Hotel ERP

GST Inclusive Room Rates in Hotel Software

Updated On : 30-07-2017

Check "Room Rent is Inclusive of Tax" in Options

Notice that your net value is Room Rent Rate - Discount Amt

Updated On : 30-07-2017

e.g. Room Rent Rate = 2000 x 5 days = Rs. 10000/-

Discount @ 20% = Rs. 2000/-

Tax Will be calculated and adjusted automatically and Net Amount will become Rs. 8,000/-

Items Rates Inclusive of GST.

Updated On : 30-07-2017

Specify Net Rates in Item Master. It will automatically adjust Item rates and calculate GST in KOT Bill and Check-Out Bill

Room Wise Discount Facility While Check -In

Updated On : 24-07-2017

Check Out Entry

Change Room Rent Details

Edit Room Rent, Discount and Tax % at Check Out Entry Time