentional thought.  However, this code can only be applied to the survival of the civilization of humanity by conscious, volitional decisions. 

Abraham Maslow paved the way, but knew at the time that his theory of human motivation was not yet complete and that further research would be needed to bring it full circle.  That circle has been completed with this precis and the referenced paper in the footnote. 

Social sustainability [1] will not become fully operational until the program of the human genome has begun to be exercised to bring about social stability and peace.  And this must be done with conscious intention, plus appropriate proactive social policies and social programs the intentionally bring about social evolution. 

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The Evolving Roles of Democratic Government

ABSTRACT –  The Evolving Roles of Democratic Government

The first role of a democratic government (US) is to administrate the governmental designs of the Constitution and Amendments.  The second role is to “preserve the union,” while the third role is to support the social evolution of itself so that it can “preserve society.”  A democratic government is taken for granted as necessary to administer the duties of governance, but without a thought or intention to support the national society as the “social cocoon” that sustains the public and each citizen. 

 As this is a new concept that needs attention and development, it will soon become evident that a socially stable and peaceful society is taken for granted, just as a fair, equitable, and honest democratic government can be taken for granted. 

As a democratic government has the potential of being an agent of great good, that potential needs to be discussed and developed so that society progresses and to prevent civil and political insurrections, revolts, and revolutions.  Democracies must evolve, and so must their governments and societies.  The inherent symbiosis of a democratic government and the public, each citizen, must be nurtured with an intention to “preserve the union” and to preserve the society from which great good can be developed for the public and each citizen. 

The early phase of that discussion begins here. 

“Ideas without action are worthless.”

Harvey Mackay

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The Human Holism

ABSTRACT   71.10.00   

The human holism of the human genome exists as undeveloped capability.  Genetically, Homo sapiens possess all of the inherent and innate resources to successfully manage the material and social resources of the world.  The resources necessary to do both lie latent within the human genome. 

We are fortunate that our human senses are highly attuned to external and internal stimuli to activate the genetic instructions at the precognitive and cognitive levels of our mind.  These instructions initiate a cascade of precognitive and cognitive decisions.  The result has been our species’ survival and thriving existence for over 200,000 years. 

The reliability of humans to successfully make decisions that result in survival and the thriving existence of our species is due to the “social constants” that exist in the human genome.  Much like mathematical constants that have been used in the physical sciences to create reliable theories and truths, the human genome contains four primary constants and three secondary constants that underlie the decision-making of our species. 

The crux of that process is that humans have not consistently applied the decision-making rules of sustainable decision-making to the secondary constants to assure that social stability and peace predominate in the realm of all relationships.  While survival decisions are almost automatic, decisions involving relationships with other people and their groups have been and are completely discretionary.  We have the discretion to ignore the motivation of the three secondary social constants  to choose whether to act upon the impulse of empathy and then compassionately come to the aid of the other person who is in a situation of trauma, or joy.  To the world’s great detriment, such is our global situation today. 

Although The Human Holism may seem idealistic, nothing less will provide future generations with the understanding of how to use our innate resources to recover from the global and civilizational damage our existent generations have caused.  It is essential that we begin locally to plan the development of social programs to create social,  political, and economic stability and global peace for all future generations, worldwide.  The human holism dictates that capability. 

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Consciousness of the New Era

ABSTRACT –  67.01.01 

Consciousness of the New Era provides a strategic planetary management view of the development of our planetary civilization.   If, hypothetically, you were the planetary manager of this planet and had the job assignment to develop and then advance the development of a planetary civilization, where would you begin?  A beginning could be the development of a planetary consciousness of separation, which would introduce competition, the crises of survival, to grow to improve your survival skills, and to develop an improving material quality of life equally as well as anyone else could. 

Planetary consciousness is a “fact” accepted by indigenous peoples from the earliest times of human existence to the present with the concepts of “Gaia” and other designations.  If we say that consciousness is present on this planet, then logically we must be saying that there is an intelligence behind it.  

The history of human aggression, (separation), is as old as our species.  Separation is the cause of most conflicts, but also the motivation to improve the physical conditions of living and surviving.  Separation and competition are now the cause of more harm than good. 

Ironically, the Covid-19 Pandemic has created a civilizational inflection point for the change of global consciousness from separation to integration.   For those who have been working to establish peace on earth, this is a very momentous time in history – to know that the consciousness of the planet and our humanity are working together for good. 

We are now being confronted with the limitations of 8 billion people living on a small planet.  The advantages of a consciousness of separation are no longer beneficial, but have become highly detrimental!

Just as our species has invented the physical and material technologies to create quantifiable improvements in our material quality of life, we must now invent the social and societal technologies that create the qualitative social improvements of the quality of life for the general public.  

The outcome we are looking for is that the consciousness of integration will ultimately result in global peace.  The universal and timeless mechanics are discussed here.

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Employee Entrepreneurs

ABSTRACT:  69.02.03

The world today is in great turmoil.  It may appear that this is due to the machinations of leaders who are emotionally unfit males to lead whole nations into a prosperous and thriving future.  That is clear evidence that old agendas of men and nations are out of synch with the changing times, change of culture, and the uplifting state of global consciousness. 

The Covid Pandemic created an organic (not manmade) “time out” for all of humanity who were employed.  A time-out of unemployment, which for many was something that had never occurred to them.  It became a time of reflection, to think about their work-life, and to assess the value of their employment compared to their time of unemployment.  When the call came for them to return to work, millions simply did not return.  They had assessed that there was no personal value or meaning to them for returning.  Now governmental agencies have many hundreds of thousands of vacancies that they cannot fill. 

This, too, is an element of the change of consciousness in the world.  For millions, “going back to work” is repugnant.  Doing so would affirm that they needed the old, archaic, traditional male-dominated work environments.  They yearn for something in their employment that is far more personal to them, something that gives them meaning and purpose as a higher quality of engagement with their employment. 

This paper describes a very necessary change in the conduct of national economies, which also will provide a realistic remedy for the 1%-99% equity divide. 

Yes, what is offered here and soundly suggested is radical to anyone who is actively invested in the old economy as the source for the purpose and meaning of their life.  The solutions offered here provide existential answers that will support national democratic economies and societies into the coming centuries. 

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Manifesto for Designing 

Self-Sustaining Democratic Societies  

ABSTRACT –  63.13.02

Jared Diamond has written extensively on the demise of many dozens of societies and past civilizations, yet there is no record of the collapse and demise of a global civilization.  If the global social, political, and economic crises continue and the viral pandemic, environmental, geophysical, and meteorological cataclysms continue, we can anticipate that our global civilization today will soon join the numbers of past societies, nations, cultures, empires, and civilizations that have risen, crested, declined, collapsed and disintegrated. 

For those of us who remain, will we choose to rebuild what has collapsed or will we rebuild using new social, political, and economic designs of that will support social stability, social sustainability, and peace?  And if those who remain choose to use self-sustaining designs, where will they get them? 

Not everyone is aware that our nations and civilization are now in the process of failing, and very few have thought it would be necessary to plan for recovery Before the collapse is fully underway. 

What you will discover in these pages are the thoughts of historian and futurist Daniel Raphael who has given many decades of his life to the study and design of self-sustaining social systems that could be modified to suit the conditions of the future. 

“Self-sustaining” literally means that social systems do not have any inherent self-defeating processes in the designs to create socially stable and peaceful societies and nations.  Readers will discover a high degree of cognitive dissonance as they read through the pages, as there has never existed anything similar in the 20,000-year organizational history of humankind. 

What is provided here is not utopian.  It is a wake-up call to humanity at a time when it is far too late to halt or deflect the coming collapse.  The “tipping point” has passed a long time ago. 

There is one inventive option that is provided, the necessary step to reformulate the concept of social institutions as actionable associations of related organizations.      

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Social Sciences to the Physical Sciences

ABSTRACT –  When we compare the physical sciences, (astronomy, physics, chemistry, earth science, astrophysics, geology, planetary science, and meteorology), to the social sciences, the physical sciences have a universal matrix that ties each of the physical sciences into an understandable holism.  That universal matrix is mathematics.  The social sciences do not exist as a holism because they do not have a common and universal matrix that ties them together to make all human social behavior comprehensively understandable.  Each social science has its own respective theories of human behavior and social behavior.  Whether it is the family, education, health care, anthropology, economics, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, or sociology, none uses a matrix that is common to the other social sciences.  This paper will show that seven innate human motivators will become the universal matrix of all social sciences, social theories, social institutions, and organizational decision-making.    (2,897 words) 

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Organic Philosophy

ABSTRACT   65.05.01 –  Abortion is used in the text as an example for exploring the development of an Organic Philosophy.  Abortion, as a social issue unsettles Americans in fitful ways, some of which are highly confrontational and even violent on occasion.  It is, in the reality of the American culture, just one of several highly sensitive social issues that have several commonalities.  Whether it is abortion, euthanasia, the “death penalty,” or gun “control,” they all provide gross evidence that the American culture is still immature, incomplete, and unworkable as it has existed in the last 60 years. 

The American culture is changing.  The traditional philosophies that sustained the early beginnings of this democratic nation are no longer sufficient alone to resolve new social, political, and economic problems as they arise.  While the humanistic political philosophies of early America solved many of the problems associated with a new nation moving from a monarchical form of governance to an immature, universal form of democratic governance, there has not come into existence a universal, humanistic social philosophy to guide the resolution of existent and newly emerging social problems. 

The Organic Philosophy described here uses abortion as an example of a national social problem that can be healed peacefully using the functional components of this philosophy.  The seven organic motivator-values that are innate to the human genome, and their subsequent ethic and morality  provide the components of the Organic Philosophy, and the means of decision-making that will enable citizens to approach sensitive social issues without taking ideological positions.  The functional concern is to heal sensitive social issues that threaten social stability, while also providing positive incremental steps for a democratic society’s evolution. 

The characteristics of those motivator-values include that they are universal to our species, timeless as our species is timeless, irreducible in that more basic motivators do not underlie these motivator-values.  Further, they are immutable in that they do not change, i.e., they are constant. 

This brief paper outlines the Organic Philosophy as a means to transform tragic social and societal problems by objectively assessing those problems as being truly solvable.  It moves this and similar social problems from being ideological hand grenades to potential sources of incremental social evolution.   ##                                            

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Democracy ALERT 


Democracy ALERT  describes "The Great Transition" of consciousness that began to appear in the United States in the 1950s, and which became very evident with several social changes and cultural changes in the 1960s.  The sexual revolution that gave women control of their reproduction, drug experimentation, disenchantment of young men with traditional male roles, long hair, peace marches, and many forms of protests all were early evidence of a change of consciousness in developed nations.  The Vietnam War irremovably set the new consciousness firmly into place.  The confused era of "me-ism" and money, money, money, materialism, "more is better," the egregious 99-01% equity divide of wealth  seem to dim the overt new consciousness.  Yet, there has been a consistent blossoming and growing trend of that stream of consciousness that has taken hold in the minds of less aggressive people.  This, now, sets the stage for the Covid-19 Pandemic and the incredibly rapid culture change within most nations, and numerous crises in almost all facets of societal existence.  

Coincident with that has been the growing resistance of the traditionalists in developed nations to this change of consciousness to the point now where physical violence has become an outward evidence of that resistance at political levels, social levels, and yet to been seen, at economic levels.  

But one unchanging truth of an expansion of consciousness in humanity has been its slow incremental, progressive, and evolutionary development that once experienced, THERE IS NOT GOING BACK.  That is the change of consciousness that brought democracy that begin circa 900 C.E. to its eruption in 1776 and 1789, and then in many other nations, to the present time where the consciousness of democracy, the expression of individual rights.  That long term trend of the consciousness of democracy has been growth, evolution, and institutional evolution.  

For millennia, mystics have experienced a change of consciousness that now is recognized to occur with the use of transpersonal drugs (LSD, Ecstasy, and others), near death experiences, and traumatic brain injuries are all examples of this personal process.  But in this case the change of consciousness is affecting all of humanity.  

As for democracy and its challenges, now is  time of great stress as traditionalists hunker-down, dig their heels in, and fight like hell to reinstate the autocracies of past centuries.  But once experienced by the people of the world, a nation, or personally -- there is no going back to the old state of consciousness.

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Abortion, the Perfect Moral Storm

ABSTRACT –  64.04

In many ways the vociferous reactions of the various sides of the controversial topic of abortion is the evidence of the immature and incomplete development of ethics, morality, and values. It is an historic relic of antiquarian, philosophical, processes of discussion. No one is at fault for this societal tragedy, but we all are responsible for the outcomes of such a tragic situation in a democratic nation. 

As readers will find, the public issue of abortion is societal in nature. It is more than personal, it is more than social, it is societal in that it has caused a deep and vicious injury to our social stability, social peace, and has retarded the social evolution of all of our social institutions.  What is also tragic is that our social sciences have not taken the position of cultural leadership to help resolve this egregious national tragedy, even after more than two centuries of gathering data about social institutions and the functioning of societies.

In the text, which takes no sides of the current debacle of public discussion, readers will find that we are all involved, whether we have children or no children. What is required for resolution is sharing responsibility of the care and nurturance of our democratic society as a social organism. It is alive, and it grows or withers whether each individual takes ethical and moral responsibility for their decisions and actions.

It is we, individuals of the public, who determine whether our society and nation thrives or dies. Democratic nations throughout the world have been on the cusp of failure even before the Covid Pandemic came along.  Now, with the global economy in a highly volatile state, and with an archaic autocrat having begun a war without provocation, all nations should be wondering if and when they, too, will fail. The history of all organizations of the past 20,000 years is one of complete failure.

If we, as a nation, are unable to resolve the problem of abortion by peaceful means, then surely that will become an epitaph future generations of democratic nations will always remember. As observers of the great arc of history, we exist as but one small second, minute, and degree of that arc. That gives use the fore knowledge that we have the capability to leverage our species’ transcendence to sustain and assure the existence of our future generation’s survival and enduring peace.

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Sustainable Civilizations, 

A General Critical Theory 

Based on the Innate Values of Homo Sapiens


An Introduction to Planetary Management

ABSTRACT   40.16.0   

By its nature a General Critical Theory would provide a means for understanding all separate Critical Theories, many of which have already been discussed by other authors.  If a General Critical Theory is accurately developed it would apply to all areas of human behavior, and offer a mechanism by which all Critical Theories could be explained.  For this paper, the emphasis is on what works to “liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them,” to quote Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School.  This paper presents a General Critical Theory without arguing for its existence, as it is a natural development of the seven innate values of our species.   

For readers who are interested in A General Critical Theory, what is provided in the text brings together almost all of human interaction into a holism that supports the social sustainability of societies and civilization from the individual/family to organized associations of nations, and the sustainability of our planet. 

Readers may find Part 3, "Preparing for an Unsure Future," interesting as a pragmatic application of the earlier philosophical materials.  It provides discussions for re-inventing and transforming staid, traditional social institutions as the family, finance and economy, democratic process, education, health care, justice, religions, the democratic process, and media.  


Critical theory is the reflective assessment critique of society and culture by applying knowledge from the social sciences and the humanities. As a term, critical theory has two meanings with different origins and histories: the first originated in sociology and the second originated in literary criticism, whereby it is used and applied as an umbrella term that can describe a theory founded upon critique; thus, the theorist Max Horkheimer described a theory as critical insofar as it seeks "to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them." 

 NOTE to the Reader:

In the tradition of Max Horkheimer, the following paper exhibits the characteristics of his Critical Theory by providing conceptual and practical information to “liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them.”  In the case of this paper, its all inclusiveness of “all things of people” earns it the title as “a General Critical Theory.”  ## 

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The Design Team Process

The Abbreviated Workshop Edition

ABSTRACT   18.12.04 

The great benefit of having a set of timeless, universal, and irreducible values and subsequent ethic and morality is that we can use them in analytical formats as the Design Team Process to validate existing laws, policies, attitudes, prejudices, cultural, ethnic, racial, and gender assumptions, and social theories. 

Several key elements are needed to produce the synergy of The Design Team Process: 1) The “Design Team” that is composed of 5-11 team members; 2) Specific roles of team members provide functions within the team to gather their collective intelligence during the inquiry process;  3)  The “Social Sustainability Design and Validation Schematic” that guides their inquiry and can optionally be used as a “moral compass;” 4)  The seven innate and universal values of Homo sapiens; and, 5)  The subsequent ethic and morality of those values. 

The Design Team Process provides a continuation of the traditional, long history of town hall meetings that uses a rational and synergistic process to gather the intelligence of small teams of local citizens to create solutions for common community, societal, and political problems. 

The Design Team Process is fundamental for sustaining the legitimacy and effectiveness of the democratic process and the survival of democratic cultures. 

Fortunately, the product of Local Community Design Teams can be shared with other Design Teams in democratic nations via the Internet to resolve ongoing social, political, and financial-economic problems and to resolve related issues.  The goal is to design socially sustainable social institutions that exist similarly in those nations, and to design organizations so that they, too, contribute to the social sustainability of those societies for the great benefit of all future generations.  ## 

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The Formula for Peace


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Feminine Leadership for Stage 3 Democracies 

ABSTRACT   58.16.11   

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The Development of Public Policy and 

The Next Step of Democracy for the 21st Century

2nd Edition, First Published in 1992

ABSTRACT –  1.03.06

This is the 2nd edition of this book that was first published in 1992.  Only a few sections have been added to bring the original edition up to date to become the companion piece to “MANIFESTO for Designing Self-Sustaining Democratic Societies.”  As a futurist and historian, the author’s prescient insights were far “ahead of the leading edge” of thought concerning the evolution of democracies then and today. 


In the span of 30 years, since its original publication, the same problems of democracy exist, yet are far more exaggerated now.  The means to remedy these problems are the same, except that fortunately the advance of technologies have made it possible for citizens to engage a 24/7 Interactive Democracy. 


The problems of democracy that existed in the last 100 years are still present today.  As time has passed, public officials have become more and more distanced from their constituencies, and the public has become more and more alienated from them.  Without closer and more frequent contact with the electorate, public decision-makers are less likely to produce legislation that will resolve the many problems that 21st century democracies face. 


These problems are so complex, so pervasive, and so huge in scope as to be insolvable by any one government/nation or combination of nations even if those problems were identified and the solutions were obvious.  Political position-taking, power/authority/control conflicts, resource acquisition and allocation conflicts between political parties, nations, and large corporations, and public malaise will prevent timely action to alleviate the problems. 


The Development of Public Policy and the Next Step of Democracy for the 21st Century provides an ongoing process of innovative learning at local and national levels.  Once begun, it will provide ongoing progress for our societies and civilization, and, best of all, that progress will not be hindered by the brevity of our lives but continue with each new generation. 


Without values-based solutions, our civilization is likely to go the way of many dozens of civilizations that have risen, peaked, declined, and disappeared, (Diamond, Jared).  If political and governmental leaders do not foresee the need for local community input, then we surely need the innovative, radical, non-traditional democratic process improvements that are suggested in the text to help prevent the next collapse; and, to prepare for what lies ahead.  There is no better source than local, value-based solutions that emanate from the people who will enjoy the benefits of their preparedness, or suffer from its lack. 

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Organic Morality -- Answering the Critically

Important Moral Questions of the 3rd Millennium

ABSTRACT     7 - Organic Morality      [To be provided, later.]

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The Logic of Values-Based Inquiry for Decision-Making


55.08 – Logic of Values-Based Inquiry for Decision-Making   

© Copyright Daniel Raphael 2020 USA

This very brief paper will show readers how to use the simple logic of radical reductionism to simplify highly complex social problems, (social complexities).  The benefit is to see social complexities in simplified terms so that we see potential solutions more easily.  The key, of course, is to have solid, predictable, and established criteria to develop those solutions; and that is where the seven values that are innate and organic to all people come in.  The same applies to their subsequent ethics and morality. 

What this process does is similar to the simple mathematics process of factoring of numbers.  For example, the number 12 can be factored several ways:  12x1, 6x2, 3x4, and 3x2x2.  It doesn’t matter if someone in Bangkok, Thailand or Brisbane, Australia factors the number 12, the results will be consistent.  The reason there is always consistency is because the ten numbers, 0-9, are accepted worldwide and have been for centuries.  The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division have been used as long.  These four operations have specific rules for their use with the ten numbers.  The combination of numbers, operations, and rules provide for predictable results regardless of who or when they are used. 

*  Now, let us take a small leap of logic.  This small paper will use the seven values that are innate and organic to all human beings as the basis for a values based logic of inquiry into complex social problems.  Just as there are rules for the four mathematical operations, there are rules for using the seven values.  Those rules are contained in the ethic and morality that are generated from those seven values. 

***  We appreciate these seven values as providing predictable outcomes when the rules of their ethic and morality are applied.  Here’s where this becomes interesting.  With a bit of ingenuity, 1) these values can be used as constants; 2) their subsequent ethic and morality provide the rules for, 3), the operations of discernment and decision-making for ethical and moral determinations.  These three elements provide the foundation for writing computer code for computer software to guide human and organizational decision-making in the fields of material sustainability and social sustainability.  This offers the Artificial Intelligence industry an inherent answer to the technobabble now used to explain coding ethics into computer programs.  Once the code for new computer programs has been written and proven, they can be used in any and all human interactions that need ethical and moral clarifications.  ##

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The Progressive’s Handbook for Reframing Democratic Values

ABSTRACT  19.26.05     The Progressive’s Handbook for Reframing Democratic Values

●  NOTE:  The word “progressive” refers to those individuals of any political party who seek the legitimate means to support the evolution of democracies to become more effective and representative of citizens who are the final authority for the establishment of democracies.

●  All mature contemporary democracies today have developed to the point where they have expired all of the latent potential as “Stage 2 Democracies.” To sustain the functional working order of those democratic, mature democracies need to evolve to become values-based “Stage 3 Democracies.”  See page 81 for the table that compares the two Stages. 

●  The Progressive’s Handbook provides clear explanations for reframing democratic values in terms of the seven values of our species that are universally and timelessly innate and organic to all people.  Democracies are the visible result of citizens striving to satisfy their hierarchy of needs that emanate from those values.  When that is stifled, social and political problems arise. 

●  The logic-sequence of these values also provide for the logical development of a universal and timeless ethic and morality that emanate from those values.  And this provides for the rational development of rules of conduct, laws, for the organized social existence of free citizens in relationship to others, and their government. 

Ý  Finally, the values that have sustained the survival of our species for over 200,000 years can become the bridge for rational and effective dialogue between progressives, conservatives, and liberals in all political parties in all democratic nations. 

What is provided in The Progressive’s Handbook is an introduction to the empowerment of citizens, with brief but pragmatic instructions how to form large blocs of public consensus.   ##

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Societal Morality 

ABSTRACT   54.06 Societal Morality

In the perspective of Planetary Management, there needs to exist a societal morality, a code of moral decision-making to guide personal and organizational decision-making to assure that the best interests come about in the long term for societies as the generators of stable families and great future moral and cultural leaders. 

This brief paper reveals the egregious moral naïveté of democratic nations and their citizens at the levels of personal morality, social morality, societal morality, and planetary morality.  The antidote?  Awareness of the emerging moral responsibilities of each individual and each and every organizational decision-maker at each of those moral levels.  No one is exempt from making moral decisions that contribute to the social sustainability, peace, and stability of their our own lives, family, community, society, and civilization.  This paper will briefly tell you how. 

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And the Underlying Logic of Innate Human Goodness


Peace and the Underlying Logic of Innate Human Goodness provides a logical proof that supports the statement that humans are innately good by relying on only two premises: 1) Values always underlie all decisions; 2) Our species has existed for over 200,000 years. 

As “goodness” is a moral judgment, the topic of this paper lies within a much larger context of ethics and morality:  Ethics deals with the conditions of relationships.  Morality deals with the conditions of life and living.  The values that have been innate to humans for over 200,000 years provide the logical foundation for moral and ethical decision-making to demonstrate human goodness.  These are illustrated on page 13. 

The Logic Underlying Innate Human Goodness will surely cause a certain amount of cognitive dissonance for readers.  The traditional morality and ethics we were raised with have never been questioned as to whether they are rational enough to support 21st century democratic societies. 

That dissonance becomes pronounced when the reader learns that in the 4,000 years traditional ethics and morality that we were raised with do not have a consistent, integrated system of logic.  That dissonance becomes far more pronounced when the traditional ethics and morality are confronted with the proactive and logical system of ethics and morality described here.  Until now, traditional morality and ethics have been simply taken for granted and assumed to be the best. 

The central problem with the traditional ethic and morality is that no one has ever identified the arguable premise(s) or underlying values that support them for moral and ethical decision-making.                                                                                        49.04.03

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Foundations for An Evolving Civilization 

ABSTRACT    44.05.07

●  Many futurists, as myself, see this era in time as a “nexus point” where hundreds of vectors are coming together to midwife the New Era of Civilization.  The long-established vectors that now exist as the status quo will double-down and resist any and all attempts to bring this new era into existence.  

●  Yet, there are vectors that are primal to all stages and all vectors of civilization — the seven innate values of the Homo sapiens species, their consequent ethics and morality, functional families, and the incessant perennial yearning of individuals and whole societies to express their right of self-determination for an improving quality of life.  

●  For those who see the great arc of social development, the nexus reveals a view of that all social institutions have reached their zenith and are now undergoing slow, painful decline with some disintegrating.  An existent example is the global economy.  Yet, insights and answers for this nexus of social problems are available.  [1]

●  Consider the evolution of the democratic process:  The era of monarchs provided the gestation for the early expressions of Stage 1 Democracies that birthed Stage 2 Democracies through protest, revolt, rebellion, and revolution.  We are now in the baroque, over-mature era of Stage 2 Democracies that I call Feral Stage 2 Democracies.  What will the Stage 3 Democracies look like?   

●  As with any change of democratic regimes there is only one productive way to proceed, and that is forward, not backward.  

●  Remarkably, all of the elements necessary to birth Stage 3 Democracies are available.  Who will step forward and grasp the batons of leadership to lead the masses of citizens forward successfully?  

●  Realize though, as J. K. Rowling said, “It takes courage to face your enemies, but even more courage to face your friends,” that moving forward will be costly for many, but failing to pay that cost will forfeit the democratic rights that were attained by the lives of Revolutionaries of all democracies for all future generations.  

[1] Raphael, Daniel 2019   Sustainable Civilizations, A General Critical Theory  Based on the Innate Values of Homo Sapiens,  p. 179, Chapter 11 “Finance and the Economy,” especially The New Economy — Opportunities for New Industries, p 185.  |  See author’s BIO for download link. ##

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The Raphael Premise and Hypothesis 

For the Existence of Dark Matter and the Increasing Rate of Expansion of the Universe

ABSTRACT  46.10.04   

The Premise:  As the Infinite Universe is defined by time and three dimensions, a second universe exists and is defined as being the Non-Dimensional-Non-Temporal Universe, (NDNTU).  

The Hypothesis:  If the premise is true, then already proven scientific investigations of the IU will allow us to make numerous reasonably accurate assertions and speculations concerning the connection between quantum particles, quanta, dark matter, the increasing rate of expansion of the IU, the pervasive pattern and order in the IU, and mind.  

Aristotle and Sir Isaac Newton gave us workable clues to the increasing rate of expansion of the universe, yet they leave us clueless to answer the question, “Where does the abundance come from that furnishes the material for the formation of evermore stars, nebulae, galaxies, and the vast expanses of masses of dark matter?”  

Given that quanta exists, what are the implications involving humans? 

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Restoring the Greatness of Democratic Nations -

A Radically Conservative and Liberal Approach 

ABSTRACT    35.21.05

Restoring the Greatness of Democratic Nations offers citizens the means to design and create the basic social institutions of the family, finance and the economy, public education, health care, justice, and the democratic process so they support the sustainable social existence of democratic nations into the centuries and millennia ahead.   

Part 1, “The Mechanics for Creating Socially Sustainable Democratic Nations,” provides the reader with an understanding of the necessary elements that support the culture of peace and sustainable social existence.  Note:  Readers may also wish to read UNDERSTANDING Social Sustainability to gain a full awareness of the concepts of “social sustainability.”  Available here at the author’s website.   

Part 2, “Designing Socially Sustaining Social Institutions and Organizations” describes the moral and ethical standards social institutions will need to attain in order for nations to survive and achieve peace.  Caution:  Readers will experience a heightened level of cultural and social dissonance while reading Part 2.   

Part 3, “Restoring the Greatness of Democratic Nations” 

The greatness of democratic nations began with local citizens, and this is the process for restoring the greatness of democratic nations today.  The author is very confident that ingenious citizens who use these step-by-step procedures, plus advanced Internet technologies, will cut through the bickering mess of state and national politics, to confront an incompetent national leader.         

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Pour Comprendre  la  Viabilité sociale

"Pour Comprendre la Viabilité Sociale" s'adresse à toute personne qui a conscience de la nécessité à soutenir les sociétés et les familles, mais ne dispose pas des éléments pour comprendre les différences fondamentales entre  la viabilité sociale et celle des familles. En cette période, quand la plupart d'entre nous se sentent démunis et impuissants pour changer l'avenir, cet article, très clair et simple à lire, décrit comment changer l'avenir de nos communautés et sociétés. Tous ceux qui ont déjà réfléchi à ce problème  savent qu'il faut commencer par les familles, les parents qui mèneront  leur existence en connaissance de ces éléments pour ne pas vivre sans espoir, et éduqueront leurs enfants, lesquels seront les prochains meneurs, innovateurs et créateurs culturels.

Connaissant ces éléments nous pouvons alors modifier comment il faut prendre nos décisions, pour que les prochaines générations soient plus aptes à "s'auto-soutenir" qu'elles ne le sont actuellement. Puisque les valeurs sous-tendent toujours la prise de décisions, nous allons donc détailler ces valeurs qui ont soutenu nos espèces pendant plus de 8 000 générations. En réalité, si nos sociétés démocratiques doivent survivre, c'est maintenant qu'il nous faut prendre les meilleures décisions pour soutenir l'environnement matériel et social de nos enfants et petits-enfants.  

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Entendiendo  La Sostenibilidad Social

Resumen en Español de:  Entendiendo la Sostenibilidad Social Entendiendo la Sostenibilidad Social es un documento que está dirigido a aquel o aquella que aprecia la necesidad de sustentar nuestras sociedades, pero que no ha resuelto las diferencias fundamentales entre la sostenibilidad material y la sostenibilidad social. En un momento en que la mayoría de nosotros nos sentimos indefensos e impotentes para cambiar el futuro, Entendiendo la Sostenibilidad Social ofrece una descripción muy clara y fácil de leer sobre cómo cambiar el futuro de nuestras comunidades y sociedades. Aquellos que han pensado en esto saben que debemos comenzar con las familias y criar a los hijos que se convertirán en líderes, innovadores, creativos y en madres y padres que vivirán sus vidas con lo que creamos ahora, o vivirán en la desesperación. 

Sabiendo esto, podemos cambiar la forma en que estamos tomando decisiones para que las generaciones futuras tengan una mejor capacidad para sustentarse a sí mismas; mejor de lo que podemos hacerlo hoy en día. Dado que los valores siempre subyacen a la toma de decisiones, los valores que han sostenido a nuestra especie durante más de 8,000 generaciones se discuten en detalle. En verdad, si nuestras sociedades democráticas van a sobrevivir, entonces debemos comenzar hoy a tomar mejores decisiones para mantener el entorno material y social de nuestros hijos y nietos. 

68 páginas, 17.5 k palabras, con ilustraciones y tablas. 

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We Are Here, and There There Is A Plan

ABSTRACT   90.08.01   

 The plight of planet Earth and its civilization has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the universe.  The following is an excerpt from a planetary visitor that has relevance, “Your civilization came into existence approximately 20,000 years ago without a plan for its existence, and critically without an intention for what it was to become to aid the progress of humanity.  The worst case situation has been perpetuated for thousands of years – existence without self-awareness!” 

Also, “Such is the case today, whether [nations] are the most mature democracies, dictatorships, autocratic regimes, or other ideological form of governance.  All are failing.  Not going to fail, but are failing now.”  “It is self-evident that your world in almost all aspects of human organizational development is out of control. 

“That having been said, we hope you can understand the need for a beneficent dominating presence of peaceful, organizing spiritual intervention — now.  Planetary intervention on rogue planets as earth only occurs on the cusp of their destruction, which is imminent for earth.”

This paper was co-creatively written by the author and the visitor, Machiventa Melchizedek who is accompanied by many other spiritual beings from universe administration.  It was only after 30+ years of becoming actively integrated into the esoteric cultures of the world that the spiritual overseers and managers determined that it is time for them to present themselves to the world, and to share their plans for healing our civilization.  Their announcement is simple, “We are here” and, that “There is a plan,” to get earth back on track with other inhabited planets.

NOTE:  The quoted text is not a deception, fiction, fake news, and not created by artificial intelligence. 


Wu wei is living in complemental alignment with the pattern and order of the quantum field.  // You can live your life as you choose, going with the flow of the quantum field of the universe adds to the benefit of wu wei that arranges “added good” of what you need when you need it.  Living in wu wei takes the struggle out of living. ##   

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Quantum  Spiritual  Metaphysics 

ABSTRACT  47.03.04       Quantum Spiritual Metaphysics

God-believers accept that God, The Creator, created the universe that we live in that extends into the far reaches of ancient light.  Its mortal children are made of the same “stuff” as the universe.  But what is not so obvious in our belief system is that God created the universe with such infinitesimal detail that we are only now beginning to appreciate that detail.  

The premise of this paper is that The Creator resides in the Non-Dimensional-Non-Temporal Universe that most people accept as the eternal universe.  We, however, reside in the Infinite Universe that is defined by three dimensions and time.  For the curious astro-physicist-believer, this situation raises a big question, “What mechanism did God use to create the Infinite Universe?” 

As this paper explains, The Creator used the same fundamental sub-atomic particle to create the Infinite Universe as It did to create people.  This particle is commonly known as the quantum particle though other sources have given it the name of the “God Particle,” Higgs Bosom particle, Adamantine particle, and Ultimaton.  

This is where spiritual metaphysics comes into play, “What did The Creator use to design the quantum particle?”  The answer is "Mind," the mind of God.  Being designed by mind, quanta is subject to mind manipulation by God and sentient beings who also have the functions of mind.  The repercussions of that insight have already been discussed and written into thousands of spiritual metaphysical principles and articles, but never before have those principles ever had an objective foundation.  Now they do.  

Given that quanta exists and we are made of quanta, the many implications are discussed in this short paper.  

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The Values God Gave Us 

ABSTRACT   32.21.03

The intention of this paper is to describe the values that God embedded in our DNA so that we can make more effective decisions to advance our spiritual career.  In the creation of our species God gave us two things:  1) the freedom and responsibility to make decisions to advance our spiritual journey; and, 2), because values always underlie all decisions, God also gave us the values, and mind, to make those wise decisions.  

There are important implications for using these values individually and with others —  it will make our parenting and child rearing practices much easier and more accurate and effective.  These values also give policy-makers a highly reliable tool for formulating policies that will stand the test of time and circumstances.  These values now give all organizations the shared and mutual symbiotic responsibilities with the individual/family to sustain their shared communities and societies.  

We have always known what God’s plan is for humanity.  Now we know how to make decisions that will empower us to fulfill that plan for us individually and for all God-believers collectively.  


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I am Who I am, I AM LOVE


I AM WHO I AM consists of two books.  The first, Developing a Personal Loving-God Theology, was self-published in 1992 has been retitled for this publication as We Have A Personal Relationship .  The second, I am Who I am, I AM LOVE, was never published, either by myself or by anyone else.  At the time I was in the preliminary stages of contacting publishers at the time that Neale Donald Walsch’s book, Conversations with God, had just come onto the book market, (Oct. 1996).  Being filled with self-doubt about the public acceptance of a second channeled book with God as the source, I withheld from publishing I am Who I am, I AM LOVE.  This is its first public “coming out.”   ## 

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God for All Children, and Grandchildren 

ABSTRACT  30.13.05

God for All Children, and Grandchildren probably offers parents, grandparents, and older children one of the  easiest to understand and easy to read descriptions about God, the Creator.  The descriptions about God are presented in terms of a straight forward, simple logic.  Though many people have thought about God, few have ever read a straight forward, logical explanation about God and Its existence. 

God for All Children, and Grandchildren provides parents with simple explanations of the relationship that exists between God and the child.  As example, this short book tells readers that 1) there is someone (God) in charge of the universe; 2) who cares about each person; and 3), who has a personal “plan of life” for each person that will guide them to develop all of the potential they brought into life if they choose to accept it.  

For religious God-believers this simple text removes much of the fog and mystery about God that often gets in the way of a personal relationship between the individual and God.  

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God For All Religions

Re-Inventing Christianity And The Christian Church

Creating Socially Sustainable Systems Of Belief and Organization

ABSTRACT  26.02.02

God For All Religions could be called a revolutionary document, but in fact what it provides is a holism of evolution for all God-centered religions. It begins by providing readers with a “Pre-Creation” theology that provides the foundation for the simplicity and clarity of a “Loving-God” theology that follows. With both, the guilt that seems so endemic to traditional Christian religions is swept away. Without guilt to keep church members coming Sunday after Sunday, what then will draw people to their church, synagogue, temple, or mosque? The answer to that question is also answered through a transgenerational program that is applicable to each God-centered religion, one that will be eminently useful to their families, local communities, and to whole societies, for centuries.

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A Theology for New Thought Spirituality

ABSTRACT   24.13.04

If we believe that there is an ultimate and original creator of the infinite universe, then we must as well accept that given the great age of the infinite universe all aspects of it are integral.  This means that there are no elements or aspects that are adrift, detached, and isolated from the rest of the universe, whether that means the physics involving the ultimately smallest subatomic particles or the operation of the whole of the infinite universe. 

For students of spiritual metaphysics, this also means that the mind of The Creator and our mind are in many ways similar.  Mind, then, underlies creation, whether the original creation of God or the creation of a new thought by us, individually.  The repercussions are profound, which are dependent upon us, individually, striving to become perfect as The Creator.  That is, that our mind becomes clearer and clearer of any conflicts of thought within us, whether it is our values, beliefs, assumptions, or expectations, particularly about what God is and Its relationship to each of us. 

The most fundamental place to start, in order to have clarity of our capability to create, is having a clear, operational understanding of God and Its relationship to each of us and to all humanity.  This little book will give spiritual metaphysical students much to think about to answer their perennial question, “How do I become more effective in my metaphysical practices?” 

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A Feminine Theology for Islam and Catholicism

ABSTRACT    48.04.07        

We will know without any doubt there is no theologically legitimate basis for the mistreatment and neglect of women in any religious context, or any other context, when we understand the reasons The Creator created the Infinite Universe, finite mortal beings (us!), and the relationship It has with each of Its mortal children. 

Here, the Divine Feminine becomes grounded in a feminine theology to become an enlivened part of creation.  The popular phrase “The Divine Feminine” can be shown to emanate from the Creator Itself.  The divinity of God is shared with the feminine as women were created by God with Its primary characteristics.  Women have mind, will, self-determination, and the ability to create with just a thought.  The Creator is nurturing, benevolent, and generous by Its nature and God created women with these same characteristics, all of which are prerequisites for responsible, ethical social behavior.  [1]   This is the foundation for a God-centered social theology.  

Explaining the above will require us to develop a logic-sequence that begins with a “Pre-Creation Theology” to explain why God created the Infinite Universe in the first place. [Those who wish to understand this in the context of spiritual metaphysics and sub-atomic particle physics may wish to examine the companion paper, 47.03.01 Quantum Spiritual Metaphysics, which is provided in the author’s Google website.] 

[1]  Raphael, Daniel  2018  Making Sense of Ethics  —  A Unique, Unified Normative Theory of Ethics, Morality, and Values

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Developing A Personal, Loving-God Theology

ABSTRACT     001.5 Developing a Personal Loving-God Theology

This small book was first published in 1992 as my first published book.  At 126 pages and a stapled binding, only 50 copies were printed which gives it a unique position that also marks the beginning of a totally new era of my life.    

Even at age 5 I knew that what I was taught in Lutheran Sunday School did not match what my Grandmother, Dorothy, had taught me at home.  From the simple children’s songs that I sang with her, and her personal teaching, I knew that God was loving, kind, and generous.  …and not angry, jealous, and filled with wrath.  Yet, it would take me another 40+ years to prove it. 

The production of this book began during a “time out” that life had given me to recover from a shattered and dislocated left elbow and a traumatic brain injury I had received in the summer of 1990.  My lifelong search for the answers to a Loving-God came from my own life.  And, yes, there are ugly parts as well as some of those gleamingly brilliant parts from both of which much wisdom was produced. 

It has been approximately 15 years since the last time I examined this book.  I have reformatted it and have cleaned up some of the grammar, but essentially it is the same book as it was published in 1992.  ##

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Organic Human Motivation  -- Original Upload

A General Critical Theory for the Social Sciences


[An Independent Dissertation]

ABSTRACT –  1.02.07 - 

           The following is an independent dissertation that will examine human motivation from a new perspective, one that will apply to all social sciences as a General Critical Theory.  This perspective will in turn add a deeper understanding of the basis for Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation, while also establishing the organic basis for ethical decision-making. 

         The text will examine the discovery of seven organic human values that act as “value-constants,” from where they emanate, and how they affect human behavior.  These explanations will be followed by discussions of how those newly discovered constants will affect the development of proactive social policies and social programs to bring about improved social stability, social integration, peace, and social sustainability. 

         The intention of this dissertation is to provide the missing constants that will bring the social sciences into an integrated holism of understanding to support their practical applications to create a holism of all social sciences, and the development of an integrated holism of social policies and social programs.  These constants will give the social sciences a degree of precision that will result in the founding of social proofs, social truths, axioms, and corollaries that will support the formation of revised social theories. 

         The human genome is the source for urges and impulses that initiate the motivation of decision-making and action.  All primary human motivation begins there.  Our discussions will include values, human motivation, priorities of decision-making, ethics and morality, and an organic philosophy.  What the world needs at this time is a unifying influence that is non-exclusionary, non-privileged, non-political, non-religious, non-gender specific, universally applicable to all societies and all people, and most of all that provides for the development of timeless solutions that can be implemented from the local level onwards to the national level.

         This conclusion will confront readers with the moral and existential question of choosing between the eventual decline and collapse of civilization, or the inconvenience of choosing to design socially sustainable, socially stable, and peaceful societies for future generations who must endure or benefit from what we have done to them or for them.   

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ABSTRACT   51.01.02   Placeholder Book

Placeholder Book 52  is a blank dummy entry that can be duplicated to enable the easy addition of new books in this website.  

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ABSTRACT   51.01.02   Placeholder Book

Placeholder Book 52  is a blank dummy entry that can be duplicated to enable the easy addition of new books in this website.  

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