
Grenander, U., Chow, Y., and Keenan, D. 1991. HANDS: A Pattern-Theoretic Study of Biological Shapes, Springer-Verlag, New York.


(by categories: Statistical Modeling in Biology;

Statistical Modeling in Clinical Medicine;

Image Processing, Pattern Theory and Machine Learning;

Signal Processing and Time Series)

Statistical Modeling in Biology

Keenan DM, Martin E and Pfaff DW. (2015). A statistical model of habituation, in response to auditory and olfactory stimulation, utilizing simultaneous LFP and brainstem single-unit recording. (in preparation)

Keenan DM, Gagnidze K, Proekt A and Pfaff DW. (2015). The recovery of arousal stimulus-response structure, even though the stimuli are unobserved. (submitted to Nature Neuroscience.)

Keenan DM , Quinkert AW and Pfaff DW. (2015). Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in the mouse activates nocturnal-like movement patterns: the stochastic modeling of mouse motor activity. PLoS Computational Biology ; 2015 Feb 26;11(2): e1003883.

Keenan DM and Veldhuis JD. (2015). Pulsatility of hypothalamo-pituitary hormones: a challenge in quantification. to appear, Physiology.

Keenan DM, Steyn F, Roelfsema F and Veldhuis JD (2015). Novel pulse detection and statistical estimation of growth hormone secretion and kinetics, in multiple species. (submitted to Amer. J. Physiol.)

Wang X, Pincus SM, Veldhuis, JD and Keenan DM. 2015. Derivation and implementation of the asymptotics for Approximate Entropy (ApEn) with application to medicine. (to be submitted to SIAM J Appl Math).

Yang R, Liu Y, Veldhuis JD, and Keenan DM. 2015. Maximum likelihood estimation asymptotics for parameter-dependent nonlinear mixed effects models with applications to hormone data. (to be submitted to Annals of Applied Statistics).

Veldhuis JD and Keenan DM. (2012). Model-based evaluation of growth hormone secretion. Methods Enzymol.; 2012;514:231-48.

Veldhuis JD, Liu PY, Takahashi P and Keenan DM . 2012. Dynamic testosterone responses to near-physiological LH pulses are determined by the time-pattern of prior intravenous LH infusion. Am J Physiol.; 15;303(6):E720-8.

Keenan DM,WangX,PincusSM,VeldhuisJD. 2012.Modeling the nonlinear time dynamics of multidimensional hormonal systems. J. Time Series Anal.; 33(5): 779-796.

Keenan DM , Basu R, Liu Y, Basu A, Bock G, Veldhuis JD. 2012. Logistic model of glucose-regulated C-peptide secretion: hysteresis-pathway disruption in impaired fasting glycemia. Am J Physiol.; 303(3):E397-409.

Keenan DM,ClarkeIJ and VeldhuisJD.2011.Non-invasive Analytical Estimation of Endogenous Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Drive: analysis using graded competitive GnRH-receptor antagonism and a calibrating pulse of exogenous GnRH. Endocrinology. 152(12); 4882-93.

Wang X, Keenan DM , Pincus SM, Liu PY, Veldhuis JD. 2011. Oscillations in Joint Synchrony of Reproductive Hormones in Healthy Men. Am J Physiol. 301(6); E1163-73.

Keenan, DM , Iranmanesh A, Veldhuis JD. 2011. Analytical construct of reversible desensitization of pituitary-testicular signaling: illustrative application in aging. Am J Physiol. ;300(2):R349-60.

Keenan, DM , Roelfsema F, Veldhuis JD. 2010. Dose-response downregulation within the span of single interpulse intervals. Am J Physiol.; 299(1):R11-8.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Pincus SM. 2010. Regulation of complex pulsatile and rhythmic neuroendocrine systems: the male gonadal axis as a prototype. Prog Brain Res.;181: 79-110.

Keenan,DM,VeldhuisJD. 2009.Age-dependentregressionanalysisofmalegonadal axis. Am. J. Physiol. ; 297(5):R1215-27.

Keenan, DM , Roelfsema F, Carroll BJ, Iranmanesh A, Veldhuis JD. 2009. Sex defines the age dependence of endogenous ACTH-cortisol dose responsiveness. Am. J. Physiol.; 297(2):R515-23.

Keenan, DM , Alexander S, Irvine C, Veldhuis JD. 2009. Quantifying nonlin- ear interactions within the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in the conscious horse. Endocrinology; 150(4):1941-51.

Liu PY, Keenan, DM , Kok P, Padmanabhan V, O’Byrne KT, Veldhuis JD. 2009. Sensitivity and specificity of pulse detection using a new deconvolution method. Am. J. Physiol. ;297(2):E538-44.

Chattoapadhyay S, Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. 2008. Probabilistic recovery of pulsatile structure: detecting brain signaling by its downstream effects. Quarterly of Appl. Math.; 66(3): 401-421.

Keenan, DM, Takahshi PY, Liu PY, Roebuck PD, Nehra AX and Veldhuis JD. 2006.An ensemble model of the male gonadal axis: illustrative application in aging men. Endocrinology, 147: 2817-28.

Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD, and Chattopadhyay C. 2005. Composite model of time-varying appearance and disappearance of neurohormone pulse signals in blood. J. Theoretical Biology. 236(3):242-55.

Keenan, DM and Shorter P. 2004. Simulation by diffusion on a manifold with boundary: applications to ultrasonic prenatal medical imaging. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 64(3): 932-960.

Keenan, DM , Roelfsema F, Veldhuis JD. 2004. Endogenous ACTH concentration-dependent drive of pulsatile cortisol secretion in the human. Am J Physiol., 287(4):E652- 61.

Keenan, DM , Alexander S, Irvine CH, Clarke I, Scott C, Turner A, Tilbrook AJ, CannyBJ,VeldhuisJD. 2004.Reconstruction of in vivo time-evolving neuroendocrine dose-response properties unveils admixed deterministic and stochastic elements. Proc Natl Acad Sciences., 101(17): 6740-5.

Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD. 2004. Divergent gonadotropin-gonadal dose-responsive coupling in healthy young and aging men. Am J Physiol., 286(2):R381-9.

Keenan, DM , Evans WS, Veldhuis JD. 2003. Control of LH secretory-burst frequency and interpulse-interval regularity in women. Am J Physiol., 285(5):E938-48.

Keenan,DM and VeldhuisJD. 2003.Cortisol feedback state governs adrenocorticotropin secretory-burst shape, frequency, and mass in a dual-waveform construct: time of day-dependent regulation. Am J Physiol., 285(5):R950-61.

Keenan, DM , Rolefsema F, Biermasz N, Veldhuis JD. 2003. Physiological control of pituitary hormone secretory-burst mass, frequency and waveform: a statistical formulation and analysis. Amer. J. Physiol.,285(3);R664-73.

Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. (2003). Mathematical Modeling of Receptor- Mediated Interlinked Systems, in Encyclopedia of Hormones, Eds., H. Henry and A. Norman, Academic Press, San Diego.

Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. 2001. Disruptions in the hypothalamic luteinizing-hormone pulsing mechanism in aging men. Amer. J. Physiol., 281: R1917-R1924.

Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. 2001. Hypothesis testing of the aging male gonadal axis via a biomathematical construct. Amer. J. Physiol., 280: R1755-R1771.

Keenan, DM , Licinio J, and Veldhuis JD. 2001. Interactive construct of feedback control in the stress-responsive hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences, 98: 4028-4033.

Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. 2000. Explicating hypergonadotropism in post- menopausal women: a statistical model. Amer. J. Physiol., 278: R1247-1257.

Keenan, DM , Sun W, and Veldhuis JD. 2000. A stochastic biomathematical model of the male reproductive hormone system. SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol 61, no. 3, 934-965.

Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD, and Yang R. 1998. Joint recovery of pulsatile and basal hormone secretion by stochastic nonlinear random-effects analysis. Amer. J. Physiol., 275: R1939-R1949.

Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. 1998. A biomathematical model of time-delayed feedback in the human male hypothalamic-pituitary-Leydig cell axis. Amer. J. Physiol., 275: E157-E176.

Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. 1997. A stochastic model of admixed basal and pulsatile hormone secretion as modulated by a deterministic oscillator, Amer. J. Physiol., Vol 273: R1182-R1192.

Keenan, DM 1995. Implementation of a stochastic model of hormonal secretion, in Methods in Neurosciences: Quantitative Neuroendocrinology, Vol. 28, ed. J. Veldhuis and M. Johnson, Academic Press, San Diego, p. 311-323.

Statistical Modeling in Clinical Medicine

Roelfsema F, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD. 2012. Diminished Adrenal Sensitivity and Adrenocorticotropin Efficacy in Obese Premenopausal Women. Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Nov;167(5):633-42.

Roelfsema F, Pijl H, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD. 2012. Prolactin Secretion in Healthy Adults is Determined by Gender, Age and Body Mass Index. PLoS One.; 2012;7(2):e31305.

Carroll BJ, Iranmanesh A, Keenan, DM , Cassidy F, Wilson WH and Veldhuis JD. 2012. Pathophysiology of Hypercortisolism in Depression: Pituitary and Adrenal Responses to Low Glucocorticoid Feedback. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 125(6); 478-91.

Veldhuis JD, Liu PY, Keenan, DM , Takahashi PY. 2011. Older men exhibit reduced efficacy of and heightened potency downregulation by intravenous pulses of recombinant human LH: a study in 92 healthy men. Am J Physiol.; 302(1): E117-22.

Roelfsema F, Keenan, DM Veldhuis JD. 2011. Endogenous ACTH concentration-cortisol secretion dose analysis unmasks decreased ACTH potency in Cushing’s Disease with restoration after successful pituitary adenomectomy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; 96(12): 3768-74.

Veldhuis JD, Iranmanesh A, Roelfsema F, Aoun P, Takahashi P, Miles JM, Keenan, DM. 2011.Tripartite control of dynamic ACTH-Cortisol dose responsiveness by age, body mass Index, and gender in 111 Healthy Adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. (9): 2874-81.

Iranmanesh A, Keenan, DM , Aoun P, Veldhuis JD. 2011.. Overnight ACTH- Cortisol Dose-Responsiveness: comparison with 24-hr data, metyrapone administration, and insulin-tolerance test in healthy adults. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf); 75(5): 596- 601.

Veldhuis JD, Roelfsema F, Keenan, DM , Pincus S. 2011. Gender, age, body mass index, and IGF-I individually and jointly determine distinct GH dynamics: analyses in one hundred healthy adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. ;96(1):115-21.

Veldhuis JD, Takahashi PY, Keenan, DM , Liu PY, Mielke KL, Weist SM. 2010. Age disrupts androgen receptor-modulated negative feedback in the gonadal axis in healthy men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.; (Oct 2010) 299(4):E675-82.

Meyfroidt G, Keenan, DM, Wang X, Wouters PJ, Veldhuis JD, Van den Berghe G. 2010. Dynamic characteristics of blood glucose time series during the course of critical illness: effects of intensive insulin therapy and relative association with mortality. Crit. Care Med. 38(4):1021-9.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Liu PY, Takahashi PY. 2010. Kinetics of removal of intravenous testosterone pulses in normal men. Eur. J. Endocrinol. 162(4):787-94.

Veldhuis JD, Roelfsema F, Iranmanesh A, Carroll BJ, Keenan, DM , Pincus SM. 2009. Basal, pulsatile, entropic (patterned), and spiky (staccato-like) properties of ACTH secretion: impact of age, gender, and body mass index. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. ; 94(10):4045-52.

Roelfsema F, Pereira AM, Biermasz NR, Frolich M, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD, Romijn JA. 2009. Diminished and irregular TSH secretion with delayed acrophase in patients with Cushing’s syndrome. Eur. J. Endocrinol.; 161(5):695-703.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Bailey JN, Miles JM, Bowers CY. 2009. Preservation of GHRH and GH-releasing peptide-2 efficacy in young men with experimentally induced hypogonadism. Eur. J. Endocrinol.Aug;161(2):293-300.

Liu PY, Takahashi PY, Roebuck PD, Bailey JN, Keenan, DM and Veldhuis JD. 2009. Testosterone’s short-term positive effect on luteinizing-hormone secretory-burst mass and its negative effect on secretory-burst frequency are attenuated in middle-aged men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; [Epub ahead of print, Jul 7].

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Bailey JN, Adeniji AM, Miles JM, Bowers CY. 2009. Novel Relationships of Age, Visceral Adiposity, IGF-I and IGF Binding Protein Con- centrations to GHRH and GHRP Efficacies in Men During Experimental Hypogonadal Clamp. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; [Epub ahead of print, Apr 7]

Roelfsema F, Biermasz NR, Frolich M, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD, Romijn JA. 2009. Diminished and Irregular Thyrotropin Secretion with Preserved Diurnal Rhythm in Patients with Active Acromegaly. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; 94(6): 1945-50.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Liu PY, Iranmanesh A, Takahashi PY, Nehra AX. 2009. The aging male hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis: pulsatility and feedback. Mol Cell Endocrinol.; 299(1): 14-22.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Bailey JN, Adeniji A, Miles JM, Paulo R, Cosma M, Soares-Welch C. 2009. Testosterone supplementation in older men restrains insulin-like growth factor’s dose-dependent feedback inhibition of pulsatile growth hormone secretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; 94(1): 246-54.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Bailey JN, Miles JM, Bowers CY. 2009. Preservation of GHRH and GH-releasing peptide-2 efficacy in young men with experimentally induced hypogonadism. Eur. J. Endocrinol.; 161(2): 293-300.

Liu PY, Takahashi PY, Nehra AX, Pincus SM, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD 2009. Neuroendocrine aging: pituitary-gonadal axis in males. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience; 6:317-326, 2009. Editor, L.R. Squire, Ph.D. Publisher, Elsevier, Oxford: Academic Press UK

Roelfsema F, Kok S, Kok P, Pereira AM, Biermasz NR, Smit JW, Frolich M, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD, Romijn JA. 2008. Pituitary-hormone secretion by thyrotropinomas. Pituitary; 12(3):200-10.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM . 2008. Secretagogues govern GH secretory-burst wave- form and mass in healthy eugonadal and short-term hypogonadal men. Eur J Endocrinol.; 159(5):547-54.

Weltman A, Weltman JY, Watson Winfield DD, Frick K, Patrie J, Kok P, Keenan, DM , Gaesser GA, Veldhuis JD. 2008. Effects of continuous versus intermittent exercise, obesity, and gender on growth hormone secretion. Clin Endocrinol Metab.; 93(12):4711-20.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Bailey JN, Adeniji A, Miles JM, Paulo R, Cosma M, Soares-Welch C. 2008. Estradiol supplementation in postmenopausal women attenuates suppression of pulsatile growth hormone secretion by recombinant human insulin-like growth factor type I. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; 93(11):4471-8.

Roelfsema F, Pereira AM, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD, Romijn JA. 2008. Thy- rotropin secretion by thyrotropinomas is characterized by increased pulse frequency, delayed diurnal rhythm, enhanced basal secretion, spikiness, and disorderliness. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; 93(10):4052-7.

Aksglaede L, Jensen RB, Carlsen E, Kok P, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis J, Skakkebaek NE, Juul A. 2008. Increased basal and pulsatile secretion of FSH and LH in young men with 47,XXY or 46,XX karyotypes. Eur J Endocrinol.; 158(6):803-10.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Pincus SM. 2008. Motivations and methods for ana- lyzing pulsatile hormone secretion. Endocrine Review; 29(7):823-64.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Bowers CY. 2007. Peripheral estrogen receptor-alpha selectively modulates the waveform of GH secretory bursts in healthy women. Am. J. Physiol. ; 293(4):R1514-21.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Bowers CY. 2007. Estimation of the size and shape of GH secretory bursts in healthy women using a physiological estradiol clamp and variable-waveform deconvolution model. Am. J. Physiol. ; 293(3):R1013-21.

Liu PY, Iranmanesh A, Keenan, DM , Pincus SM, Veldhuis JD. 2007. A noninvasive measure of negative-feedback strength, approximate entropy, unmasks strong diurnal variations in the regularity of LH secretion. Am. J. Physiol.; 293(5):E1409-15.

Veldhuis JD and Keenan, DM . 2007. Analysis of the neuroendocrine control of the human hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis. In Male Reproductive Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment; 4:35-55. Editor, F. R. Kandeel, M.D., Ph.D.; Publisher, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Health Science Division, New York, NY.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Iranmanesh A, Takahashi PY, Nehra AX. 2007. The ensemble male hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. In Physiological Basis of Aging and Geriatrics, 4th Ed., pp. 185-203. Editor, P.S. Timeras, Ph.D.; Publisher, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Health Science Division, New York, NY.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Iranmanesh A, Mielke K, Miles JM, Bowers CY. 2006. Estradiol potentiates ghrelin-stimulated pulsatile growth hormone secretion in post- menopausal women. J Clin Endo Metab. 91:3559-65.

Liu PY, Pincus SM, Takahashi PY, Roebuck PD, Iranmanesh A, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD. 2006. Aging attenuates both the regularity and joint synchrony of LH and testosterone secretion in normal men: analyses via a model of graded GnRH receptor blockade. Am J Physiol, 290(1):E34-E41.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Roelfsema F, Iranmanesh A. 2005. Aging-related adaptations in the corticotropic axis: modulation by gender. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 34(4):993-1014.

Liu PY, Iranmanesh A, Nehra AX, Keenan, DM , Veldhuis JD. 2005. Mechanisms of hypoandrogenemia in healthy aging men. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 34(4):935- 55.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , Mielke K, Miles JM, Bowers CY. 2005. Testosterone supplementation in healthy older men drives GH and IGF-I secretion without poten- tiating peptidyl secretagogue efficacy. Eur J Endocrinol. 153(4):577-86.

Veldhuis JD, Keenan, DM , and Iramanesh A. 2005. Mechanisms of ensemble failure of the male gonadal axis in aging. J Endocrinol Invest. 28(3 Suppl):8-13.

Veldhuis JD, Erickson D, Mielke K., Farhy LS, Keenan, DM , Bowers CY. 2005. Distinctive inhibitory mechanisms of age and relative visceral adiposity on growth hormone secretion in pre- and postmenopausal women studied under a hypogonadal clamp. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 90(11):6006-13.

Erickson D, Keenan, DM , Farhy L, Mielke K, Bowers CY, Veldhuis JD. 2005. Determinants of dual secretagogue drive of burst-like GH secretion in premenopausal women studied under a selective estradiol clamp. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 90(3): 741-51.

Liu PY, Pincus SM, Keenan, DM , Roelfsema F, Veldhuis JD. 2005. Joint synchrony of reciprocal hormonal signaling in human paradigms of both ACTH excess and cortisol depletion. Am J Physiol. 289(1):E160-5.

Veldhuis JD, Veldhuis NJ, Keenan, DM , Iranmanesh A. 2005. Age Diminishes the Testicular Steroidogenic Response to Repeated Intravenous Pulses of Recombinant Human LH During Acute GnRH-Receptor Blockade in Healthy Men. Am J Physiol. 288(4):E775-81.

Liu PY, Pincus SM, Keenan, DM , Roelfsema F, Veldhuis JD. 2004. Analysis of bidirectional pattern synchrony of concentration-secretion pairs: implementation in the human testicular and adrenal axis. Am J Physiol., 288(2):R440-6.

Veldhuis JD, Iranmanesh A, Keenan, DM . 2004. Erosion of endogenous testosterone- driven negative feedback on pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in healthy aging men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab., 89(11):5753-61.

Erickson D, Keenan, DM , Mielke K, Bradford K, Bowers CY, Miles JM, Veldhuis JD. 2004. Dual secretagogue drive of burst-like growth hormone secretion in postmenopausal compared with premenopausal women studied under an experimental estradiol clamp. J Clin Endocrinol Metab., 89(9):4746-54.

Veldhuis JD, Anderson SM, Kok P, Iranmanesh A, Frystyk J, Orskov H, Keenan, DM. 2004. Estradiol supplementation modulates growth hormone (GH) secretory-burst waveform and recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I-enforced suppression of endogenously driven GH release in postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab., 89(3):1312-8.

Veldhuis JD, Iranmanesh A., and Keenan, DM . 2004. An ensemble perspective of aging-related hypoandrogenemia in men, in Male Hypogonadism: Basic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Principles, Ed. S.J. Winters, MD. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, p261-284.

Veldhuis JD, Pincus SM, Keenan, DM . 2003. Noninvasive in vivo investigative probes of adaptive mechanisms of neuroendocrine regulation: the paradigm of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in the aging male. J Endocrinol Invest., 26(7 Suppl):2-14.

Veldhuis JD, Pincus SM, Iramanesh A, Keenan, DM . 2003. Circadian Rhythm: Hormonal Facets, in Encyopedia of Hormones, Eds., H. Henry and A. Norman, Academic Press, San Diego.

Veldhuis JD, Iramanesh A, Mulligan T, Johnson ML, Keenan, DM 2002. The ensemble male hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis, (a chapter, p213-231) in Physiology Basis of Aging and Geriatrics, Ed., P. Timiris, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Image Processing, Pattern Theory and Machine Learning

Shorter, P. and Keenan, D. 2015. Stochastic global optimization on a manifold with application in image processing. (to be submitted to SIAM J. Control and Optimization).

Rand, R. and Keenan, D. 2003. Spatially smooth partitioning of hyperspectral imagery using spectral/ spatial measures of disparity. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing,41(6):1479-90.

Rand, R. and Keenan, D. A multigrid simulated annealing algorithm to segment hyperspectral imagery using a combined spectral measure of disparity. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum, Kauai, Hawaii.

Rand, R. and Keenan, D. A Gibbs-based unsupervised segmentation approach to partitioning hyperspectral imagery for terrain applications. Proc. SPIE, April, 2001; Orlando, Florida.

Rand, R. and Keenan, D. A spectral mixture process conditioned by Gibbs-based Partitioning. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol 39, No.7, 1421-1434.

Lake, D. and Keenan, D. 1998. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Geodesic Subspace Trajectories using Approximate Methods and Stochastic Optimization, Proc. of (June, 1998) 9th IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, pp. 148-151.

Keenan, D. 1998. Elements of Pattern Theory, by Ulf Grenander (book review), SIAM Review, Vol 40, No. 1, 155-159.

Lake, D. and Keenan, D. 1996. Identifying minefields and regularity detection, in Detection Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets, Abinash C . Dubey, Ivan Cindrich, James M Ralson, Kelly Rigano, Editors, Proc. SPIE-2496, 519-530.

Keenan, D. 1995. General Pattern Theory: A Mathematical Study of Regular Struc- tures, by Ulf Grenander (book review), SIAM Review, Vol. 37, p.258-261.

Grenander, U. and Keenan, D. 1995. Understanding variables shapes in 3-D, Stochastic Models, Vol 11, No. 1, 51-78.

Grenander, U. and Keenan, D. 1993. On the shape of plane images, SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 53, 1072-94.

Grenander, U. and Keenan, D. 1993. Toward automated image understanding (updated), in Statistics and Images, ed. K. Mardia, Carfax Publ., Dunnellon, Fl.

Keenan, D. 1992. Random surface geometries with applications to image processing, in NATO Advanced Study Institute on Probabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Analysis with Applications, ed. J. Byrnes, Kluwer Publ., Boston.

Grenander, U. and Keenan, D. 1989. Toward automated image understanding, J. Applied Statistics, Vol. 16, No. 2, 207-221.

Hall, P. and Keenan, D. 1989. Bootstrap methods for constructing confidence regions for hands, Stochastic Models, Vol. 5, No. 4, 555-562.

Grenander, U. and Keenan, D. 1989. A computer experiment in pattern theory, Stochastic Models, Vol. 5, No. 4, 531-553.

Signal Processing and Time Series

Keenan, D. 1997. A central limit theorem for M(n) autocovariances, J. Time Series Analysis, Vol 18, 61-78.

Keenan, D. 1987. Limiting behavior of functionals of higher-order cumulant spectra, Ann. Statist., Vol. 15, No. 1, 134-151.

Keenan, D . 1985. Asymptotic properties of minimization estimators of time series parameters, Ann. Statist., Vol. 13, No. 1, 369-382.

Keenan, D. 1985. A Tukey nonadditivity type test of time series nonlinearity, Biometrika, Vol. 72, No. 1, 39-44.

Keenan, D. 1983. Limiting behavior of functionals of the sample spectral distribu- tion function, Ann. Statist., Vol. 11, No. 4, 1206-1217.

Keenan, D. 1982. A time series analysis of binary data, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., Vol. 77, 816-821.


Keenan, D. 2000. Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, by B. D. Ripley (book review), J. Stat. Planning and Inference, 86: 279-281.



Statistical Modeling in Medicine and Biology.

I have taught a statistical modeling in medicine course for several years. The book is based on its structure. There are a collection of projects with data for each, e.g. biomarkers for detection of early dia- betes; dose-response modeling of cell signaling (from receptor binding to exocytosis); extracting circadian rhythms from biological data; detecting the synchronization of neuron firings (resulting in the firing of a system); Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) at the brainstem level, and its effects on mouse motor activity and, how can a sala- mander regenerate a limb. Everything is explained at an intuitive level, designed for the biostatistician who has only limited biological background. Each project begins with a complete description of the underlying biology or medicine (again, at the intu- itive level). Models are then built up from the biology, giving the student a sense of modeling.