
JWST NIRSpec user support

Jun 27, 2024 (10AM – 12PM) JWebbinar 33 – Register by June 21

JWST NIRSpec MOS Data Reduction

This webinar will cover NIRSpec MOS (multi-object spectroscopy) data reduction by the JWST pipeline with example notebooks. We will cover recent pipeline updates that deliver improved spectra with default settings. We will also discuss lingering caveats, workarounds, and techniques to reprocess data, including editing the MSA metafile and master background subtraction.

I'm also happy to hear your tips, tricks, and requests. Please contact me via e-mail or the high-z SAZERAC Slack.

Upcoming science talks / conferences

JWST Conferences

Upcoming talks / conferences I'm interested in:

Other interesting conferences I won't make it to unfortunately:

Past talks & presentations;O=D -- (Powerpoint / PDF / Keynote), starting with most recent; also linked and described below:

5/22/24 -- First Stars VII @ CCA Flatiron Institute, New York City -- What was I made for? JWST reaching for the First Stars Powerpoint / video on conference website under Videos: Day Three, Session One, beginning around 16 minutes in
4/30/24 -- Extreme Galaxies in their Extreme Environments at Extremely Early Epochs @ Reykjavik, Iceland -- Extremes revealed by lensing in the early universe
4/25/24 -- AlbaNova invited colloquium @ Stockholm -- JWST: One Giant Leap Towards Observing the First Stars Powerpoint (375 MB) / video on YouTube (50 minutes)
4/23/24 -- Cosmic DAWN Center Cake Talk @ Copenhagen -- JWST's Cosmic Gems: lensed star clusters at high-redshift
(3/ 11–15 / 24: co-organizer: ISSI Breakthrough Workshop: The chronology of the very early Universe according to JWST: the first billion years @ Bern, Switzerland)
6/24/24 – declined invited talk: A lens on globular cluster nurseries: how to compare optimally models and observations @ Sesto
1/17/24 -- STScI CoolSci -- Discovering the First Stars and Galaxies with JWST
10/20/23 -- GSFC-JHU interaction day -- Discovering the First Stars and Galaxies with JWST
7/10/23 -- JWST Turns One: The Birth and Growth of Galaxies @ Sesto -- JWST imaging and spectroscopy of lensed high-redshift galaxies and stars
6/16/23 -- JWST First Light @ MIT -- JWST imaging and spectroscopy of lensed high-redshift galaxies and stars
4/13/23 -- Michigan State invited colloquium -- JWST results on distant lensed galaxies and stars in the early universe
1/9/23 -- AAS 241 Seattle -- JWST Imaging and Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Galaxies Lensed by WHL0137 and MACS0647
12/12/22 -- First Science with JWST @ STScI -- JWST Imaging of Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies and the Earendel Star System Powerpoint (206 MB) / video on YouTube (15 minutes)
10/26/22 -- AURA board @ STScI -- First JWST Results on Distant Galaxies
9/19/22 -- Texas A&M (TAMU) invited Astro Seminar -- Early JWST Results on Distant Galaxies and the Lensed Star Earendel (215MB Powerpoint)
7/12/22 -- ERO JWST-HST slide show for Nobel Prize Museum event by Daniela Calzetti and Adam Riess @ Stockholm
7/11/22 -- Science with the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes VI  (delayed from 2020) @ Stockholm: JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strongly Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies and an Individual Star
6/14/22 Tues 2:10PM -- AAS 240 Pasadena: JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strongly Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies and an Individual Star
5/4/22 -- University of Maryland (UMD) invited colloquium: Observing the First Galaxies and a Distant Star with Hubble, Webb, and Gravitational Lensing
4/20/22 -- Clark University (virtually) invited colloquium: Observing the First Galaxies and a Distant Star with Hubble, Webb, and Gravitational Lensing
11/1/21 -- JWST Cycle 1 Science Sampler: "One of the First Galaxies, Magnified by a Cosmic Lens" for a general audience: Powerpoint / PDF / video
6/13/21 -- SAZERAC 2.0: "JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strongly Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies": Powerpoint / video
6/8/21 -- AAS 238 Science Writers Workshop: "Webb: Early Galaxies and Galaxies Across Time" Keynote / PDF
1/6/20 -- AAS 235: Spitzer and Hubble Revealed the Early Universe, Lighting the Way for JWST
1/5/20 -- AAS 235: RELICS
10/22/19 -- First Galaxies, First Structures (Paris): Lensed High-z Galaxies

9/13/18 -- JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strong Lensing Clusters w/ Gabriel Brammer
9/4/18 – invited talk: The Universe as a Telescope – Milan

4/3/18 – declined invited talk: EWASS lensing Symposium #11

4/20/18 – invited talk: CCA/STScI workshop at STScI

6/26/17 – declined invited talk: EWASS lensing Special Session #19

5/15-18/17 – three talks at JWST Proposal Planning Workshop

3/22/17 – contributed talk: HST/JWST V

1/13/17 – invited talk: WFIRST WFI workshop in NYC

1/5/17 – contributed talk: AAS 229 in Grapevine, TX

9/23/16 – invited talk: Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile

4/9/16 – invited keynote speaker: Central Pennsylvania Consortium 36th Annual Astronomers’ Meeting at Gettysburg College

3/11/16 – contributed talk: Aspen Reionization meeting

3/1/16 – invited talk: Arizona State

10/21/15 – invited colloquium: Amsterdam

10/19/15 – invited talk: Leiden

4/30/15 – invited colloquium + lunch talk: Harvard

3/12/15 invited seminar: Rutgers

2/23/15 – invited talk: Science from the Frontier Fields – Sesto

11/19/14 – invited talk: Galaxies and Cosmology in Light of Strong Lensing – IPMU

11/12/14 – invited talk: Yale Frontier Fields Workshop

8/11/14 – invited tea talk: Caltech

7/4/14 – invited talk: EWASS special session: Cluster lensing and distant sources

5/9/14 – science coffee + galaxy journal club: STScI

4/15/14 – Colloquium: University of Texas at Austin

4/14/14 – Seminar: Texas A&M

4/9/14 – Workshop: KIPAC LSST/Euclid/H0LiCOW

3/19/14 – contributed talk: HST IV

1/27/14 – JHU wine & cheese

5/29/13 – invited talk: CosmoLens Marseille

4/17/13 – invited talk: STScI Cluster Lensing Workshop

3/24/13 – declined invited talk: SnowCLUSTER

3/17/13 – invited talk: Trento cluster conference
