Dinesh Dammalapati's Project 1


In order to use the project, you have to download the project from the Github repository. Once downloaded go to your downloads folder, and open the folder in unity. Once opened in unity open the scene, click on the AR camera and open vuforia configurations, give in your vuforia key, then you should be able to run the project and see the knick knacks overlaid onto the merge and the class cubes, besides just viewing the knickknacks you can also change the lighting by turning the cube upside down and then back normal and you can also see the weather and time at the location that is being represented.

Running In UNITY

Download/Clone the repo into your local machine

Download unity Hub

Download Unity 2021.3.6f1

Create a vuforia developer account

In unity hub locate and open the project

Once the project is open download vuforia 10.9 and add to unity

Click on add Vuforia configuration and add your API key

Go to openweather and register yourself and get your api key, then open the two weather scripts and add your api key to the string url

You should now be all set to press play on top of unity, which will open the default webcam and you can bring the class/merge cube in front of the camera


Wrigley square model:

The Wrigley square is one of the main attractions of the millennium park


Lion Model:

The Lion is one of the animals that can be found in the chicago’s lincoln park zoo


Tripod Model:

The tripod light was one of the lights being used in the shows that were running at the zoo when I first visited



Rainforest ambience:

The rainforest ambience is the sound i used for the zoo knickkanck, I just found the sound to be the best matching for a zoo environment


Water fountain sound:

I used a water fountain sound for the millennium park knickkanck as the crown fountain is one of the things that stands out at the park


Lion Model

Girafee Model

Elephant Model

Light/Lamp Model

Bean Model

Wrigley square Model

Street Light Model

Tree Model


I really think that it would be the case in future to wear glasses and have AR objects show up in real life but I don't think that it would be the case that everyone would be doing it, at least I don’t think everyone will be able to adapt to such lifestyle where they are seeing AR objects all around the world all day long. Some of the good ways that I see are AR being used to help with directions instead of just having the physical signs, which google already does but you need to have your phone in front of you to be able to see the directions, it would be helpful if we were able to see accurate directions just by wearing glasses, which i think would reduce the number of road accidents as well, if implemented correctly, for example if I wear these glasses and start driving it would show an arrow on which way I need to go or in which lane I need to be in without impairing any amount of vision.I also think using AR in the form of glasses would help with simpler daily tasks such as cooking, not constantly having to look at the recipes and so on instead of the physical recipes books. It can also be helpful for when a person is shopping, they can wear these glasses and simply pick up an item to know its price, nutrition facts, Instead of a regular physical label. For example if I go to the grocery store wearing these glasses and pick up a bottle of wine, it would show me the recommended amount of glasses per day, what would pair well with that particular wine and general facts about it such as how the wine tastes according to wine testers etc. I think that such an application of AR would greatly benefit the store as they wont need as many employees to help out the customers and also helps the customers understand more about the product they are buying. I also think it can be used for board games, where instead of having the physical board game the user can have it virtually and have more interactive animations to make the game more interesting and immersive. For example if a person builds a house in the board game an animation of the house being built can be shown in AR or if a house gets demolished then it is being demolished etc. One other possible implementation would be to add this to historical monuments, so instead of just the physical building the visitor would be able to understand the history of the monument in a more immersive way than just reading it from a piece of paper, for example if a person were to go to historical location such as pompeii and wanted to understand the history of the stone people of pompeii, a moment frozen in history, they would be able to see/understand what happened there.