B.Sc. Project

There was no thesis in our B.Sc. program but an internship project. I did this project in SNOWA which was one of the largest home appliance factories in Iran. My project was about balancing a washing machine assembly line. It was a two-sided assembly line with more than 40 stations.

Interaction with practitioners in this factory inspired me some ideas for presenting a paper.  In this paper, I considered the optional but influential relationships between tasks in balancing a two-sided assembly line. I defined an objective function for these optional relationships, and tried to find solutions with the least number of stations and mated-stations and maximum consistency between the tasks assigned to each station.


Danial Khorasanian, Seyyed Reza Hejazi, and Ghasem Moslehi: Two-sided assembly line balancing considering the relationships between tasks. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 66 (4): 1096-1105, 2013.