CV and Interests

Drawn by Alessia Lo Piccolo


  • 2020-today -- PhD Mathematical Sciences -- University of Padova

  • 2015-2021 -- Natural Sciences class -- Galileian School of Higher Education

  • 2018-2020 -- MSc Mathematics -- University of Padova

  • 2015-2018 -- BSc Mathematics -- University of Padova


Italian (Native speaker) -- English (Professional) -- French (Basic)

Programming languages

Mathematica -- Matlab -- Python -- GAP

Interests inside mathematics

I’m interested in mathematics in general, but mainly in the pure aspects. I like structures of mathematical objects: I consider myself an algebraist, I developed a deep interest in group theory (especially finite) and representation theory. Lately I’ve become interested in different aspects of combinatorics, such as graph theory and enumeration. I like links between different parts of mathematics, so I am fascinated by techniques connecting algebra and combinatorics. I’m an interdisciplinary person, I like studying differences and analogies between approaches which are, at first glance, unrelated. I see no problem in using measure theory on groups or algebraic concepts in real life applications, for instance.

I like number theory too, in particular I’m fascinated by the p-adic universe.

To say something about applied mathematics, I like operation research in general, with a particular attention to optimization.

Interests outside mathematics

I have many interests outside mathematics:

I like science in general and computer science.

I love teaching: watching someone learning something from you is an overwhelming experience.

I’ve been a gymnast for some years in the past.

I really love music: I used to play the piano and to sing in a choir, but I no longer have time for those activities.

I like art in general.

I like philosophy and whatever helps answering the question “Why?”.

I like good food and how to cook it with the tools of science.

I like languages and linguistics: how some concepts, typical of particular places, crystallize in a word is fascinating. My favorite languages are the dialects of local italian communities.

I like writing, especially poems: words are art, when they are combined in the right way.

Finally, to summarize, I could say I love Life and Beauty in every form it shows up.