

I am a professor for the theory of machine learning in Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, currently focusing on explainable AI. I am the principal investigator of the NIM-ML project, funded by ANR. I am also an ELLIS member. Until March 2024, I was an associate professor in the Probability and Statistics team from the J. A. Dieudonné laboratory of Université Côte d'Azur, and part of Maasai, an Inria team located in Sophia-Antipolis. Previously, I was a postdoctoral  researcher in the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Tübingen, Germany) working with Ulrike von Luxburg. Even before, I was a PhD student in the Sierra Inria team in Paris, under the supervision of Sylvain Arlot and Gérard Biau

We are organizing the first Workshop on Human-Interpretable AI at ACM KDD 2024. This event will take place August 26 in Barcelona. We welcome submissions on openreview.


Past news


Office: Professorship for the Theory of Machine Learning

John-Skilton-Straße 8a

97074 Würzburg 


Email: damien.garreauatuni-wuerzburg.de (replace at by @)

Phone: +49 931 31-89206