Final Words:1997 was a competitive and exciting time for fighting games. The arcade scene was insane. If you were at home playing Bloody Roar for any long period of time, I have to boldly say you were missing out on "getting good" at many other amazing 2D and 3D fighting games. That's my personal (biased if you will) take. It meantthat much to put time into those games... that I didn't give Bloody Roar much of a chance due to its technical (gameplay) limitations.

But y'know, in retrospect... sure, the first  Bloody Roar wasn't "bad". The art style of the first game was respectible. I give  Bloody Roar some credit on its attempt to be innovative... but thecharacter designs just never appealed to me, sorry... (and I don't think I'm the only one).The gameplay also isn't even close to being what I consider "solid" or fun to play for any extended period of time (the main point of fighting games, in my opinion).

Fighting games I was putting lots of time into in '97 (And I'm glad I did)? For starters: TEKKEN 3, Soul Blade, X-Men VS SF, MSH VSStreet Fighter, Rival Schools, Umm... Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Samurai Shodown 4, Mortal Kombat 4, and there are more... When you look at all the games that were out, you can see why it was difficult for Bloody roar to"impress" me. A gimmick like "Beast Mode" only goes so far... which is why I passed on Bloody Roar. To its credit, Bloody Roar did at least try something different from the usual fighting game formula. Maybe we'll get a new one someday?

~TFGWebmaster | @Fighters_Gen

If incredible titles such as Killer Instinct and Samurai Showdowns can return to the scene, Bloody Roar is a fighting game that deserves the same treatment. From the diverse characters to the unique gameplay mechanics of transforming into a beast, there is no fighting game like this. It would be a breath of fresh in the fighting game scene and remind the faithful bloody roar community that they have not been forgotten.

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@Baseraver.7241 tho i think make bloody roar multiplicative and not additive would not only help Berserker in pve but also in pvp. Cause in its current state it made like no real difference if you just use bloody roar or not. The dmg is only slightly higher there.

The world is wrapped in a bloody conflict between the United Nations and the Independent Nation of Zoanthropia or INZ. Zoanthropes are a near-human race of beings who, despite their outward human appearance, can change and alter their form and abilities to that of an animal such as a wolf or a tiger. Each individual possesses a unique animal form. Zoanthropia is comprised of these beings in an attempt to create a sovereign nation. A dark and troubled history of enslavement, discrimination, and bloodshed has proceeded this conflict for decades thus prompting a movement to create a nation only for Zoanthropes. While the world and United Nations were open to such an agreement; diplomacy went sour when the peaceful INZ began to radicalize and began to carve a huge chunk of South America for themselves. This led the UN to declare all-out war against INZ thus resulting in the "Zoanthropian War".

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