I am a Lecturer/Assistant Professorat the University College Dublin (UCD). I am part of the Algebra and Number Theory team, and our Seminars are orgnanized by K. Buyukboduk and R. Osburn.

Previously I have been an IRC Research Fellow at UCD, and before I have been a Severo-Ochoa postdoctoral fellow in the Number Theory group (now Algebra and Geometry) at ICMAT, Madrid.

I completed my PhD Thesis in co-supervision with the IMB at the Université de Bordeaux and at the FME at the Universitat Politècnica of Catalunya, under the joint supervision of J. Gillibert and V. Rotger.


University College Dublin

Stillrogan Road, Belfield, Dublin 4

email: name [dot] surname [at] ucd [dot] ie

email2: surname [dot] name [at] gmail [dot] com

ORCID: 0000-0003-0583-8606