Daevesh Singh
Research Scholar, IDP in ET
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
About Me
About Me
I am a PhD research Scholar in the Department of Educational Technology at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. I come from Almora district of Uttarakhand .
Positions of Responsibility
Positions of Responsibility
- Exhibitor at Techfest 2020 IIT Bombay.
- Cultural and Works Visits Secy IDP EduTech, IIT Bombay 2019-2020.
- Cultural Secretary of Hall 10 IIT Kanpur 2017-18.
- Creative team member at the annual fest Antardhwani 2015.
- Volunteer at the annual fest Antardhwani 2014.
Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
- Awarded "Junior Research Fellowship" by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Govt. of India).
- Awarded "CSTUP-Summer Research Fellowship" by Council of Science & Technology (Govt. of U.P).
- Awarded “NBHM scholarship" by Dept. of Atomic Energy (Govt. of India).
- Awarded “INSPIRE scholarship" by Dept. of Science and Technology (Govt. of India) .
- Awarded merit certificate by CBSE for scoring perfect 10 CGPA.
Contact Me
Contact Me
Daevesh Singh
Next Education Research Lab,
Ground Floor, Mathematics Building,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai
Maharastra - 400076
Email: daeveshsingh@iitb.ac.in , daeveshsingh@gmail.com
Phone: +91 - 222 - 576 - 4810