In the Translate app, you can translate text, voice, and conversations into any supported language. You can also download languages to translate entirely on a device, even without an internet connection.


- People that doesnt know how to type in english, will be able to type anything on their own language and then when u send it/ maybe before send it, will translate it to english.

- you as a stream watcher, be able to join other content creators chat that is not in english, you're able to see what the chat is saying. visa versa if people dont know english they will be able to understand the context of chat and be able to type back in english on their own langauge.

Download Google Translate Voice

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I dont know much about the cons with this. I asume it would be too big of a work to do so? or that it wont auto translate what streamers says into words (that would be awesome if the tecnology could do that but i recon we dont have that yet)

It would also make it easier and faster to react to any kind of funny, sad etc. of other moments instead of using other translate sites and react later and ruin their experience. It would help many more people to be able to interact with others and bring the community together I recon?

There wont be a huge language barrier between other nations and might help people learning their prefere language?

You can use browser extension Speech Translator to translate speech in real-time. Plus you can use built-in option in browser to translate the web page with chat. It is not very convenient to translate chat in this way, but it works.


Hello, When is twitch going to have a translator? what ever language to streamer's native language.

It is a little hard when a viewer comes in that speaks/writes in a different language than the streamer. The streamer then has to take their time to go to google and see if they can translate the chat. And most of the time it isn't something civil.

A word translator that would translate voice into a chosen language. The streamer could have the option of adding an extension to their stream that would allow a viewer to select a language to hear their voice and speaking in. Example: Streamer speaks Spanish, but the viewer only knows English. The viewer could click on the translate button to reveal a list of different languages to translate the streamers voice into. This way the viewer now can watch and listen but also understand the streamer.

Most likely the screamer will usually talk in one language. let's say there is both speech recognition translated to text of the native speakers language,. make that text readout selectable to be translated into other languages so that for and readers can read what the screamer is saying in comments in their own language.

Hello, it would be great to have a button in the chat that would allow you to switch the chat language how is it done in google chrome extension. And if I, for example, go to a streamer speaking in another language, and turn on this function, I will be able to see the messages in my own language or some selected language, and if I write a message in my own language, then my message will automatically be translated into the broadcast language. On mobile devices, this would be very useful, since it is more difficult to use a translator on them. Thank you for reading this, I hope that translator translated it well :)


I often watch videos in several languages, but I barely speak them. Are you working, or do you know any system that allows (as youtube does) a simultaneous translation of voice to subtitles in another language?

For example im watching this Chinese Streamer play dead by daylight and Hes obviously speaking in Chinese, it would be cool if there were English subtitles so i knew what he was saying.Just like there's phones that translate Voice to text for people that are Deaf this could be a Good way for people with no hearing to communicate with streamer also!

Stepes uses a walky-talky style to translate live conversation. Simply talk into the phone what you want translated. The recorded voice will be sent to your translator in a chat like process. Upon hearing your message, the translator speaks the message in the intended target language and sends the translated voice back to you. You can then play the translated audio for your audience. Alternatively, you can have the person you are trying to communicate with to speak and then have your translator translate it back in English for you to understand.

Translate voice goes far beyond simple translation: it gives you an extensive collection of typical phrases, everyday sayings, proverbs and riddles in every language, and allows you to delve deeper into the linguistic richness of each culture.

I am just doing research work, is it possible to convert the voice to voice translation. Which means that, i am talking in one language the other end person should want to translate my voice in their understandable language. Can we do that in any of google api or recommend me if any other api can do this. Thanks in advance.

Yes, you can do that, you need google speech API, you will need to enable this API in google programmer console, there is some trick to enable it, because it is hidden, you need to add yourself to chromium developers list, or something like that. You need also a Google translate api for translating text: there is a project for google tranlsate API v2: -translate-api-v2-java/and project for google speech-API: -speech-v2/you need to acquire keys for those APIs from google programmer console.You need to convert your recorded files to flac format, bacause it is required by speech API, you could use flacEncoder project: (http://)

record sound from microphone, encode it to flac format,send it to google for recognition via speech API,when you receive the answer, translate it by google translate API to desired language,after translation, convert the translated text to speech, you could use Google speech API for that, or other text-to-speech engine, this is open to you, because i don't have big experience with that;

When using Google translate (website) through Safari, the microphone does not work. All permissions are properly set and all other websites and apps that have permission to use the microphone have no problems. Interestingly enough, It works just fine if I switch to Chrome. All of my attempts to figure this out have been for naught. Does anyone know how to fix this or this evil Google at work!

Private window still does not work in Safari. Chrome works just fine in any window. Note, in privacy mic general settings there is a Chrome app allowance but not Safari. On Safari privacy settings the mic is either allowed or permitted to ask. But nothing asks for permission to use the mic. It's just dead. There is no way to type in Safari app or to add its settings in Systems Privacy.

The cadence of TTS could quickly get out of sync with the utterances and their mismatched closed caption, so it might still take a lot of audio editing and tweaking in your video software even with labeled translated snippets.

It helps you not only translate with audio in a wide variety of languages such as Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian and Arabic, but also download audios of texts for your future use. Suppose you need to translate Spanish to English with audio, just type your text into the input box and click the 'translate' button. If you only need to listen to texts, you can visit our text to speech page. For professional vocalising service, please do contact us.

Audio translation is the process through which words are translated from one language and spoken in the target language. For example, you can type and speak your texts so as to hear what they actually sound like in the selected language. Depending on which voice language translator you are using, you may be able to translate from text to text, text to voice, or voice to text.

Machines can help us to translate voice and text. Using that, we can translate a document and get the gist of what it says, or we can translate a sentence and get our point across. This makes it a perfect option for travelling, basic communication, or simple text translations. It is not, however, recommended for professional translations or business ventures. For those that require professional translation services, you can find those on as well. 777

Machines can help us to translate voice and text. Using that, we can translate a document and get the gist of what it says, or we can translate a sentence and get our point across. This makes it a perfect option for travelling, basic communication, or simple text translations. It is not, however, recommended for professional translations or business ventures. For those that require professional translation services, you can find those on as well. 520 ff782bc1db

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