My mathematical interests lie at the intersection of low dimensional geometry & topology, combinatorics, representation theory, and mathematical physics.  




Here are the slides for my talks "Dimers, webs, and local systems'' given at the conference "Dimers: combinatorics, representation theory and physics" at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City during August 2023.  

Here are the slides for my talk "Quantum higher Teichmüller theory'' given for the special session "Skein theory and quantum algebra" at the Virtual 2022 JMM (and elsewhere).  

Here are the notes I took for the course "Quantum geometry" given by Francis Bonahon at the University of Southern California during the Spring 2017 semester.   

Dissertation:  "Classical and quantum traces coming from SL_n(C) and U_q(sl_n)" 

Undergraduate thesis:  "The octonions and their automorphism group: G_2"

The Great Wall, Badaling section, China  (2018)

Photo by:  Myself