Dandel10n eBooks

You can buy all three Dandel10n Delphi titles, from the IT School Innovation website.

  1. Please look at the minimum specifications for the devices, to use this app, before you buy: https://store.it.si/za/help

  2. Create an Account on https://store.it.si/za/home

  3. Search for Dandel10n and you will find my books with the front cover as below.

  4. Download the free miEbooks app, from your device's store.

  5. Login with your Account details, while connected to the internet. Note: the username is case sensitive.

  6. If you buy the books for your whole class you will also receive the memo files with a few extra resources. Please send me an email if you are using the books for your whole class.

Links to books on the ITSI Store: