
Working papers

The effects of banning loss-leader pricing in grocery retailing markets

with Jorge Florez-Acosta

This paper explores the effects of banning loss-leader pricing in grocery retailing markets. To this end, we carry out two empirical exercises. First, we obtain reduced-form evidence on the effect of banning loss-leader pricing on price levels using data on purchases of a number of products widely used by supermarkets as loss-leaders. As half of the states in the US ban loss-leading practices, we exploit a border strategy estimation along with expected changes in demand to identify the effect of banning loss-leading on average prices. Second, we structurally model competition between supermarkets to capture the effects of the ban on optimal pricing. Our empirical strategy relies on a novel approach for demand estimation that allows us to work with a reduced set of products, while still correcting for the biases generated by such restricted choice set.

Valuing non-marginal changes in mortality and morbidity risk - [Accepted for publication at Journal of Health Economics]

with James K. Hammitt and Christoph Rheinberger

Many stated-preference studies that estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for reductions in mortality or morbidity risk suffer from inadequate scope sensitivity. One possible reason is that the risk reductions typically presented to respondents are too small to be meaningful. Survey responses may thus not accurately reflect respondents' preferences for health and safety. In this paper we propose a novel way of estimating the value per statistical life (VSL) or the value per statistical case (VSC) based on risk reductions measurable as percentages. While such non-marginal risk reductions are easier to understand, they introduce well known feedback effects. We develop a methodology to de-bias VSL and VSC estimates derived from the evaluation of non-marginal risk reductions and prove the concept using simulated data.

Work in progress

The impact of mergers and acquisitions on hospital service recomposition

with Joanna Piechucka

Valuing energy labels in the housing market

with Anna Creti, Gabrielle Fack, Corinne Chaton and Edouard Civel

Endogenous product differentiation: evidence from the health insurance markets in France

with Alexandre Volle and Ju Qui

Empirical bounds on the value of a QALY

with James K. Hammitt and Christoph Rheinberger

Empirical valuation of non-marginal changes in mortality and morbidity risk

with James K. Hammitt and Christoph Rheinberger

The competitive effects of consumer-based platforms on Eye-Glass stores.

Published papers

  1. Multiproduct retailing and consumer shopping behavior: The role of shopping costs.

with Jorge Florez-Acosta

International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2020.

  1. Competition Between Public and Private Maternity Care Providers in France: Evidence on Market Segmentation.

with Lise Rochaix

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020.

  1. Does the Value per Statistical Life Vary with Age or Baseline Health? Evidence from a compensating wage study in France.

with Lise Rochaix

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2020.

  1. Theoretical bounds on the value of a QALY

with James K. Hammitt and Christoph Rheinberger

Journal of Health Economics, 2020.

  1. Placing a monetary value on the human health component of zoonotic diseases - A methodological note with an application to cysticercosis in Africa.

with Orsi Mikecz and Ugo PicaCiamarra

Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2020.

  1. Peeling back the onion: Using latent class analysis to uncover heterogeneous responses to stated preference surveys

with James K. Hammitt and Christoph Rheinberger

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018.

  1. Willingness to pay as a novel approach to assessing the impact of dyslexia in adults

with Bennett A. Shaywitz, John M. Holahan, Karen Marchione & Reissa Michaels, Sally E. Shaywitz and James K. Hammitt

Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis, 2017.

  1. The value of disease prevention vs. treatment

with James K. Hammitt and Christoph Rheinberger

Journal of Health Economics, 2016.

  1. Folic acid advisory: a public health challenge?

Health Economics, 2016.