Researcher Links Workshop:

Data Analytics for Future Cities Research

11th - 13th July 2018, Da Nang, Vietnam

Workshop Outline

The workshop focuses on researching novel methods, techniques and applications of Data Analytics in future cities research contributing to sustainable development of cities in the UK, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries. Four key themes identified include, but not limited to:

  • Resource allocation and management for city development;
  • Traffic routing in big cities;
  • Personalised health services;
  • Monitoring and tracking public responses of policies and events.

This workshop is committed to bring early career researchers working in computer vision, signal processing, agent-based modelling, natural language processing, social media analysis, mathematical modelling, complex networks and social science to discuss potential directions for future cities research which aims to improve the social, environmental and economic aspects of city living. It thus brings together experienced and early career researchers to establish collaborating groups with the goals of publish technical papers, bid for research grants, and advise industry afterward. Researchers will be provided with the opportunity to build a substantial foundation for their next inventions. In a wider view, this workshop will promote the growth of an important field and pave the way for remarkable life quality improvement.

Workshop Objectives

The main aim of the workshop is to bring together experienced and early career researchers in the field relating to Data Analytics, in order to discuss current state-of-the-art methods for research in future cities, and further to build invaluable collaborations for innovation in this theme.

The workshop aims to:

  • Develop research groups to investigate novel methods, techniques, as well as applications of Data Analytics in future cities research.
  • Exchange information in research and policy development in building Data Analytics communities in Vietnam, the UK as well as other countries.
  • Identify and discuss new trends of developments and better practices globally.
  • Critically evaluate challenges related to the future cities research.
  • Identify opportunities and collaborative schemes between participants and institutions.
  • Introduce postgraduate programs in the UK for Vietnamese and ASEAN students.
  • Strengthen industry and university links.
  • Identify gaps and research topics for future needs in future cities research.
  • Foster interactions between different communities within the scope of this workshop.