Dads Charter

Kia ora, Haere Mai, Welcome

Resources and Counselling Services

Providing a network for capable fathers during challenging times. 

We provide access to a network of counsellors in your area, resources on fatherhood, care of children,  and separation/divorce.

"He aha te mea nui o te ao"

What is the most important thing in the world?

"He tangata, he tangata, he tangata"

It is the people, it is the people, it is the people

About us

Dads Charter is committed to offering the very best resources and services to fathers of all backgrounds and genders across Aotearoa New Zealand. Founded in 2019, Dads Charter supports capable parents with a father role. 

Dads Charter is here to provide support through a network of service providers in the community. Being subject to emotional and physical abuse during challenging times can be frustrating, stressful and isolating. Speaking out is challenging during a crisis. Support can be of the greatest need when a father can talk the complex issues with someone who will listen to them and find a satisfactory way forward utilising the most suitable resource and service available. 

We are committed to providing confidential support during these difficult periods. We will listen carefully to your needs, and provide guidance to help you identify and consider the options.

Services and Resources

We support fathers during challenging times to access networks and resources. Referrals to service providers are free of charge:

Contact us

Contact Jay on 021 258 0656 email:  kiaora @ dadscharter . co .nz