Instructional Materials

Visible Body Laboratory Activities

I wrote 7 virtual labs for the company Visible Body. Manuals needed to be written for both of their flagship apps (Atlas and A&P) and are available to download for any instructor teaching their courses using these Apps. These went through Visible Body's editorial review and testing process. While not a typical publication in the scientific sense, to me, instructional materials are a form of scholarship much like writing a textbook. Please read their letter of support about the impact of these projects here.

The manuals are as follows

  • Sensory system primer
  • Special senses: taste and smell (for A&P)
  • Special senses: taste and smell (for Atlas)
  • Special senses: Vision (for A&P)
  • Special senses: Vision (for Atlas)
  • Special senses: The Ear (for A&P)
  • Special senses: Hearing (for Atlas)
lab manual_senses_system primer_a+p_student_3-9-18.pdf


lab manual_senses_taste smell_a+p_3-29-18 (1).pdf
lab manual_senses eye_a+p_2-12-18.pdf


Atlas: Special Senses: Taste & Smell

lab manual_senses taste smell_atlas_2-8-18.pdf
lab manual_senses eye_atlas_2-8-18.pdf
lab manual_senses ear_a+p_2-9-18.pdf
lab manual_senses ear_atlas_2-8-18.pdf

Brain Map for Visible Body

I took images of the brain from Visible body's app and used adobe illustrator to denote the borders for different brain regions. I did this for 8 different views.

Visible body also recruited me as part of their brain mapping project which was to label structures (specific sulci, gyri, and Broadmans areas) on their brain model which were added to the 2019 edition of the software. A press release can be found at this link.

These structures are often easily found in a single view of the brain (ex lateral) however they had never before been added to a 3D model. I did a lot of research to determine where the structure borders would be and drew them into images taken of visible body's brain model. Furthermore, the project originally started with a list of almost 40 structures, but they were not all the best structures for this purpose. I advised visible body about which structures to add (following Broadman's areas and several other areas of functional importance) and how the structures were to be added. I was the only scientist to work on this aspect of the project. Their art team took my drawings (left) and added the structures to the 2018 edition of the app.

Courseware Project

In addition to the above projects, I also developed a 2 semester course for distribution with Visible Body's educational platform Courseware. I have placed this under teaching effectiveness. Here is a link to more information about it.