Daniel C Comstock, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of California Davis

Center for Mind and Brain

PI: Dr. Lee M Miller

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ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5861-0838

I am a Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California Davis, working with Dr. Lee Miller.  I investigate hidden hearing loss, rhythm cognition, sensorimotor timing, and the role of the sensorimotor system in higher cognition using EEG, TMS, and behavioral methods.


We are remarkably adept at coordinating our movements with our environment at the millisecond level. Exactly how how we are able to carry out this precise timing is not yet well understood. To make maters more complicated, our ability to extract timing information from the world is not equal across the senses, as we are more attuned to auditory timing than we are to visual timing. My current research seeks to understand the different neural mechanisms involved in auditory and visual sensory timing, how those mechanisms network with our motor systems to allow for precisely timed movements, and how timing networks shift depending on context and sensory modality.

I primarily use electroencephalography (EEG) time-frequency measures to show the dynamic changes in oscillatory activity to characterize these sensorimotor timing networks. I also employ transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), as well as behavioral methods for this research.

In addition to sensorimotor timing, I also research the mechanisms of beat perception and music cognition, and have previously researched multimodal sensory integration, the effects of repetitive non-concussive head impacts, as well as lie detection.

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