Keynote Speaker

Humberto Bustince

Humberto Bustince Sola is a full Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence professor at the Public University of Navarra and an honorary professor at the University of Nottingham since 2017. He has authored or co-authored more than 460 works, according to Web of Science. He has an h-index of 81 in Google Scholar, with 26437 citations. He actively collaborates with first-line research groups from countries such as the United Kingdom, Belgium, Australia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Canada, and Brazil. He is editor-in-chief of the Mathware & Soft Computing online magazine of the European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technologies and of the Axioms journal. Associated editor of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems journal and member of the editorial boards of the following journals: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Information Fusion, Granular Computing, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, and Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy Systems. Moreover, he coauthored a book about averaging functions and has been the co-editor of several books. He is a Fellow Member of IEEE and a Fellow of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA). He got the National Computer Science Prize José García Santesmases in 2019 and the Scientific Excellence Award of EUSFLAT the same year. He has been president of IFSA since 2023. His activities for the Navarra society were rewarded by the Government of Navarra in 2017 with the Cross of Carlos III the Noble, which is the highest civil recognition in the Community. He is also a member of the Basque Academy of Sciences, Arts and Literature, Jakiunde, since 2018, and of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is included in Stanford’s list of the 2% most relevant scientists in the world.