
Work in Progress

  • "Clusters of Firms, Networks, and Information: Evidence from Special Economic Zones in Colombia"

  • "International Migration and Domestic Housing Markets" (with Juan Miguel Jiménez)

  • "Is This a Safe Place to Land? Criminal Justice Systems and Migration"

  • "The Long-run Impact of the Iraq War on Children’s Health Outcomes" (with Joana Silva)


  • "FDI and Wage Gaps in Colombia: The Demand for Skilled Labor in Sectoral and Regional Perspective" Documento CEDE No 5, January 2016. [Download PDF - Spanish Version]

  • "El Programa Ser Pilo Paga: impactos iniciales en equidad en el acceso a la educacion superior y el desempeño academico" (with Álvarez, M.J., Castro, C., Corredor, J., Londoño, J., Maldonado, C., Rodriguez, C., Sánchez, F., Velasco, T., Ayala, M.C., Pulido, X.) Documento CEDE No 59, October 2017. [Download PDF - Spanish Version ]