Why become a cyber warrior?

Working in cybersecurity offers meaningful work, a positive impact on our society, and great compensation.

For those seeking a challenge, you can compete in a global struggle that includes some amazingly smart people.Some compare the battle to a video game where immediately after you defeat your opponent, they come right back but smarter than they were before. Some consider it to be ultimate warfare, a true contest of the mind.

Warfare is no joke and it is not a game. Real people die due to cyber conflict. This raises the urgency and need for competent cyber warriors. Those with the knowledge, skill, and passion to defend our country and our allies.

Meaningful work

The ever changing world of cybersecurity is nearly impossible to keep up with. Nearly everyone is out of touch with what is happening minute-to-minute. This means that cybersecurity professionals have to stay on top of their game to be relevant and useful. Those who choose to stay on top are tremendous resources for everyone else. They are also very rare. You can distinguish yourself in the world by being one of those rare individuals.

  • Many will consider the work that you do to be "magic".

  • Organizations will consider what you do to be "essential".

  • Countries consider competent cybersecurity professionals to be "crucial"

Positive impact

When one considers the efforts by evil forces to exploit vulnerabilities in our networks, systems, and infrastructure and the massive amount of resources they pour into those efforts, it is impossible for anyone but the very best to defend against that overwhelming effort. Any they cannot do it alone.

The many types of adversaries are:

  • Nation-states

  • Criminal organizations

  • Ideologues

  • Hacktivists

  • Competitors

Competent cyber warriors, working together, are the only line of defense. Being the underdog that is fighting for good not only helps others, but gives a deep sense of personal satisfaction. It does not hurt that it also pays well.

Great compensation

The cybersecurity skills gap is real and getting worse. Competent cybersecurity warriors are in demand and the compensation matches that demand. Opportunities exist all over the world.