
For app support or feature requests, please email Click one of the following links below to get started with an email.

Bug Report
Feature Request

As this app is worked on by a single developer, there may be some delay between major updates for feature requests, as bug fixes take priority. However, feedback and feature requests are most welcome!


Some users may experience an inability to download the app, and have it stuck in a "PURCHASED" state. Unfortunately, this appears to be specific to Watch-only apps in the app store. 

To resolve this, you must manually do a search for "dance calories" on the app store on the Apple Watch. You may have to uninstall the app first on the Watch app, but attempting to redownload prior to uninstalling is recommended for saving records.

Please submit an email using the link below if you are still facing problems, and I will do my best to help. I apologize for the inconvenience.