• The Effects of the Adoption of the Adversarial Criminal Justice System on Crime in Colombia (with C. Acosta y A. Zorro).
  • Evaluating the Effects of a Hotspots Policing Strategy in Colombia: Evidence from a randomized control trial in Medellín (with D. Ortega and S. Tobón). Joint project with the Ministry of Defense, National Police and CESED - Universidad de los Andes.
  • CSI in the Tropics: The effects of reforming the protocols in homicide investigation procedures on judicial efficiency (with L. Fergusson, D. Collazos, M. La Rota and D. Ortega). Joint project with Fiscalía General de la Nación and CESED - Universidad de los Andes.
  • The Deterrent Effect of Public Surveillance Cameras on Crime (with S. Gómez and S. Tobón) Documento CEDE No. 9, February of 2017
  • The Externalities of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs on Crime: The of Case Familias en Acción in Bogotá (with A. Camacho and S. Franco) Universidad de los Andes. March of 2013.