Changes at WEGO

Student needs come first. Students are why schools exist. They are why teachers choose their profession. “How does this affect our kids?” should be the driving question behind every decision made in schools. Over the last several years, many decisions have had a negative effect on D94 students. Scroll down to you find a list of changes that have impacted our students, as well as current and former teacher survey results.


When surveyed, teachers reported that:

· Decisions at the board level are not made with students’ best interests in mind.

· They do not feel supported, valued or respected.

· Changes are made without input from those most affected by them.

· Risk-taking and creativity are not valued.

· The leadership is ineffective.

· The School Board decisions are always motivated by the bottom line.

· The work load is increasing with no increase in compensation.

We asked teachers who recently left the district why they left. They said:

· They did not feel valued and respected.

· Their ideas were not welcomed.

· Board decisions were made based on financials, not on the needs of students.

· There was no push to move forward, no risk taking.