Park, B-K. D., Sayer, J. R., Clover, A. D., Reed, M. P. (2022). Longitudinal Degradation of Pavement Marking Detectability for LiDAR Sensing Technology in Real-World Use, Sensors, Under Review
Park, B-K. D., Park, J, Lee, B. C., Lee, B. (2022). Development of an Automated System for Evaluating Consistency Between Design and Product of Vehicle Seats, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, In Press
Park, B. K. D., Jones, M. L., Ebert, S., & Reed, M. P. (2021). A parametric modeling of adult body shape in a supported seated posture including effects of age. Ergonomics, 1-9.
Park, B. K. D., Corner, B. D., Hudson, J. A., Whitestone, J., Mullenger, C. R., & Reed, M. P. (2021). A three-dimensional parametric adult head model with representation of scalp shape variability under hair. Applied Ergonomics, 90, 103239.
Park, B. K. D., Wan, J., Kozak, K., & Reed, M. P. (2020). Model-based characterisation of vehicle occupants using a depth camera. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 83(1), 23-37.
Park, B-K.D. and Reed, M.P. (2020). A Model-based Approach to Rapid Estimation of Body Shape and Postures Using Low-Cost Depth Cameras. Proc. 3D Body Scanning Conference, Lugano, Switzerland.
Reed, M.P., Ebert, S.M., Jones, M.L.H., and Park, B-K.D. (2020). Occupant Dynamics During Crash Avoidance Maneuvers. UMTRI Technical Report UMTRI-2020-6. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
Reed, M.P., Ebert, S.M., Park, B-K.D., and Jones, M.L.H. (2020). Analysis of Body Movement Patterns and Subjective Discomfort Ratings in Long-Duration Sitting. UMTRI Technical Report 2020-1. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
Stirling, L., Kelty-Stephen, D., Fineman, R., Jones, M. L., Park, B. K. D., Reed, M. P., ... & Choi, H. J. (2020). Static, Dynamic, and Cognitive Fit of Exosystems for the Human Operator. Human Factors, 0018720819896898.
Park, B. K. D., Ebert, S., Miller, C., & Reed, M. P. (2020, July). Robust Markerless 3D Head Tracking of a Vehicle Occupant Using OpenPose. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 336-342). Springer, Cham.
Reed, M. P., Ebert, S. M., Jones, M. L., & Park, B. K. D. (2019). Comparison across vehicles of passenger head kinematics in abrupt vehicle maneuvers. Traffic injury prevention, 1-5.
Reed, M. P., Ebert, S. M., Jones, M. L., Park, B. K. D., Hallman, J. J., & Sherony, R. (2018). Passenger head kinematics in abrupt braking and lane change events. Traffic injury prevention, 19(sup2), S70-S77
Reed, M.P. Ebert, S.M., Park, B-K. D., and Jones, M.L.H. (2018). Passenger Kinematics During Crash Avoidance Maneuvers. Technical Report UMTRI-2018-05. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
Park, B. K. D., Jones, M., Miller, C., Hallman, J. et al., (2018) In-Vehicle Occupant Head Tracking Using a Low-Cost Depth Camera. SAE Technical Paper.
Jones, M., Sienko, K., Ebert-Hamilton, S., Kinnaird, C., Park, B., et al., (2018) Development of a Vehicle-Based Experimental Platform for Quantifying Passenger Motion Sickness during Test Track Operations. SAE Technical Paper,
Park, B. K. D., Ebert, S., & Reed, M. P. (2017). A parametric model of child body shape in seated postures. Traffic Injury Prevention, 1-4.
Park, B-K. D. and Reed, M., "Characterizing Vehicle Occupant Body Dimensions and Postures Using a Statistical Body Shape Model," SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-0497, 2017, doi:10.4271/2017-01-0497.
Park, B. K. D., Reed, M. P., Kaciroti, N., Love, M., Miller, A. L., Appugliese, D. P., & Lumeng, J. C. (2016). Shapecoder: A new method for visual quantification of body mass index in young children. Pediatric Obesity.
Park, B-K.D., Corner, B.D., Kearney, M., and Reed, M.P. (2016). Estimating human body characteristics under clothing using a statistical body shape model. Proc. 4th International Digital Human Modeling Conference. Montreal, Canada.
Choi, D. K., Koo, B. Y., Park, B. K., Kim, J. J., & Park, E. J. (2016). Generic analytical osteotomy model for three-dimensional surgical planning in opening wedge high tibial osteotomy. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 30(8), 3877-3885.
Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S.M., Hu, J.,Park, B-K.D., and Reed, M.P. (2016). Quantifying body shape differences between supine and standing postures for adults with high body mass index. Proc. 4th International Digital Human Modeling Conference. Montreal, Canada
Reed, M.P., Park, B-K. D., and Corner, B.D. (2016). Predicting seated body shape from standing body shape. Proc. 4th International Digital Human Modeling Conference. Montreal, Canada.
Park, J., Ebert, S.M., Kim, K.H., Jones, M.L., Park, B-K, and Reed, M.P. (2016). Development of an automatic seat-dimension extraction system. SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-1429. SAE International, Warrendale, PA.
Reed, M.P., Ebert, S.M., Park, B.-K., Klinich, K.D., Rupp J.D. (2016). Development of Three-Dimensional Anthropometric Models of Seated and Standing Children. Technical Report UMTRI-2016-2. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI
Park, B. K., & Reed, M. P. (2015). Parametric body shape model of standing children aged 3–11 years. Ergonomics, 58(10), 1714-1725.
Li, Z., Park, B-K, Liu, W., Zhang, J., Reed, M.P., Rupp, J.D., Hoff, C.N., and Hu, J. (2015). A statistical skull geometry model for children 0-3 years old. PLOS One. 10(5). 10.1371/journal.pone.0127322
Park, B.-K., Ebert, S.M., Kim, H.K., and Reed, M.P. (2015). A Pilot Study of In-Vehicle Posture Tracking Using Depth Cameras. Technical Report UMTRI-2015-42. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
Reed, M.P., Park, B-K., Kim, K.H., and Jones, M.L.H. (2015). Statistical prediction of body landmark locations on surface scans. Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia.
Park, B.-K., Ebert, S.M., Kim, H.K., and Reed, M.P. (2015). A Pilot Study of In-Vehicle Posture Tracking Using Depth Cameras. Technical Report UMTRI-2015-42. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
Park, B-K, Lumeng, J.C., Lumeng, C.N., Ebert, S.M., and Reed, M.P. (2014). Child body shape measurement using depth cameras and a statistical body shape model. Ergonomics, 58(2):301-309.
Park, B-K. and Reed, M.P. (2014). Rapid generation of custom avatars using depth cameras. Proc. 3rd International Digital Human Modeling Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
Reed, M.P., Byoung-Keon, P., Kim, K.H., and Raschke, U. (2014). Creating custom avatars for ergonomic analysis using depth cameras. Proceedings of the 2014 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. HFES, Santa Monica, CA.
Park, B. K., Bae, J. H., Koo, B. Y., & Kim, J. J. (2014). Function-based morphing methodology for parameterizing patient-specific models of human proximal femurs. Computer-Aided Design, 51, 31-38.
Park, B. K., & Kim, J. J. (2012). A sharable format for multidisciplinary finite element analysis data. Computer-Aided Design, 44(7), 626-636.