Damian Chmura, personal site

dr hab. Damian Chmura, prof. UBB

Assoc. Prof. Damian Chmura, PhD, DSc

Katedra Ochrony i Inżynierii Środowiska, Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski

Institute of Environmental Protection and Engineering, University of Bielsko-Biala

2 Willowa Str, PL-43-309 Bielsko-Biała


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My name is Damian Chmura. I am a plant ecologist. My research interests are focused on the biology and ecology of invasive alien species, forest ecology, anthropogenic habitats, population ecology, numerical methods in ecological research and nature conservation.

Short CV

Career: Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences (2003-2009): research assistant (2003-2006), assistant professor (2007-2009). University of Bielsko-Biala (since 2009): assistant professor (2009-2016), associate professor (since 2016).

Qualifications: Graduated at Plant Systematics Department, University of Silesia, Katowice (1997), PhD in Biological Sciences, (2002), Habilitation (2015) at University of Silesia, Katowice.

Fellowships and visits abroad (3 months University of Vienna 1999 Austria; 2 weeks in Tromso, Ecochange programme Norway 2008; 2 weeks Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Budapest, Hungary (2011-2013); 3 months at University of Ostrava 2014 and 2 weeks in Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences)

Grant projects Principal Investigator in 2 grants and co-investigator in 7 grants financed by Ministry of Science and Education in Poland and co-investigator in 1 Norway grant.

Editorial work and reviews: Member of board of three national scientific journals and one international journal. In total 176 reviews of papers and 2 reviews of grants.

Participation at conferences: 27 oral presentations and 59 posters in 59 conferences in Poland and abroad (e.g. Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan).

Membership: Polish Botanical Society; Conservation Biology Society; International Association of Vegetation Science.

Teaching experience: 38 teaching courses, among others, community ecology; ecology; nature conservation; statistics in environmental science; biological invasions; nature management; environmental impact assessment (lectures, lab exercises, tutorials, seminars, field exercises).

Supervision: 44 engineer theses, 30 master theses, 2 bachelor theses and 1 post-diploma thesis. Reviewer of 8 PhD dissertations and one habilitation thesis.

Expertises: 40 expertises including 11 published expertises commisioned by The General Directorate for Environmental Protection (Ministry of Environment).

Awards, achievements: Rector award for scientific achievements (2014, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020)

Publication activity: Author and co-author of 291 publications including 126 original scientific papers, 8 review papers (70 indexed in Journal Citation Reports - Impact Factor papers), 3 books and 18 book chapters, 89 conference papers, 21 scientific-popular publications and 27 others.