Brief research description

Research areas: probability, statistical and mathematical physics, algebraic combinatorics, statistical/machine learning, random sampling

Research synopsis: I am interested in finite-size and asymptotic behavior of statistical mechanical (and combinatorial) models in the Kardar--Parisi--Zhang universality class and beyond. Examples of interest include:

  • last passage percolation (and the related TASEP);

  • measures on partitions (motivated by probability or representation theory) and Young tableaux;

  • lattice and continuous fermions;

  • random tilings (mostly by dominoes and lozenges, examples here);

  • Airy, Bessel, Pearcey, sine, ... processes;

  • random matrix models;

  • determinantal/pfaffian point processes in general;

  • the six-vertex model;

  • symmetric polynomials (e.g. Schur, Macdonald) and special functions (elliptic, hypergeometric, q-, etc.), from combinatorial and probabilistic perspectives.

On the applied side, I am looking into:

  • machine and statistical learning (various aspects, notably transfer learning, or applying statistical techniques to 'areas where they don't naturally fit');

  • random sampling algorithms and Markov dynamics (see simulations page for a glimpse).

Last passage people, (c) 2019