
Early 2010 Demo Reel

I hopefully have time in the future to update this. There are other example videos on this site to supplement this reel. 

Pitch Demo for abandoned working title "Chase"

This video shows the culmination of work from a large number of people at Krome Studios in Melbourne, Brisbane and South Australia. 

This is rendered directly from a real-time demo scene created in Krome's proprietary game engine Mercury.

My role was as Lead Artist. We were tasked with re-creating part of a previously pre-rendered animation sequence from the post production studio Mothership ( 

The original animation shows an all CG night time car chase involving a series of different cars through a port authority area.

The link between the original Mothership video and our re-creation was as a tech demo for creating a multi platform (SKU) game in parallel with a Hollywood film.

We needed to show that we could match as close as possible the output of a film/post production unit, using their assets. 

We succeeded. This was an amazing collaboration effort across allot of disciplines and 3 Australian States. Very proud to have worked on this sequence with such a talented group.