
Research interests: Differential equations/Foliations. Vanishing cycles and Monodromy action. Lie algebroids/Lie groupoids.  

1) D. Lopez Garcia, N. Martinez, Reduction of cosymplectic groupoids (2024). arxiv 2403.03178

2) A. P. Braun, H. Fortin, D. Lopez Garcia, R. Villaflor Loyola, More on G-flux and general Hodge cycles on the Fermat sextic (2024). To appear in Journal of High Energy Physics, arxiv 2401.00470

3) D. Lopez Garcia, F. Valencia, On the monodromy action for f(x,y)=g(x)+h(y) (2023). arxiv 2311.05563

4) D. Lopez Garcia, Monodromy problem and Tangential center-focus problem for product of generic lines in P2 (2023). Moscow Mathematical Journal, DOI:

5) D. Lopez Garcia, The Monodromy problem for hyperelliptic curves (2021). Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, DOI:

6) M. del Hoyo, D. Lopez Garcia, On Hausdorff integrations of Lie algebroids (2021).  Monatshefte fur Mathematik, DOI:

7) D. Lopez Garcia, Homology supported in Lagrangian submanifolds in mirror quintic threefolds (2020). Canad. Math. Bull., DOI:

Other publications

1) D. Lopez Garcia, A. Triana, R. Herrera,  Desing and implementation of  compression algorithm for mammograms without visible losses (2013). Recent Advances in Telecommunications, Signals and Systems. ISBN: 978-1-61804-169-2

2) D. Lopez Garcia, A. Triana, H. Chamorro, Simulation model of public transportation system using multiagent approach by means of Petri nets: Bogotá study case (2011). IX Latin American Robotics Symposium and IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/LARC.2011.6086820


Research interests: Differential equations/Foliations. Vanishing cycles and Monodromy action. Lie algebroids/Lie groupoids.  

1) Ph. D. thesis (IMPA). Supervisor: Hossein Movasati,  On the orbits of Monodromy action (2021). Thesis defence 

2) M. Sc. thesis (IMPA). Supervisor: H. Bursztyn and M. del Hoyo,  Lie groupoid morphisms inducing isomorphisms at the infinitesimal level (2017).

3) B. Sc. thesis (UNAL). Supervisor: J. Galvis,  Numerical study of wave equation (2014).