I am an Assistant Professor at the Department for Technology and Operations Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
My research centers around how firms manage information on online platforms and markets. I study this question in the context of media markets such as the e-book market and online news. I use both economic modelling and empirical techniques such as machine learning and text mining.
I am also interested in using data from sports competitions to study questions relevant to management. In particular, I have several projects that use data from chess tournaments to examine questions related to human decision-making. The main innovation in these projects is the use of a strong chess AI (chess engine) as an objective benchmark against which human decisions are compared.
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Academic Publications
“Cognitive Performance and Remote Work - Evidence from Professional Chess” (with Steffen Künn and Christian Seel), Economic Journal, 132/643 (2022), 1218–1232.
Media Coverage: The Telegraph, Forbes.com, Weekendavisen, de Volkskrant, IZA World of Labor“Life Cycle Patterns of Cognitive Performance over the Long Run” (with Anthony Strittmatter and Uwe Sunde), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117/44 (2020), 27255-27261.
Media Coverage: The Economist, Wall Street Journal, BBC News, World Economic Forum, El País, Focus.de, ORF (Austria), (overall covered in more than 40 outlets)“Competition with Aftermarket Power when Consumers are Heterogeneous” (with Tobias Kretschmer), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 26/1 (2017), 96-122.
Working Papers
“On the Causes and Consequences of Deviations from Rational Behavior” (with Anthony Strittmatter and Uwe Sunde), CESifo Working Paper No. 8341.
“Speed, Quality, and the Optimal Timing of Complex Decisions: Field Evidence” (with Anthony Strittmatter and Uwe Sunde), Working Paper available on arXiv.
“Building an Online Reputation with Free Content: Evidence from the E-book Market”, Working Paper available on SSRN.
“Voluntary Disclosure of Product Information: The Case of E-book Samples”, Working Paper available on SSRN.
“Having the Lead vs. Lagging Behind: The Incentive Effect of Handicaps in Tournaments” (with Andreas Steinmayr and Rudi Stracke), Working Paper available on SSRN.
“If it Bleeds, it Leads: Negativity in Online News” (with Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt und Johannes Münster).