
Danglian Enterprise Co., Ltd.


Danglian Enterprise Co., Ltd. is dedicated to delivering a wide range of high-quality food and beverage products to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. The company places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and sustainable business growth. Within its food wholesale segment, Danglian engages in the wholesale distribution of food products. This involves sourcing food inventories from manufacturers or distributors and subsequently supplying them to retailers and other customers. The company also offers a diverse selection of beverages to consumers. In its retail business, Danglian Enterprise Co., Ltd. provides an array of food items across various categories, ensuring a comprehensive and varied product offering.

公司資料 / Company Information

党蓮企業社登記設立日期是2018-05-03,營業登記地址: 嘉義市西區福安里北港路319號二樓 ,統編(統一編號): 81306776,資本額: 1,300,000元。

The registration establishment date of the Danglian Enterprise Co., Ltd. is May 03, 2018. The business registration address is  2nd Floor, No. 319, Beigang Road, Fuanli, West District, Chiayi City. The Unified Business Number (UBN) is 81306776.  The registered capital is 1,300,000 New Taiwan Dollars.

地址 / Location