Abode of Yoga is open for visitors from 8:30 AM CT to 8:00 PM CT daily. For more information and to reserve your visit please click here. 


During the visiting hours, one can make an offering of water to the linga and join Guru Pooja at 11:50 AM and 6:20 PM. On weekends, there is an Aarti (a special offering of fire) at 6:00 pm. There is no prayer or worship required at The Abode. Visitors may instead make various offerings to connect with the energies of the space and benefit from it. Read more. 


Special processes are also established to bring wellbeing to all aspects of life, including klesha nashana kriya, purifying the 5 elements, anniversaries, weddings and for children. Read more.

Visitors to the Abode may offer water to the linga and make contact with it as a way to connect more deeply with the powerful energies the form radiates. This offering is available daily, free of charge.

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Vibhuti, turmeric and vilva or neem leaf are offered to the linga. These represent three qualities of Adiyogi. Ash (vibhuti) represents the right--ascetic, masculine. Turmeric represents the left--passionate, feminine. Vilva or neem leaf represents the third eye that is beyond polarities. This offering is available daily with a $7 voucher purchased at the reception or Isha Life Shoppe.

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The lingam (also spelled as linga) is a sacred object in Hinduism and is a symbol that represents Shiva. The lingam is often found in temples dedicated to Shiva and is the form in which this Hindu deity is most commonly worshipped. The lingam has popularly been considered to be a phallic symbol, with the yoni being its female counterpart, though some has disputed this.

The story goes that Brahma and Vishnu once argued about their importance, each trying to prove his supremacy to the other. While they were doing so, a fiery lingam appeared before them and the two gods were told to seek the beginning and the end of the lingam. Brahma transformed himself into a swan and flew up to the sky, while Vishnu turned into a boar and began digging the sky. Both gods, however, failed in their task and Shiva emerged from within the lingam to claim supremacy over them. Brahma and Vishnu submitted to Shiva and prostrated before him.

Archaeologically speaking, short cylindrical pillars with curved tops have been discovered in remains in Harappa, a city of the Indus Valley Civilization. There is, however, no evidence to show that these objects functioned as lingams. The earliest known lingam is the Gudimallam lingam, which has been dated to the 3 rd century BC. Today, the devotees of Shiva continue to worship the lingam in temples devoted to the god throughout India and the sacred object is venerated with offerings of milk, fresh flowers, water, fruits, and leaves.

Caron, M., 2019. Just What Is The Shiva Lingam, And What Does It Mean?. [Online] Available at: -what-is-shiva-lingam/

Das, S., 2018. The Real Meaning of the Shiva's Linga Symbol. [Online] Available at: -is-shiva-linga-1770455

Khan, L. A., 2017. Secrets of Beings: The Pillars of Shiva. [Online] Available at: -ali-khan/secrets-of-beings-the-pil_b_9188480.html

ReligionFacts.com, 2016. Shiva Linga. [Online] Available at: -linga

Thakur, P., 2018. 11 little known facts about Shivalinga. [Online] Available at: -known-facts-about-shivalinga/239902

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2014. Lingam. [Online] Available at:

Nothing would be more in consonance with the mode of reasoning ofa primitive people than that, at certain designated festivals, there shouldbe a recurrence to the earlier forms of food, a reversion to an earliermode of life, as a sort of propitiation of the gods or goddesses whohad cared for the nation in its infancy and to secure the continuance oftheir beneficent offices. Primitive man was never so certain of thepower of the gods of the era of his own greatest development that hecould rely upon it implicitly and exclusively and ignore the deities whohad helped him to stand upon his feet. Hence, the recurrence to pancakes,to unleavened breads of all kinds, among various peoples. Thisview of the subject was made plain to me while among the Zui Indians.Mr. Frank H. Cushing showed me that the women, when bakingthe "loaves" of bread, were always careful to place in the adobeovens a tortilla with each batch of the newer kind, and no doubt forthe reason just given.

At intervals, the three dancers would dart out of the ring and disappearin the darkness, to consult with the spirits or with other medicine-menseated a considerable distance from the throng.Three several timesthey appeared and disappeared, always dancing, running, and whirlingabout with increased energy. Having attained the degree of mental orspiritual exaltation necessary for communion with the spirits, they tooktheir departure and kept away for at least half an hour, the orchestraduring their absence rendering a mournful refrain, monotonous as a funeraldirge. My patience became exhausted and I turned to go to my quarters.A thrill of excited expectancy ran through the throng of Indians,and I saw that they were looking anxiously at the returning medicine-men.All the orchestra now stood up, their leader (the principal medicine-man)slightly in advance, holding a branch of cedar in his lefthand. The first advanced and bending low his head murmured somewords of unknown import with which the chief seemed to be greatlypleased. Then the chief, taking his stand in front of the orchestra onthe east side of the grove or cluster of trees, awaited the final ceremony,which was as follows: The three dancers in file and in properorder advanced and receded three times; then they embraced the chiefin such a manner that the sticks or wands held in their hands camebehind his neck, after which they mumbled and muttered a jumble ofsounds which I can not reproduce, but which sounded for all the worldlike the chant of the "hooter" at the Zui Feast of Fire. They thenpranced or danced through the grove three times. This was repeatedfor each point of the compass, the chief medicine-man, with the orchestra,taking a position successively on the east, south, west, and northand the three dancers advancing, receding, and embracing as at first.[586] be457b7860

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