DANGER - Men Thinking, is a miscellany of mankind's mistakes, miscalculations, misconceptions, misogyny, misanthropy and other kinds of exceptional male thinking.

Overview: By presenting men with daily examples of other men's exceptional ideas, mental blocks, prejudicial beliefs, and boneheaded behaviours throughout history, we hope they will be inspired to reflect on their own ideas and actions and aspire to become better human beings.

Contents: The format of a page-a-day calendar necessarily restricts the amount of information to a brief synopsis of the subject matter. We propose to present information as much as possible using the subject's own words in the historical context of a specific individual's ideas and actions. The subject matter has been randomly selected, generally following the premise of instances and consequences of dangerous male thinking and actions. Not all outcomes of dangerous thinking are bad; Ideas that challenge the status quo can prove to be transformational.

Author: Dave Wilkinson is a man. He is retired and happily married with 3 adult children. Dave is a Mechanical Engineering Technologist, working in the steelmaking industry for 35 years, "shaping hot steel to human needs" (extra marks to those who recognize the literary reference). He has had a lifelong exposure to men's daily behaviour and decision-making under stressful working conditions. For better or worse, he understands how men think and behave.